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(Offre en anglais) YaLa Academy lance un appel à participants pour un programme de formation Retour vers les opportunités


15 Février 2016 Il y a 9 ans

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The YaLa Academy’s Aileen Getty School of Citizen Journalism invites you to undergo a 4-month online training program (starting in March 2016), including weekly online classes and seminars to help you become “citizen journalists.” The program will be held in English and participants must come from, or live in, the Middle East or Africa.

The curriculum will be comprised of online lessons from experts in the fields of journalism, social media, and cyber activism, providing both theoretical and practical approaches to the field. Participants (aged 17 to 36) will be asked to write blogs, run interviews, and take photos and videos. Students will be required to take part in bi-monthly live chat sessions and to be part of a private Facebook working group. Committing to the program means that participants will be active on their working Facebook group, submit 4 mandatory assignments and regularly check their emails.

The internet allows the voices of civil societies to be heard globally; a power once reserved for only the largest media and news corporations. We must make the best of this opportunity and use it to build bridges for a better, more peaceful future.

The program will train participants to become citizen journalists experienced in writing blogs, taking photos, making videos, using new media tools and engaging in dialogue and peacebuilding. The content created during the program will focus on issues important to the young generation of the Middle East and Africa, such as gender, identity, politics, social justice and culture, and will be featured on the YaLa Press platform.-

So, what are you waiting for, be part of a network of young, trained, informed citizen journalists who are actively engaged in dialogue, as well as in the promotion of understanding and peace through journalism – be a YaLa Citizen Journalist!

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Appel à candidatures Offre de formation Publié sur Jamaity le 1 février 2016

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