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(Offre en anglais) WWF lance un appel à consultation pour préparer et diffuser un guide de formation pour les OSC libyennes. Retour vers les opportunités

WWF Afrique du Nord

Lance   Appel à candidatures


30 Mars 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Faced with a challenging environment to perform sustainable development in Libya, the newly emerging civil society organizations (CSOs) after the overthrow of Gaddafi regime, are considered real change actors. CSOs’ situation in Libya is promising, with several emerging organizations, though yet needy for appropriate enabling environment allowing a participatory decision-making processes.  As essential sustainable development stakeholders, Libyan CSOs do need relevant capacity building and skills development on management, participation, and performance levels.

In this context, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) / Tunisia office, along with its partner and with support of the European Union (UE), is currently implementing a Capacity Building Programme in support of its project « Enabling Libyan NGOs to shape the future of the New Libyan Democracy ». The project’s overall objective is to promote and strengthen a broad-based and inclusive civil society in Libya, mainly environmental NGOs that are able to represent common interests and to engage with communities and public authorities at different decision-making levels.

As active participation of NGOs is fundamental to guarantee a smooth transition and a real process of democratisation in Libya, the project focuses on soft skills development for environmental NGO community through allowing good environmental governance and reinforcing an appropriate management of natural resources, hence the long-term conservation of biodiversity.

While the main result of the project is supporting “21 well governed active Libyan environmental NGOs’, the project’s specific objectives are: i) Upgrading the capacity, establishing good governance and supporting direct actions of Libyan NGOs working in the field of environment and sustainable development, ii) Developing a vibrant Libyan network of environmental NGOs, iii) Establishing contacts and promoting dialogue between Libyan State actors and NGOs working in the field of environment and sustainable development iv) Establishing regional collaboration between Libyan, Tunisian, and Jordanian NGOs working in the field of environment and sustainable development.

Framework of the Mission

The main objective of the above call is to prepare and deliver a training guide for Libyan CSOs. This guide will be a management reference and will support Libyan CSOs especially those working in the field of environment and sustainable development.

The overall objectives of the consultant are as follows:

  • To propose a detailed plan of the guide that will contain:
  • Introduction
  • The CSO context in Libya (law, key actors)
  • NGO Management and Organisational Development
  • How to prepare a Vision and a strategy of a CSO
  • How to prepare projects and to search for resources
  • How to build capacities
  • How to communicate (communication skills)
  • Annexe how to develop environmental activities in the Libyan Context
  • To take contact with Key actors to collect information
  • To take into consideration the training program, delivery and supports prepared in this project

The specific duties and responsibilities (including but not limited to the following) are as specified below: The selected consultant for this assignment will perform the following tasks:

  • Propose a guide plan that must be approved by the project team
  • Coordination and follow up with the project team
  • Prepare a guiding document (70 pages) to be edited and shared during the event closure.


The mission will be hold in Tunisia on April and May 2019 and will be in contact with some Libyan CSOs and public actors.


  • The consultant will deliver a training guide for Libyan CSOs in Arabic.

Payment Schedule 

Payment will be made in two instalments: 30% after the delivery of the work plan; 70% after the delivery and the approval of the report of assessment.


All rights of copyright concerning the material produced by consultant will remain the property of WWF and can only be used by the expert with appropriate attribution by WWF.


Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the ToR. Payments will be issued upon certification of WWF Programme Manager. It is foreseen that the contract value will be paid upon the submission and approval of final training report and all required training materials.


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Appropriate university academic qualification in relation to the current assignment
  • Minimum 5 year experience in civil society management
  • Good analytical and capitalization capacities
  • Fluent in written Arabic and English;
  • Good knowledge of local context (culture, politics, and geography).

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 21 mars 2019

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