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World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council lance un appel à candidature Retour vers les opportunités


20 Avril 2016 Il y a 9 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

We are seeking ten young leaders (ages 16-21) from around the world to serve on a new Advisory Council to help expand the reach and impact of World Oceans Day.

Held annually on June 8th, World Oceans Day provides a unique opportunity to unite the world to protect and conserve our shared ocean. The Ocean Project has led global efforts to promote and coordinate World Oceans Day since 2002, as a way to raise the profile of the ocean in June, and continue to provide ways for people to become more engaged – no matter where they live – in protecting and conserving our shared ocean throughout the year. We work with a wide range of partners, from all sectors. For the last decade we have worked closely with World Ocean Network, WAZA, and AZA, among many others. In late 2008, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution officially recognizing June 8th as World Oceans Day and the worldwide celebration has been growing quickly ever since.

Advisory Council members will be instrumental in helping shape the development of World Oceans Day. We are seeking new and unique perspectives, ideas, and recommendations on developing this global event. Together, the Advisory Council and our network of partners, will work to expand opportunities for ocean conservation throughout the year.

Advisory Council members’ roles will include:

Input and Feedback

We are in search of energetic leaders to provide open, honest feedback on how to improve World Oceans Day and its developing network. The goal of this network is to generate broad awareness and help develop global solutions to the problems facing our ocean. In particular, we seek to improve the World Oceans Day website and social platforms. We are looking for passionate young leaders to share their diverse views and provide both positive feedback and constructive criticism. Advisory Council members will also be actively involved in shaping the future of World Oceans Day.

Community Engagement

Council members will become advocates for World Oceans Day and ocean conservation in their communities and nations. In addition to providing feedback, Council members will share ideas and activities to implement in their local communities. Council members will be encouraged to present their work and perspectives at meetings and conferences. Council members will also use personal social media accounts to highlight the work of the Council and World Oceans Day, spreading action campaigns and conservation messages to a broader audience of youth.

Uniting Youth Worldwide

Council members will help connect and unite young people worldwide to support the growth of World Oceans Day, its global network of partners, and its conservation impact. Members will serve as ambassadors for the ocean and World Oceans Day, inspiring greater youth participation from all continents.

Benefits of serving on the Advisory Council:

Advisory Council members will gain valuable learning experiences, make connections with other young leaders and have access to a multitude of development and networking opportunities, developing friendships and professional relationships that will last a lifetime. These benefits will enhance their experience and allow for further collaboration on ocean conservation on an ongoing basis. While, no financial compensation is offered, there will be opportunities provided to work with leaders in the field of ocean conservation on a global scale, networking opportunities for future internships or employment, and mentoring opportunities, as well as other “perks” (e.g. special World Oceans Day t-shirts).


Members will have demonstrated leadership and creativity, as well as possess strong speaking and writing skills in English. Fluency in languages other than English is an advantage, but applicants must also be proficient in English. We seek applicants, ages 16-21, who are outgoing, open-minded, and respectful of others’ differing views. Applicants will be able to offer, and receive, constructive criticism, and have the ability to work collaboratively with people of all ages.

We seek a diverse range of youth, varied in age, gender, race, geographic region, culture, education, beliefs, religion, political views, and socioeconomic background. Each member should bring a passion for the ocean, and a commitment to conservation and sustainability. Members must be able to communicate their ideas in a mature and effective manner and contribute the necessary time (a few hours a month) to successfully fulfill their roles, including active participation in monthly conference calls as well as in various related projects throughout the year.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 8 avril 2016

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