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(Offre en anglais) WeYouth Organization recrute un Finance and administration assistant Retour vers les opportunités

We Youth

Lance   Offre d'emploi


22 Octobre 2016 Il y a 8 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Sfax
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Emploi et formation

Project Description

Takween: building an efficient Tunisian workforce is an initiative that is committed to developing the soft skills of young Tunisian jobseekers. In addition to indirectly allowing them to know who they are and what they want professionally, the main objective of the Takween is to develop participants’ job skills and equip them with the skills to compete and complete in today’s global marketplace.

Job brief

We are looking for a Finance and administration assistant who will manage the financials and administrative procedures in cooperation with and under the direction of the Project Manager, aiming at the flawless execution of the project.


  • Check, process and record all payments, administer invoices and expenses claims received, code items to agreed budgets, and action payments.
  • Reconcile transactions on computer and bank statements and ensure that all accounts balance.
  • Liaise with and review budgets and expenditure as necessary with Treasurer and preparing monthly reports and other data as required.
  • Provide reports and information to Project Manager and the Treasurer and auditor as required. Maintaining Policies, Procedures and Records
  • Assist the Project manager, in the preparation of policies and procedures.
  • Manage the filing, sign off and review of such policies or procedures.
  • Administering HR and Maintaining Training Records
  • Working with the HR Manager to prepare HR records, formulate job advertisement.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • At least 2 years of Previous experience of finance, office administration and/or secretarial roles
  • A relevant diploma in finance or accounting
  • Availability to work from November 2016 to July 2017
  • Motivation and openness to work in a diverse environment
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Good communications skills

L'opportunité a expiré

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Oussema Chaabouni

Executive Director

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 10 octobre 2016

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