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WeYouth is looking for an Audiovisual Production Team Retour vers les opportunités

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31 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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Project “Women Ambassadors for Civic Engagement (WACE)”

Title: Audiovisual Production Team

Background on Project

“Women Ambassadors for Civic Engagement (WACE) » is a new project implemented by We Youth Organization with the support of the USAID funded TADAEEM Project. This project aims to increase women participation in local affairs in the municipalities of Gafsa, Kebeli, and Tozeur. Through the project, women from the targeted municipalities will be empowered to become ambassadors of civic engagement in their municipalities through a series of capacity building trainings to support them in advocating a better service delivery in their municipalities. The project aims also to support participants from the municipalities of Gafsa, Kebili and Tozeur to raise the awareness of women in their communities, to the importance of partaking in municipal affairs. During the awareness campaigns, 10 Kitchen Dialogue Sessions (KDS) will be organized in the targeted three municipalities. Each dialogue session will be held in a kitchen gathering 10 women, while cooking and eating, discussing local affairs related to their municipalities, the importance of participating in municipal councils’ meetings and how their municipalities’ services can be enhanced.



In collaboration with the Project team, Production Team will elaborate a concept note of the video’s content/format and select the best fit sequences to be edited in each video.

Production Team will be responsible of:

  • Shooting, editing, adding English subtitles and producing the videos.
  • Organizing trips related to the mission’s realization in Tozeur, Kebeli and Gafsa.
  • Delivery of final products (First three videos before the 27th of October and the rest before the 27th of November).

*Selected Production Team will be contacted during the first two weeks of September.

Deadline to apply: Saturday, August 31st, 2019.

Any questions concerning this Terms of Reference document should be directed to Mr. Riadh Zaatour at rzaatour@weyouthorganization.org.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Production team composed of female members is an advantage.
  • Similar experience in covering dialogue sessions.
  • Professional experience with NGOs.
  • Capability to deliver final products in time.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 5 juillet 2019

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