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Welcome to the UWC Online Application process – Entry 2020 Retour vers les opportunités


25 Novembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Jeunesse

Thank you for your interest in making an application to UWC.

The UWC movement seeks students who want to become change-makers for a better world – no matter their socio-economic, religious, national, ethnic or cultural background. If you are a passionate learner, excited at the prospect of studying and living with young people from around the world, UWC is for you. Wherever you are from, whatever your background – if the UWC mission for a more peaceful and sustainable future inspires you, please apply!

Selection to UWC is always based on the same five core UWC selection criteria:

  • Intellectual curiosity and motivation

  • Active commitment

  • Social competence

  • Integrity, resilience and personal responsibility

  • Motivation for applying to UWC

The process is simple and to begin…

Step 1
Create a new account using the ‘Sign up’ button to the right.

Step 2
Confirm your account and begin your application
You will receive an e-mail (please check spam/junk box) attached with a link. Please click on the link and you will be directed to the application page.

It’s that simple!

Please Note:

  • The ‘Applicant Information’ form will determine if you are eligible to make an application.
  • If you are eligible, the application for the national committee for which you are eligible will only appear.
  • If more than one application appears then we recommend that you apply to the national committee for your country of residence.
  • Please do contact the UWC National Committee of your country in order to verify how you may submit your application to UWC schools and colleges.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Are you Tunisian, aged between 16 to 18 years old, and want to experience global education firsthand? Do you want to attend a UWC school next fall?

L'opportunité a expiré

Cette opportunité n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur Jamaity. Visitez régulièrement la rubrique opportunités pour ne plus en rater.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 17 October 2019

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