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Website design and development -FHI360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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23 Août 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call for application: Website design and development 

Project Background: 

What is CURES project? 

The CURES “Tunisian Health Center for University Research Excellence and Sustainability”  project is funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of  Assistance Coordination and implemented by FHI 360.  

FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization that operates in more than 70 countries  and has the support of more than 4,500 employees. 

The aim of this project is to improve scientific research in Tunisia to be able to better prevent  and treat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through the establishment of a simulation center  and the creation of a sustainable process for research commercialization and technology  transfer to foster the health technologies commercialization.  

What is Sfax Technology Transfer and Commercialization unit “STTC? 

CURES project aims to support the local stakeholders to collaboratively create a Regional Technology Transfer and Commercialization unit to become a ‘one-stop, market-driven shop’  for all technology transfer and commercialisation services based on world-leading best practises  but customised to the Sfax Region. It would enable access for all stakeholders to the technology  transfer life cycle and value chain, which in an advanced stage of development, could have an  investment fund to seed promising research for commercialisation and to fund start-up and  spin-out companies. 

The STTC will: 

  • Act as an intermediary between key innovation stakeholders; Focal point for industry  and academic partnerships  
  • Provide researchers with a single point of access to commercialization support:  Technology and Commercialization assessment, Intellectual Property/Portfolio  management, Incubation and acceleration, Licensing Creation of spin-out companies  from research activities… 
  • Connect them to the range of needed legal / business advice, financial, IP management,  etc. 
  • Provide education and training in technology transfer and commercialisation.  Scope to invest in projects / start-ups in future phases of development. 

This call for application involves the design and development of a new website for the STTC. 

Scope of Work  

The vendor will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the website. This will  include information architecture, user interface design, user experience mapping and execution. 

The broad components of the project are as follows:  

  • Design and development of Website along with content management system, in a  collaborative process involving the CURES team so as to accommodate any web concept and design changes– should be implemented within a period of maximum 4 months – followed by a  handover and training to the users 
  • Maintenance phase of 1 year after website is live. 

General requirements: 

  • The website should be modern and user friendly; easy to use, update and maintain.
  •  Adaptive and accessible via different devices (computer, tablet, telephone).
  •  Website should be fast loading. 
  • Website to be optimized for better search engine results (SEO optimized).
  • The Vendor should fulfill the provision of optimized coding of the website. 
  •  Website should be compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  •  Offering a membership area: TBD
  • Database : TBD
  1. Website design and development 

Develop a proposal for the website design, taking into account the requirements of the project  including but not limited to:  

  • Clear folders for data & page storage 
  • Modern and Attractive site/pages layout 
  • Easy to use, update and maintain 
  • Allowing user to upload documents, pictures, video, …  
  • Equipped with a module for website analytics: track views and publications downloads…
  • Intra-site search tool 
  • Design and development at all stages should adhere the project’s Branding Guidelines
  • Scalable and flexible to add more features in future.  

Approval will be required before proceeding to development. 

  1. Website content management 
  • Implement a content management system (CMS) that is easy to use 
  • Able to support different types of content (audio, video, text, high resolution images) as  well as interactive formats (maps, infographics) 
  • Open to the continuous updating of data. 
  • CMS should have multilingual support and future scalability and have the option to add  other languages/features/modules/workflows in future and accommodate changing  organizational needs.  
  • Languages: the web design should be implemented both in French and English 
  1. Host and domain setup 


The project would have the final decision on confirming the Hosting. 

  1. Testing 

The site will be tested on desktop and mobile devices before final go live. The testing process  should be ensured until all website requirements are tested and approved by the project team. 

  1. Maintenance and support: 

Warranty and maintenance service for one year after handover of the website. 

Within this support, software updates should be provided to correct the errors and bugs of the  system. A contact person should be allocated from Vendor’s team for technical support issues.  

  1. Handover & Training:  
  • Provide design & technical manuals and other documents for the developed website in an  easy to understandable and user-friendly language with proper diagram, screenshots and  charts wherever required including:  

Content developer’s user guide: for the user to add modify or remove  

information in the system.  

System administrator’s guide: for the management of the website and creation of  new users and all other key features in administrative section.  

Source codes with detailed comments on the code.  

  • Organize training sessions for (1) the content managers (Publishers) on how to use the system  to add, modify, or remove content and system administrator and (2) System administrator to  transfer the ownership of the system administration; operation, and maintenance of the system. 


  • Detailed Action Plan including: implementation schedule, testing and acceptance plan,  installation plan and training plan 
  • Draft website design 
  • Demo link for the website development results. 
  • Demo link for the final result of the development. 
  • System testing and acceptance according to the plan and testing requirement. Deployment of the website 
  • Publisher’s manual, System administrator’s manual and other documentation as described  in the documentation requirements 
  • Relevant training of content managers and system administrators 
  • The final version of the website, migrated data, software package (including all source  codes), all sub-systems, installer packages, configuration files, and all those components  which are necessary for the system installation and operation (final tested and corrected  version) to be handed over to the Client. 
  • Provision of Maintenance and support based on Maintenance and support requirements. 

Implementation schedule 

Phases 1st 
















Draft design
Include website content
Deploy to a staging site
Final sign off
Handover & Deploy to client domain
Maintenance and support



The application file must include the following elements: 

– Technical offer 

– References  

– Financial offer. 

– Presentation of the agency. 

– Payment terms.

– RNE/ company registration: FHI 360 only contracts with registered companies. 

The application must be sent to the address Tunisprocurement@fhi360.org with subject “LC-Website  design and development CURES“, no later than August 23, 2023. 

Please note that any incomplete offer (lack of legal documents, offer etc.) will not be retained.

Selection criteria: 

– Technical offer: 40 pts 

– References: 30 pts 

– Financial offer: 20 pts 

– Terms of payment: 10 points

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 16 août 2023

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