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We Youth lance un appel à candidatures pour former des formateurs dans le cadre du projet “Empower to lead” (Offre en Anglais) عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

05 جانفي 2015 Il y a 10 years

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In partnership with” Actionaid Arab Regional Initiative” and Under “Empower to Lead” Project ,” WeYouth” is pleased to announce that it is accepting application for Training of Trainers for 50 women .

WeYouth would be Training 50 ladies on different skills to create a platform of Trainers who would train afterwards ladies in their community and entourage , The Training would involve the following :

Decision Making
Project Management
Gender equality & Women’s rights
Policy Debate

Language of the training : Mixed ( French , English , Tunisian )

شروط الترشّح

  • Only Tunisian Women could apply
  • Age : Between 14 and 40
  • Committed to Train 10 Women after receiving the training
  • Good Communication and public speaking skills
  • Interest in Gender Issues and policies

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