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Voices for Climate Action Tunisia Camp0.4 Application Form Retour vers les opportunités


15 Mai 2024 Il y a 10 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Gabès et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Environnement
Voices for Climate Action Tunisia Camp0.4 Application Form

Stop Pollution Movement is a dedicated youth led movement actively working in the field of climate justice in Tunisia and beyond. We are committed to raising awareness, advocating for sustainable practices, and fostering meaningful action to address the urgent challenges posed by climate change.

About Climate Camp 0.4:

We are thrilled to announce the 4th edition of Climate Camp, organized by Stop Pollution Movement. This transformative event will bring together over 200 passionate climate activists from around the world. Climate Camp 0.4 serves as a platform for collaboration, learning, and activism, aiming to ignite positive change and advance the cause of climate justice.

Location: Gabes. Tunisia 

Dates:  (June 4th  – June 8th 2024) 

Please note that this is a partially funded Camp.  Participants will be responsible for their own flight and local transportation . Only Food and Accomodation will be covered by Stop Pollution Movement.

Answer in Any language your prefer ( Arabic/French/English)

Deadline 15 May 2024.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 1 mai 2024

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