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Voices for Climate Action programme- Call for proposals October 2022-WWF عودة إلى الفرص

WWF Afrique du Nord

يطلق   Appel à candidatures

انتهاء الصلاحية

20 نوفمبر 2022 Il y a 2 ans

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الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunisie

Voices For Climate Action Programme – Tunisia Call For Proposals 2022


Two Grants
Climate Grant
Movement Grant

The Voices for Climate Action (VCA) programme is a lobby and advocacy programme being implemented by the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Netherlands, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Fundación Avina and Hivos under the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ five-year strategic partnership: “Power of Voices”.
This programme is being implemented in Tunisia by consortium members AMwA, Hivos, SSN and WWF North Africa (WWF NA).
The Voices for Climate Action (VCA) in Tunisia aims to ensure that by 2023, local civil society and marginalized groups will have taken on a central role as creators, facilitators and advocates of innovative and inclusive climate solutions.
VCA support locally shaped climate solutions through an inclusive and rights-based approach. This includes building a broad-based climate alliance at country level, bridging divides (urban-rural, gender, youth) that amplifies voices in new unusual ways. In addition, it will influence national and global policies and financial flows (e.g. climate finance, private sector investments) in support of these locally shaped solutions. Through a climate justice approach, the programme intends to see an expanded civic space where civil society voices, in particular those of indigenous and/or marginalised people are heard on climate action.
WWF North Africa is seeking new partners for the programme to join forces with us to amplify and strengthen voices for the achievement of the programme goals, with strategies focused around any of the main interventions as outlined above.

Specific intervention strategies for Tunisia are:

  • Mutual capacity strengthening for CSOs and entrepreneurs to co-create alternative climate solutions.
  • Knowledge system strengthening to enable inclusive and accessible agenda-setting and climate action movement through amplified storytelling
  • Joint lobbying and advocacy provide an enabling environment for civic space

Thematic areas are desertification, water, food, deforestation, coastline, energy, etc…
How we are:
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is an international non-governmental organization whose mission is to build a future where man lives in harmony with nature. WWF is the world’s leading organization for the protection of nature and the environment. WWF has more than 5 million donors worldwide. The organization has an operational network in 100 countries offering 1,200 nature protection programs.
WWF searches worldwide for concerted action for the implementation of concrete and sustainable solutions. The organization has a real desire to involve all the actors concerned: local communities, businesses, governments, international and non-governmental organizations.
Call for proposals
WWF North Africa (WWF NA) welcomes proposals for partners working around climate change adaptation and advocacy especially with a focus on women, youth, rural communities, and marginalized groups. Partners will support the creation of multi-stakeholder platforms to co-create, document and advocate for local solutions, linking and strengthening existing social and grassroots movements around climate action, Public-Private-Community-Partnerships (PPCs) such as informal social audits by bringing the community, particularly those most vulnerable, and duty bearers together on issues of climate change to influence policies.
The WWF NA encourages applications from formal and informal coalitions of local civil society actors (including CSOs, grassroots organizations, local climate action champions etc). Coalitions should include unusual groups and bridge divides (national-local, urban-rural, gender, youth), to amplify the voices for just climate action
Climate Grant

  • This grant will support individual organisation or group of organisations that will create/propose a program in any combination of the Call pillars related to climate action and climate justice.
  • If applying as coalition: The coalition must consist of at least three organisations, and one organisation must apply as the lead organisation. The lead organisation should also be able to demonstrate institutional capability to manage sub-granting to the other organisations in the coalition. The proposed program must include an element of policy and can operate at either national or local level, or both.

The proposal must concern at least one of the program pillars:

  • Mutual capacity strengthening for co-creating locally shaped climate solutions;
  • Agenda setting and movement in climate action through amplified storytelling;
  • Joint lobbying and advocacy provide an enabling environment for civic space

Budget: Up to 20 000 €

Campaign / movement grant:
WWF NA seeks to partner with organizations aligned with the goals of the program, which are involved in existing or potential climate movements, women’s rights, digital activities, environmentalists, artists in Tunisia led by youth, women, indigenous people or other marginalized groups. This grant will focus on strengthening the movement to achieve its goals through supporting campaigns spearheaded by the movement, and any capacity development the organization might need. If applying as a coalition, one organization must be designated the lead in the application. The lead organization should also be able to demonstrate institutional capability to manage sub-granting to the other organizations in the coalition.

Budget: Up to 20 000 €

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Registered Non-profit Tunisian organizations
  • Coalitions, networks, consortiums, and alliances with at least one registered non-profit Tunisian organization with sufficient operational and financial management experience
  • Applicant with track record on developing and advocating for locally shaped climate solutions
  • Applicant with ability to link to and mobilize larger networks or capacity to access, mobilize, convene, and influence stakeholders.
  • Membership of application for TNCC network will be encouraged, the link to join TNCC network https://www.wwf.tn/news_blogs/?41626/Appel-a-Candidature–Pour-les-associations-tunisiennes-Dans-le-cadre-du-Projet–RESILIENCE-

It will be considered favourable if the coalitions/organizations:

  • Have prior experience carrying out activities in priority areas related to climate change adaptation and mitigation including (desertification, water, food security and sovereignty, deforestation, coastline, energy, etc…)
  • Includes actors not traditionally working in climate justice issues, but that have skills and tools which are relevant and/or scalable
  • Reflects a diverse perspective and intersectionality approach which will enhance participation and strengthen the wider climate justice movement and advocacy
  • Led by or who work with women groups, youth, persons with disabilities, or other marginalized groups.
  • Willing to collaborate with other actors to influence stronger impacts and to build capacity over time and jointly develop and implement a capacity strengthening plan.

Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be assessed based on eligibility or threshold criteria, the quality of the proposal and the quality of the applicant organization or lead party of the coalition.

Key thematic area of evaluation:

  • Climate solutions
  • Approach of stakeholder’s engagement
  • Innovative practices and enhancement process
  • Gender and social inclusion
  • Marginalized groups
  • Access to water and sanitation services & rights (social justice & environmental rights)
  • Just energy transition

Specifically, the following criteria will be used during proposal review and selection:

  • Clear aim and objective: the proposal is instrumental and/or strategic in contributing to VCA strategic objectives / outcomes (or even better the ToC)
  • Context analysis: the extent to which the proposal defines the problem and objective
  • Rights holder representation: the degree to which the organization involves, represents, and potentially amplifies the voices of most impacted and underrepresented groups and communities
  • Advocacy and lobby: the degree to which the project potentially influences the stakeholders to implement new procedures and policies, create new and unexpected connections and practice
  • Innovation: the degree to which the project/coalition provides clear innovative methods to enhance civil society participation in climate action (innovative solutions, now-how potential of local communities and indigenous people, nature-based solutions NSBs)
  • Knowledge brokering: how the project plans to use the available knowledge and package relevant information in easily accessible formats, to reach key stakeholders to support evidence-based decision-making for just climate action
  • Thematic focus and relevance: project addresses at least one of the thematic areas (desertification, water, food, deforestation, coastline, energy, etc…)
  • Intersectionality approach: adopts a diverse, gender-equality and rights-based perspective to climate action and advocacy
  • Regional presence: Tunisia, the priority is given to the hotpots of climate change vulnerability zone.
  • Covid-19 context: clearly outlines covid-19 context and effective ways of working in light of the pandemic: mitigation risk plan

Grant Value
Grants range to a maximum of 20,000 Euros per project per call. Applications should be within this range. Applications should include a detailed budget in the proposal.
Application Timeline

Date Item
October 27, 2022 Issuance of ‘Call for Proposals’
November 20, 2022 Deadline for submission of Proposals
November 21 – November 23, 2022 Assessment of Proposals
November 24, 2022 Successful applicants are notified
November 25 – November 29, 2022 (tentative timelines) Due diligence, including operational and financial management, integrity and governance
November 30, 2022 Signing of contracts

Proposal Requirements
Proposal should include the following:

  • Indicate your thematic area of interest
  • Title of project
  • A brief description of your organization or coalition and why you are well-suited to carry out the proposed project
  • A detailed description of the experience of your organization related to the thematic (concrete projects and actions related to storytelling, climate solutions, Nature based solutions, environmental awareness etc…)
  • A detailed description of the proposed project including overarching goals. Clearly explain the targeted results, and how they will be measured
  • A description of how the project will be implemented in the context of Covid-19: Risk mitigation plan
  • Identify lead organization and list coalition partners in the case of coalition, network, consortium, and alliance applications
  • Identify lead contact and list contact name, phone number, and email information
  • Amount of requested and detailed budget

How to apply?
1. Please read the full Call for Proposals.
2. Please use the proposal template (Word) and budget template (Excel).
3. Send proposals before 20 November 2022 , 17:00 (Tunis Time) only to: na.contact@wwfna.org
Subject line: please add the appropriate subject as follows:

  • VCA MovementCampaign / Movement grant
  • VCA Climate: Climate grant

For further information, questions or clarifications, please contact: hbaccouche@wwfna.org

Annexe 1 
Annexe 2

Annexe 2_VCA budget template (2)

Annexe 1_VCA proposal template (2)

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