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USIP’s Generation Change program is now accepting applications for Tunisian and Libyan youth (Offre en Anglais) Retour vers les opportunités

United States Institute of Peace

Lance   Appel à candidatures


10 Janvier 2016 Il y a 9 years

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About Generation Change
The United States Institute of Peace’s Generation Change Program is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of civically engaged youth as they emerge as leaders in their communities. The program provides young civic leaders with a range of skills, experiences, and a dynamic community of peers in order for them to be more effective and resilient in their social change efforts. The content is designed to provide these civic leaders with the following:
  • Conflict Management Skills : The program aims to develop the skills of the emerging leaders in conflict management. The core skills of effective communication, approaches to negotiation, and dialogue facilitation central to the Generation Change training.
  • Leadership Development Skills : The program aims to strengthen the capacity of emerging leaders to lead and tell their stories. These skills help leaders communicate their mission and vision more effectively, and create healthier and more stable organizations.
  • A Dynamic Community of Civic Leaders : To counter the feeling of isolation that is felt by many civic leaders, the program deliberately focuses on creating relationships built on trust so that Fellows are able to turn to one another for guidance and support. The program also offers different platforms (electronic and in person) through which these leaders can connect and build lasting relationships.

Generation Change Fellows are between 18-35 years old. They hold leadership roles within civic organizations and are actively working to build peace in their community. Fellows have earned trust and legitimacy within their community through their demonstrated commitment to their work. They reside in the Middle East and Africa.

About This Training

Generation Change’s Fellowship program provides participants with conflict management and leadership skills and knowledge in order for participants to increase their ability to have a greater impact on their respective communities. This training will provide a space for participants to share ideas, gain new tools, practice constructive conversations, and gain skills to manage conflict nonviolently in their communities. It will also introduce participants to experts in the conflict resolution and leadership development fields. Additionally, the training will enable participants to build a network of civic youth leaders in their region and internationally.

Upon completing the training, participants become Generation Change Fellows. Fellows join Generation Change’s global community of emerging civic leaders and will have on-going access to various resources provided by USIP. USIP will pay for participant airfare, lodging, meal, and visa expenses. 


  • Sunday, March 13  ————->  Arrive in country (TBD)
  • Monday, March 14 ————->  Generation Change Training Day 1
  • Tuesday, March 15 ————-> Generation Change Training Day 2
  • Wednesday, March 16 ———> Generation Change Training Day 3
  • Thursday, March 17 ———–>Depart for home


USIP’s Mission

The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan institution established and funded by Congress to increase the nation’s capacity to manage international conflict without violence.  USIP aims to “think, act, teach, and train” across the spectrum of international conflict prevention, management, and resolution and to help societies in the period of post-conflict stabilization.  Learn more about USIP
Application Link (Arabic) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GCmena

Critères d'éligibilité

  • https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MENAenglish

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 5 January 2016

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