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(Offre en anglais) USAID’s Tunisia Accountability, Decentralization and Effective Municipalities (TADAEEM) hires a Municipal Focal Point in Kef, Touzeur and Kairouan Retour vers les opportunités


15 Janvier 2019 Il y a 6 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Kairouan et 2 autre(s) régions

USAID’s Tunisia Accountability, Decentralization and Effective Municipalities (TADAEEM) works in 11 governorates, 31 adjacent municipalities, and has four Hub offices: Gabes, Kairouan, Kef and Tozeur. TADAEEM aims to improve service delivery on the municipal level. The project seeks to recruit Municipal Focal Pointsfor each Hub.


A Municipal Focal Point will generally be assigned to 1-3 municipalities depending on their size and scope of needs and level of intervention by TADAEEM. The Municipal Focal Point will interface with the appropriate department/s where most of the support provided by TADAEEM is targeted but would maintain involvement with other relevant departments and personnel within the structure.


The Municipal Focal Point shall undertake a set of functions to enable the municipality to:

  1. Support the process Institutionalization of TADAEEM inputs that focus on strengthening core municipal administrative support functions (back office) including those for enhancing public expenditure management, revenue mobilization/management, asset and human resources management, elected council support functions, urban and spatial planning and others.
  2. Support the Institutionalization of TADAEEM inputs that support the improvement of service delivery value chains for sectors including roads and sidewalks construction/maintenance, street lighting, solid waste management, certification/registration and licensing services, green space and recreational facilities, economic development services including markets, slaughterhouses and others;
  3. Provide constant feedback to Regional Hub Managers and their Regional Teams regarding the evolution of the host municipality and its evolving needs;


The Municipal Focal Points shall perform the following functions:

  1. Maintain a full overview of the state of development of the host municipality and constantly identify and document capacity, procedural or institutional challenges that are faced by the municipality or any of its sections while performing core administrative support functions or during the delivery of services – Perform the function of a TADAEEM liaison officer at the municipality by continuously updating the application of theTADAEEM methodology as a diagnostic tool for identifying the above mentioned challenges;
  2. Ensure that Regional Managers are fully aware of the state of development of the target municipality and provide continuous feedback to the Regional Team and to each of its members according to specialization to secure their engagement as needed and to leverage support by the Tunis HQ or through Mobile Team experts;
  3. Accompany and facilitate the work of Regional Specialists, HQ Advisor/Specialists and Mobile Team Experts when they are assigned to deliver support to the target municipality;
  4. Ensure follow-up on support delivered by TADAEEM to the host municipality to ensure institutionalization and sustainability of impact;

Assignment location:

Municipal Focal Points will operate out of the Regional Hubs but will allocate a significant amount of time at their target municipalities.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Municipal Focal Points should be versatile and possess educational backgrounds in management, finance, planning, engineering or other fields that are relevant to the overall scope of functions of a municipality.
  • They shall possess a minimum of 2-3 years of relevant field experience and they should be very familiar with their host municipality, the city and/or the region they will be posted to.

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