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USAID recrute un spécialiste en communication et relation Presse (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


31 Juillet 2014 Il y a 11 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

  • Project : Tunisia USAID BRCP
  • Post category : Long-term Local Professional
  • Responsible to :  Chief of Party
  • Location : Tunis, Tunisia


Project Overview

The Tunisia BRC program assists Tunisia’s business sectors in their development as catalysts for accelerated business reform, financial deepening, private sector growth, and job creation. Project activities cover the following areas:

  • Enhancing business competitiveness by supporting entrepreneurs, nurturing small and medium enterprises, and improving marketing and access to finance in key sectors of the Tunisian economy.
  • Developing Tunisia’s workforceby improving vocational education frameworks and curricula, building career development centers, and establishing direct links between businesses and job candidates.
  • Targeting policy reforms to rationalize business taxes and streamline key regulations related to investment, and procurement.


Job Purpose

The PR and Communications Specialist will support the Tunis-based team in project communication efforts. The primary objective of the position will be to develop information on project activities and results that is easily accessible to key stakeholders, using communications and public relation platforms appropriately. S/he will lead efforts in project website/design, social media, online surveying, print materials development, and basic photography and videography, and will also contribute to project reporting efforts. This position requires the use of social media, websites, text messages, and the local media to promote the project employment activities, including job fairs, CDCs, website developments, association initiatives; including developing digital resources to improve employability and enterprise outreach initiatives. The individual will work with Microsoft, Manpower, EFE, and other stakeholders in this area. The Specialist will coordinate closely with both technical and administrative team members including those responsible for technical activities, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, operations, and project members based in the US. This position is one that is extremely visible to project stakeholders, and is expected to maintain the highest level of professional conduct at all times.


Roles/Responsibilities include:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive communication strategy for the project;
  • Develop an identity for the project, reflected in project brochures and marketing materials;
  • Assure quality in all external communications;
  • Create and maintain project website;
  • Utilize relevant social media venues and applications based on project activities and need
  • Create and disseminate online surveys to project stakeholders, beneficiaries, and partners for project research, monitoring, and evaluation efforts;
  • Work closely with Microsoft, Manpower, EFE, and other stakeholders to identify and implement communication and PR strategies to improve employability and enterprise outreach initiatives
  • Use photography and video
  • graphy to capture project activities and create high-quality project communication materials in digital and hardcopy form;
  • Assist with preparing project reports (e.g. Annual reports);
  • Capture and disseminate project success stories;
  • Develop template for project written materials and brochures;
  • Perform any other tasks that may be assigned from time to time by the Chief of Party or his designee.



Critères d'éligibilité

  • Minimum of 5 years work experience in communications with excellent written and verbal communications skills
  • Technical experience working with key venders for the design and management of Websites, printed materials and online media tools including Survey Monkey (or equivalent)
  • Experience in photography and video recording
  • Experience on USAID projects a plus
  • Bachelors degree in Public Relations, Communications , or another related field
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Polite, self confident, and able to maintain discretion with project information
  • Demonstrated versatility and integrity
  • Ability to work and travel in remote areas of Tunisia to monitor and capture program activities
  • Excellent MS Office skills in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; design software helpful but not mandatory
  • Fluency in English, French and/or Arabic required

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 15 juillet 2014

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