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The U.S. Institute of Peace lance un appel à candidatures pour un cycle de formation dans le cadre de son projet Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (SNAP) Retour vers les opportunités

United States Institute of Peace

Lance   Offre de formation


15 Décembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (SNAP):

Training Opportunity



The U.S. Institute of Peace is sponsoring five-day training workshops for Tunisian activists and peacebuilders who are eager to engage constructively and inclusively in collective efforts to advance social change, good governance, and conflict prevention in Tunisia. The training introduces core concepts of nonviolent activism, negotiation, and dialogue as well as strategic planning and coalition-building tools that trainees can use to improve the efficiency of their work and broaden their activist networks.


Period and length of training

Trainings will be offered in two sessions. The first training sessions will be held between December 2019 and February 2020.  The second training sessions will be held between August and November 2020.


The training will be delivered in Arabic by Tunisian facilitators.


Applicants may need to travel within Tunisia to attend trainings


The U.S. Institute of Peace will cover the cost of the travel and training for accepted applicants.

More About the Training

Building just, inclusive, and peaceful societies requires people who are willing and able to use a wide variety of approaches, including direct action, relationship building, volunteer mobilization, dialogue, and negotiation. However, these activities are sometimes seen as separate or incompatible. Grassroots activists may know how to engage in protests and other forms of nonviolent direct action, but they may have less experience facilitating a meeting with diverse groups and opinions. Peacebuilders may excel at dialogue or negotiation, but they may get stuck when one group has more power than another, making it difficult to reach a just resolution.

Each approach has its own history, community of practice, literature, and education and training programs. This training seeks to build bridges between peacebuilding and nonviolent action practitioners and illustrate how the most strategic and effective methods from both fields can reinforce one another. This training emphasizes practical action, and therefore training modules regularly incorporate role-playing and other hands-on activities that are drawn from real-world events involving nonviolent activism and peacebuilding.

USIP constantly strives to measure the impact of its training and technical assistance programming around the world.  As such, this training will be part of a research study that measures the impact of the SNAP training for the purposes of improving the program and for a better understanding of how learning about nonviolent action and peacebuilding can change people’s perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors toward more constructive activism. All participants will complete one pre- and post-training survey, as well as up to two rounds of follow-up surveys and one interview as part of an evaluation of the training’s impact. If you have any questions about the study, please email amat@stanford.edu and rdaoud@usip.org.


Application and Eligibility:

Ideal candidates must have:

  1. Worked in the last 12-months at least 80 hours for an association, organization or on an initiative related to nonviolent activism or peacebuilding in Tunisia.
    • Nonviolent activism involves a variety of activities, including but not limited to collective petitions, rallies, demonstrations, or protests to pursue social change.
    • Peacebuilding involves the use of negotiation, mediation, and/or dialogue in order to resolve disputes between two or more parties or to advance a social change agenda vis-à-vis government or other influential actors.
  2. Be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Access to a mobile phone or computer in order to complete online questionnaires and materials.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Worked in the last 12-months at least 80 hours for an association, organization or on an initiative related to nonviolent activism or peacebuilding in Tunisia.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Access to a mobile phone or computer in order to complete online questionnaires and materials.

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