15 Août 2018 Il y a 7 ans
The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is an independent, nonpartisan institution established in 1984 and funded by Congress to increase the nation’s capacity to manage international conflict without violence. USIP’s mission is to prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts around the world by engaging directly in conflict zones and providing analysis, education and resources to those working for peace. Since 1997, USIP’s Academy, located in its headquarters in Washington, D.C. has delivered peacebuilding trainings, workshops, and courses to over 65,000 individuals worldwide. In addition to the MENA programs portfolio, the MENA Trainer Development program aims to strengthen existing local, regional, and national capacities of USIP-related stakeholders to deliver high-quality USIP training programs and educational courses and to consolidate USIP’s educational expertise within the MENA region.
The MENA Trainer Development Program aims to build and strengthen the capacity of 20 trainers in the MENA region and develop a cadre of competent instructors and facilitators in their communities. This program will also allow these participants to conduct more impactful USIP designed trainings and support USIP regional training expertise.
The MENA Trainer Development Program will include two phases. In phase one, trainers will develop facilitation skills for a range of processes as well as learn skills and tools for conflict analysis, negotiation, mediation, and dialogue. Once trainers have completed this phase, they can apply to participate in phase two- a training of trainers program-through which they will learn the content and pedagogy to deliver USIP trainings. Those who complete the two phases will partner with USIP on the delivery of training.
Through this program, participants will have access to USIP Academy’s courses on peacebuilding, dialogue facilitation, conflict analysis, etc. to acquire the thematic knowledge on topics such as conflict assessment and mapping, negotiation, mediation, dialogue, training skills, etc., so that they learn different pedagogical tools they can later apply in their own training activities.
Throughout this program, participants will:
Which training topics will be covered ?
➢ Phase one:
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
➢ Phase two:
Trainer development program assessment
Before the initiation of the training, participants will have to take a capacity assessment test that may be conducted in following ways:
➢ Pre-Training :
➢ During-Training :
➢ Post-Training :
The phase one of the MENA Trainer Development Program will be held at the USIP MENA training venue in Tunis from 17th – 21st September. All travel and accommodation expenses will be taken in charge by USIP.
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 9 août 2018
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