Call for Applications
Y-PEER Theater Based Peer Education Training of Trainers (TBTOT)
21-26 March, 2015 – Amman- Jordan

The UNFPA Arab States Regional Office, Y-PEER and The Performing Arts for Action (PACT) of National Center for Culture and Arts (NCCA) are glad to announce the upcoming Regional Y-PEER Theater Based Peer Education Training of Trainers (TBToT) to be held in Amman- Jordan, from 21th to 26th March, 2015.
Eligibility criteria:
- Age from 18-28
- Fluency in Arabic language, Good command of English is an asset;
- Y-PEER nominees who have demonstrated a personal commitment to health promotion and education in general and peer education in particular, as demonstrated by volunteer work, humanitarian efforts or going above and beyond expected job/role performance;
- Have extensive experience in a peer education setting. Nominees who have served in many roles with varied and extensive experiences are favored; those with experience in training peer educators are preferred. Nominees must have a basic knowledge of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, youth participation, SRH&R, health promotion and healthy lifestyles, civic engagement and/or any other area of concern to young people;
- Have interest in theatre in general and willing to learn theater methodology, drama and acting, including improvisation for specific causes; in order to affect changes of behavior and attitude.
- Be open to learning, growing and receiving constructive criticism, which is evaluated based on an applicant’s statement of intention for the training;
- The nominees must be in position to transfer further knowledge to other trainers in country and region.
- Eager to commit to a six-days long intensive training- with a performance at the conclusion of the training;
- Have the ability to attend the total training period of 6 days;
- Participants should arrive to Amman one day before the workshop and departs on the 7th day.
Theatre Institutions need to fulfill the following requirements:
- Having previous experience(s) in designing and/or implementing Educational Theatre programs, preferably addressing Youth, Health and/or Social issues;
- Having an educational vocation (through their mission/mandate);
- Sharing UNFPA and Y-PEER’s values and messages in terms of Human Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights;
- Having the human resources required to implement the activities of this project through the region;
Special Skills and Talents:
- Proactive;
- Creative;
- Team player;
- Self motivated;
- Confident;
- Ability to work with persons of different nationalities and cultures;
- Effective interpersonal skills;
- Well-organized;
- Punctual and meets deadlines;
Official language of the training sessions and discussions is Arabic.
Logistical information:
UNFPA – ASRO will cover the travel from and to home country, accommodation costs, meals and daily allowance to all participants during the training period in Amman- Jordan.
More logistical information shall be shared with the selected participants.