30 Juin 2016 Il y a 9 ans
In October 2016 the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) will offer six CONFINTEA Fellowships for a period of one month to government officials and representatives of civil society organizations working in key positions within the field of adult learning and education (ALE) in UNESCO Member States.
UIL is an international non-profit research, training, information, documentation and publishing centre. It promotes lifelong learning with a focus on adult and continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education. Since the CONFINTEA Fellowship Programme was launched in 2011, a total of twenty-two fellows from twenty Member States have taken part. UIL seeks geographical (i.e. regional and national) and gender balance when awarding CONFINTEA Fellowships, and particularly welcomes applicants from the Global South.
The Fellowship Programme aims at strengthening the capacities of Member States in implementing major elements of the Belém Framework for Action (BFA) and therefore Fellows are selected on the basis of their potential to develop national strategies in their respective countries. Producing such a draft national strategy is the key expected output of the programme.
Since 2015, Professor Kjell Rubenson (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) has been a key advisor for Fellows as they develop and follow up on their national education strategies.
UIL will provide each Fellow with a workstation and access to the Institute’s resources, in particular its library’s unique collection. In addition, Fellows will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge with other Fellows, UIL staff and external partners. The CONFINTEA Fellows will receive input and assistance from UIL staff, but should also be prepared to work on their own initiative.
UIL will arrange and pay for health insurance, a return economy ticket to Hamburg and accommodation close to the Institute. A lump sum to cover living and miscellaneous expenses will be paid upon arrival.
Fellows are expected to:
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 11 avril 2016
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