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(Offre en anglais) UNCCD lance un appel à candidatures pour “The Land for Life Youth Social Media Activist Challenge” Retour vers les opportunités


31 Octobre 2016 Il y a 8 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

“Are You the ONE ?”


 About the Challenge

The UNCCD recognizes that, to achieve 2030 SDG 15, we will need the young people to beaware of the importance and benefits of conserving and restoring land resources; and thustake actions to support sustainable land management (SLM) and related activities.The Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists Challenge: “Are you the ONE?” campaignaims to further promote awareness of young people about land and environmental issuesand engage them in SLM related activities through direct and indirect involvement viasocial media.

Objectives of the Challenge:

To recognize active, passionate and dedicated young people who arecurrently active in conserving natural resources and promoting such actions to their peersand local communities via social media.

The challenge provides big opportunity for individual and community projects to get access tovaluable networks and gain recognition from a worldwide audience. Winners’ initiatives, successstories, experience and /or challenges encountered, ideas or solutions will be communicated through UNCCD’s various communication channels such associal media platforms and website.

Important Information


  • Deadline for submission: 31 October 2016 (UTC+1)
  • Selected candidates / applicants open for public voting: 14 – 27 November 2016
  • Selection of 5 finalists by the UNCCD secretariat: 28 November – 10 December 2016
  • Announcement of Top 3 Winners: 15 December 2016

Judging Assessment

  1. Innovation
  • Is the initiative unique?
  • Does the activist’s work demonstrate an eloquent communication style with anoriginal, unique ‘voice’?
  • Does the activist demonstrate creative and fresh thinking in outreachingaudience using social media platform?
  1. Inspiration
  • Shows leadership and inspires other youth to actively engage in conservingnatural resources
  • Track record of engaging with environmental issues through environmentalreporting on social media platforms
  • Track record of active participation in environmental volunteering activities
  1. Impact
  • Is there any significantly increasing awareness on environmental related activities in particular sustainable management of land resources in the local community, and /or country?
  • Is there a significant measurable outreach to public especially youths
  • Has the work been widely quoted, cited or discussed on other media /publication platforms?
  • Does the work have the potential to mobilize real and meaningful improvements in the environmental situation, e.g. by influencing changes in public policy or business practices?


Selection of Candidates, Public Voting and Scoring Process

  • Candidates are determined by the UNCCD Secretariat based on their work in promoting environmental related issues and workon social media from1 January 2015- 31 October 2016.
  • Selected candidates will be announced at the beginning of the voting period (14 November 2016)
  • Public voting for the selectedcandidates will open on 14 November 2016 and close on – 27 November2016 11:59 PM UTC.
  • Selected candidates can campaign and encourage friends and followers to vote for themto become finalists.
  • Each followers of the selected candidatescan vote only once by clicking “Vote” on the providedwebsite. Candidatescan share their vote on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Weibo through the UNCCD social media.
  • During this period, selected candidates can also encourage friends and followers to like and share UNCCD’s social media posts via their social media. High shares of UNCCD’s post will be accounted for their social media work.
  • Once voting has closed, the numbers of public vote count on the candidateswill be taken into account as part of the final decision of the winners’ selection.
  • The Secretariat uses several algorithms to automatically disqualify voting activity that appears to be intended to game the system or come from suspicious accounts. Suspicious accounts include ones that use bots, scripts, issue repetitive automatic votes, appear to have been created specifically for the challenge voting, or exhibit other behavior that violates the spirit of the challenge.
  • We also reserve the right to disqualify voters or candidates that do any of the following: violate trademarks, infringe copyrights, impersonate others, invade privacy, make threats of violence, promote illegal activities, pornography, or hate speech, spam others, use bots, scripts or other automated means for voting, engage in abusive behavior, promise payment in exchange for votes, or otherwise violate the friendly spirit of the challenge.
  • The UNCCD secretariat and its co-organizer Future Forest will decide the top three winners.

Terms and Conditions:

  • “Environmental issues” includes, but is not strictly limited to: water, climatechange, biodiversity, energy, land degradation, air quality, ozone depletion,depletion of marine, forest or mineral resources, waste management, green living,environmental policy, green manufacturing, corporate environmental responsibility,green investments, ethical banking, environmental insurance, green consumerism,greening service industries (e.g. F&B, hospitality, tourism), Green IT, environmentalmarketing, environmental design and innovation, and green jobs and employment.
  • There are no application fees for the Land for Life Youth Social Media ActivistsChallenge.
  • Applicants can submit their application as long as they meet the relevant criteria.
  • A high standard of working English is a requirement for all applicants and theapplication form should be filled out in English. If the original article is in anotherlanguage, a certified English translation is required.
  • The applicant warrants that he/she is the sole owner of all intellectual propertyrights (including copyright) to the photograph and the intellectual property rightshave not been licensed or assigned to any other person.
  • The applicant grants to the UNCCD Secretariat a non-exclusive, royalty-free andtransferable right to use (including the right to reproduce, edit or distribute) allphotographs and stories submitted to be distributed to partners and clients, and forthe UNCCD’s publicity of awareness raising activities. The applicant will beacknowledged accordingly when their photograph or story is used.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered. All supporting documents, whereapplicable, must be submitted with the application form
  • The judges’ decision is final, and no further correspondence on their decision willbe entertained.
  • The UNCCD Secretariat reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, at its sole discretion, without prior notice.

How Winners will be rewarded:

  • Top 3 winners will be sponsored to attend a UNCCD International Youth Event co-organized with Future Forest
  • Winners will be recognized as Land for Life Youth Social Media Activists for a period of one year and will receive a certificate.
  • Winners’ story will be published and promoted through UNCCD communication channels.
  • Winners will be invited to present their work at international events.
  • Winners will be expected to promote all UNCCD campaigns with their networks.


For more details, please contact: L4L@unccd.int

Voir plus

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Open to young people who are aged between 16 to 40 years old, and belong to thegroup of young people who will play a decisive role in shaping the future
  • Young people who are passionate, dedicated and actively working to promoteenvironmental justice; sustainable land management; natural resource management;and/or land conservation via different social channels.
  • Bloggers, YouTubers, journalists, young leaders, teachers, students, artists, celebrities, or young people who are active in social movements, community organizations, and are currently active promoting environmental issues
  • Young people or young activists who have been directly contributing to sustainableland management or environmental initiative and has inspired others to do the samethrough social media platforms

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Publié sur Jamaity le 13 octobre 2016

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