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TRAINING FIRM / CONSULTING FIRM -(ACEA) PROJECT Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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20 Janvier 2022 Il y a 3 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis


Capacity building for Artisans in the weaving sector




Period of Performance:    From Feb 20th  to June 20th, 2022  

Place of Performance: Gabes, Gafsa and Tunis, Tunisia 

Program Background:

ACEA Tunisia (Action Collaborative pour les Exportations Artisanales, or “Collaborative Action for the Export of Handicraft Products”) is a 4-year project funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by FHI 360. Its goal is to help artisans, especially those who are socially or geographically marginalized, to commercialize their products, and hence promote greater social and economic equity. Where possible, the project places a special emphasis on assisting artisans to export.

This project is helping to empower artisans and local communities by guiding and advising them using a cluster approach. Members of the Cluster (beneficiaries) meet in workshops and work in groups to learn and share various skills, in conjunction with relevant support entities and technical experts. To date, ACEA has launched cluster development activities in two sectors in Tunisia: essential oils and related natural products (Northwest Tunisia), olive wood kitchenware and tableware (in Sfax and Sidi BouZid) and Margoum and Kilim weaving in Toujane (Gabes) and Belkhir (Gafsa).

Mission objectives :

Following the technical support provided by the ACEA to the clusters of Margoum and Kilim carpets of Toujane and Belkhir, the project is seeking a training firm to develop and deliver an extensive capacity building program for weaving artisans in the region of Toujane and Belkhir.

ACEA team will work closely with the trainer to create and deliver a capacity building program that will give the artisans the opportunities to improve and strengthen their managerial skills and enhance their sales capacities. 

The capacity building program will be designed through the human centered design/design thinking process, where the trainer will identify the main gaps and problems faced by artisans, understand their needs in terms of trainings, and develop an adapted and solution-oriented program.

Detailed Tasks and Deliverables:

Under the supervision of the Technical Monitor, the trainer will carry out the following tasks:

  • Assessment of the artisans’ needs: In conjunction with ACEA’s staff, the trainer will lead a workshop session with artisans to well define gaps in terms of their marketing and entrepreneurial capacities and provide an appropriate solution-based training program.
  • Develop a training program for Weaving artisans: Based on the assessment, the trainer will develop a relevant training program for managerial and marketing capacity buildings. He/she will provide a detailed Proposition based on established assessment of capabilities: Methodology of the capacity building , process, results and indicators, and a detailed power point presentation summarizing process, milestone, and results.
  • Deliver the training: The training program will be delivered to 4 groups (2 groups per region) though two modules of 3 days each: Marketing module and Management Module.
  • Final report:  this deliverable should provide a in depth analysis of the participant behavior during the training , an assessment of their learning and recommendations to sustain the training impact.

After submission of the draft final report, ACEA will provide comments and feedback, after which a final report will be submitted in Word with a summary in PowerPoint, both in French and/or English. 


The trainer shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the deliverables to the Technical Monitor according to the following schedule. 

Task : Deliverable(s) : Due   LOE 
Pre-assessment of artisans’ needs and sector gaps – Lead an engagement workshop session with artisans to carry out a gap analysis and identify artisans needs.

-Report summarizing the main findings 

TBD  2
2 Develop a training program for  weaving artisans  – Detailed Proposition based on established assessment of capabilities: Methodology of the capacity building, process, results, and indicators. 

– Detailed power point presentation summarizing process, milestone, and results 

– Supporting documents including data and analysis and schedule of training 

TBD  3
3 First training modules


  • Pre/post test   
  • Training program and supports  
  • Summary of findings, mid-assessment 
TBD  12
Second training modules
  • Pre/post test   
  • Training program and supports  
TBD  12 
5 Final report  
  • Detailed report: in depth analysis of the participant behavior during the training and the follow up sessions, an assessment of their learning and recommendations to sustain the training impact  
  • Power point presentation  
TBD  3

Required Skills and Qualifications:

  • Postgraduate degree in data analysis, communication, marketing, or a related field 
  • A minimum of 8 years demonstrated experience working with trainings.
  • Strong analytical skills and written and oral communication skills.
  • Knowledge of Arabic and French required. English highly desirable.

Criteria/Qualification for Evaluation:

Candidates will be evaluated and ranked by an evaluation committee according to the conditions described in the evaluation criteria below, with a total overall maximum point value of 100. Candidates will first be evaluated and scored from a technical standpoint.  Candidates that are technically qualified shall then be evaluated in terms of cost reasonableness of their daily rate. The contract shall be issued to the candidate with the highest combined technical and cost score.


Criteria: Weight
Academic qualifications 20%
Past performance and related training experience 30%
Experience in developing similar trainings  30%
References 10%
Reasonableness of price 10%
Total 100%

Level of Effort and Remuneration:

The mission will consist of working 32 days between February 2nd and June 20th, (1 day = 8 hours). The working days wouldn’t exceed the 32 days. 

The trainer will be paid based on suggested flat rate, with reimbursement for related, budgeted expenses (e.g., travel and lodging on field trips outside of Tunis).  


This work in Gabes governorate Toujene, Gafsa governorate Belkhir , Tunisia to conduct trainings and workshops with Toujane and Belkhir artisans. Thus, Consultancy firm and their team must show up the fully vaccination certificate

Disclaimers and FHI 360 Protection Clauses

  • FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award.
  • FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received.
  • Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360.
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on offeror failure to follow solicitation instructions.
  • FHI 360 will not compensate offers for response to solicitation.
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to issue award based on initial evaluation of offers without further discussion.
  • FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue multiple awards based on the solicitation activities.
  • FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
  • FHI 360 will be contacting offers to confirm contact person, address and that bid was submitted for this solicitation.


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