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Tourism Recovery Programme Outreach Tender-Enpact Retour vers les opportunités


06 Octobre 2021 Il y a 3 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Tourisme

Enpact e.V. wishes to enter into a service contract. The general objective of this tender is to support outreach and communication services for the Tourism Recovery Programme to be executed in Tunisia.


The objective of this tender is to:

  • increase the general visibility of the Tourism Recovery Programme in Tunisia and to
  • facilitate the acquisition/selection of participants and experts/mentors for the program.

The tender is intended to pick up on the outreach and communication work done so far for the project and embed it in the tourism ecosystem in Tunisia. The tenderer is expected to have a substantial network of businesses and business stakeholders ─ such as trade promotion agencies, business associations, business professionals and experts ─ in at least three out of the following branches of the Tunisian economy:

  • Tourism
  • Services
  • Social enterprises
  • Startups
  • Small and medium enterprises
  • Research and development
  • Press and media

The tenderer has a proven track record of promoting the interests of small and medium businesses in Tunisia as well as of creating networks between small and medium sized businesses and their local and national stakeholders. Due to the fact that the objectives of this tender require very diverse networks and fields of expertise, the contracting authority is presenting it in the form of three equally distinctive Work Packages: Outreach Partnerships, Participant Acquisition and Selection, and Experts and Mentors Acquisition and Selection. The Work Packages are described in detail in the Call for Tenders document.

Geographic Scope

Potential tenderers may be agencies, companies, freelancers, etc. which are located and registered in any location. Due to the specific focus of this call for tenders, Tunisia-based tenderers are preferred. As described in the respective work packages, travelling in the field will be required by the tenderer in line with safety guidelines and travel restrictions imposed due to the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic.

Starting Date for the Contract and Duration

It is expected that the service contract will be signed by 8 October 2021 and run until the end of December 2021.

The contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party. The duration of the tasks and deliverables shall not exceed 31 December 2021. The execution of the deliverables shall not start before the contract has been signed or before the specific date specified in the contract.


The price payable under the contract shall not exceed EUR 12,000.00 including the applicable VAT.

In case each work package is awarded individually, the price caps will be broken down as follows:

  • For Work Package 1 (Outreach partnerships), the price payable under the contract shall not exceed EUR 3,000 including the applicable VAT.
  • For Work Package 2 (Participant Acquisition and Selection), the price payable under the contract shall not exceed EUR 6,000 including the applicable VAT.
  • For Work Package 3 (Experts and Mentors Acquisition and Selection), the price payable under the contract shall not exceed EUR 3,000 including the applicable VAT.

Price revision, reimbursement of expenses and renewal are not foreseen in the contract but can be agreed upon if accepted by both the contracting authority and the tenderer.

Click here to download the tender for the full deliverables, eligibility criteria and process. 

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Essam Sharaf

Senior Program Manager

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