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The Tunisian American Alumni Network is calling for applicants for its project “Alumni for Employment”. Retour vers les opportunités

Tunisian American Alumni Network

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05 Décembre 2018 Il y a 6 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

The Tunisian American Alumni Network (TAAN) is calling for applicants for its project “Alumni for Employment”.

Alumni For Employment is an initiative that is committed to developing the employability skills of Tunisian alumni who are about to graduate or have recently graduated from university. In addition to helping them indirectly envision a career path, the project will continue to develop the interpersonal and job-seeking skills that will enable them to compete in today’s national and global job market, while connecting them to one-another, to more experienced alumni, and to the broader alumni network.

Three training camps will be organized as part of the project. The first will in Tunis, the second in Sousse and the last in Sfax.

The training camps will be a three-day intensive training on interpersonal and job-seeking skills. These camps will target up to 25 eligible alumni of different exchange programs. Among others, the topics covered in the camps will be:

– Communication, teamwork, problem-solving;

– The requirements of job-seeking and different tangible skills to succeed;

– How to write an adequate resume, network, request informational interviews, prepare for a job interview, and master job search techniques.

– Create job search plans

The training camps will be followed by a job fair.

For a greater impact of the alumni community on the broader Tunisian community, the alumni trained will be required to organize a follow up session in which they transfer some of the knowledge they acquired during their training camp to at least five other individuals. This engagement will be signed in writing and participants are expected to showcase the implementation.


– Training Camp 1 in Tunis*:  14-15-16 December 2018

– Training Camp 2 in Sousse*: 22, 23, 24 December 2018

– Training Camp 3 in Sfax*: 25, 26, 27 January 2019

– Job Fair (includes all participants from the 3 workshops): To be determined

Training location details:

* Sfax training is for residents of the following governorates: Sfax, Gabes, Medenine, Tataouine, Gafsa, Tozeur, Kebili, Sidi Bouzid

* Sousse training is for residents of the following governorates: Sousse, Kairouan, Mahdia, Kasserine, Monastir, Zaghouan

* Tunis training is for residents of the following governorates: Tunis, Beja, Ben Arous, Ariana, Manouba, Jendouba, Siliana, Kef, Bizerte, Nabeul

* Transportation fees will be covered by the project (receipt required).

Note: this geographical division is meant to create wider alumni networks in regions and to make sure that our project and activities are inclusive.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • An Alumni of any of the US-funded exchange programs (MANDATORY):
  • recent graduate or a senior student (graduating this year)
  • Civically engaged and socially active

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Offre de formation Publié sur Jamaity le 28 November 2018

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