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The Center for Human Rights Defender (CHRD) recrute un Fundraising and Proposal Writing Expert Retour vers les opportunités


28 Avril 2018 Il y a 7 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Droits de l’Homme

1. Background

The Center for Human Rights Defender (CHRD) is a French -Libyan association aiming at enabling Human Rights Defenders in MENA region, notably Libya where a focal point in Tunisia is operating for the sake of Libyan human rights defenders, activists and media workers inside and outside Libya. CHRD allows them logistical and technical support, whether the defender is an individual or a society. As well as networking and building bridges between activists of the same field.

For more information see: http://defendercenter.info/en/

2. Specifications: statement of requirement

2.1. CHRD would like to call for tenders from qualified and experienced consultants who can offer their services for a period of four months to produce the key outputs and deliverables in 2.2 and implement activities in 2.3

2.2. Key Deliverables

(1) Three Fundraising proposals completed and submitted to funders:

  • A full proposal on enabling victims of Human Rights Violations (HRV) in Libya to access legal and medical supports.
  • A full proposal on promotion and enabling of HRV including HRDs in the MENA region.
  • A full proposal for core fund for CHRD.

(2) Detailed reports of the meetings between the expert from one part and diplomatic representation and international organizations representatives from the other part; and evaluation for potential support and cooperation expected from the counterpart.

(3) A database of potential funders – except mentioned in (2.2.1 and 2.2.2) – outlined by the expert’s recommendations of best approach and analysis for each entry.

2.3. Key Activities

In consultations with the Director and staff of CHRD in Tunis including key partners and stakeholders, the Fundraising and Proposal Writing Expert is expected to undertake the following key tasks:

  • Hold enough meeting with the CHRD and key partners to insure a clear understanding of their aims and goals and reflects it into the requests to the donors.
  • Hold meetings with the consulate representatives and other key actors from international organizations and Media, side by side with social media and other means to keep the issue of fundraising vital and visible during his period of contract.
  • Submit all requested deliverables – except reports – well enough before deadline, to offer the chance to CHRD and their partners to reflect on it before final submission.
  • Assist and support the staff and other tiers professionals providing CHRD services with anything might be requested form them in what has direct relation with his work during or after the period of stay at office.
  • Produce – end of assignment report – which must include experiences and key recommendations for post contract follow up fund raising activities.

3. Conditions: information for applicants

To be considered for this tender, interested suppliers must meet the following conditions:

  • A strong and motivated analytical thinker, and an effective communicator with excellent drafting and presentation skills.
  • The timeline of delivering results is 4 months.

4. Submission guidelines

4.1. Tender documentation should demonstrate that the interested supplier satisfies the conditions stated above and is capable of meeting the specifications and timeframes and provide supporting examples to address the evaluation criteria.

4.2. Tender documentation should outline the interested supplier’s complete proposal: methods, personnel (and their skill sets / curricula vitae), timeframes and costs in lump sum and in EU currency

  • Identify potential donors and advise the CHRD of available funding opportunities and policies and procedures, priority focus area and portfolio development of donors.
  • Liaise closely with the Director and staff of the CHRD on the drafting of funding proposals.
  • Follow up with donors on funding proposals and advise the Director and key staff of CHRD on status of applications within the period of his stay in the office.
  • Draft and process donor agreements in closely collaboration with CHRD’s Legal Adviser once funding is approved within the period of his stay in the office.
  • Familiarize with donor reporting and other requirements and set up internal systems to monitor and report on donor funds.
  • Set up a donor funding database for conservation activities including templates, project concept papers, proposals and documents and directories/databases of donors for future reference.
  • Liaise closely with the Communications and Outreach team at CHRD on all promotional and publicity information and events to support donor applications and proposals.

A proven track-record with a minimum of five years in high level fundraising:

  • for substantial amounts (i.e., over US$200,000);
  • preferably with experience in the MENNA region Human rights landscape;


  • knowledge of the Libyan conflict
  • Strong knowledge of and contact with donors, foundations, governments and NGOs
  • An advanced degree in business administration, marketing, or a related field (Masters or equivalent experience).
  • A keen interest in conservation issues and in working in a multicultural environment.
  • A proficient user of standard Microsoft applications, including word processing and spreadsheets.

5. Evaluation criteria

5.1. CHRD will select a preferred supplier on the basis of CHRD’s evaluation of the extent to which their tender documentation demonstrates that they offer the best value for money, and that they satisfy the following criteria:

5.2. Expertise in resource mobilization and project proposal development processes

Donors requirements

5.3. Demonstrated experience in raising funds to support Human rights defender and cooperation.

5.4. Familiarity with / comprehensive understanding of donor requirements including the action priorities and challenges

The timeline of delivering results is 4 months.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • CHRD will select a preferred supplier on the basis of CHRD’s evaluation of the extent to which their tender documentation demonstrates that they offer the best value for money, and that they satisfy the following criteria
  • Expertise in resource mobilization and project proposal development processes and Donors requirements
  • Demonstrated experience in raising funds to support Human rights defender and cooperation
  • Familiarity with / comprehensive understanding of donor requirements including the action priorities and challenges

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