31 Août 2022 Il y a 3 ans
About the centre
The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action, first founded in Lebanon in 2006 under the name of Lebanon Support, is a multidisciplinary space creating synergies and bridging between the scientific, practitioner, and policy spheres. The Centre for Social Sciences Research and Action aims to foster social change through innovative uses of social science, digital technologies, and publication and exchange of knowledge.
The Centre for Social Sciences Research & Action is currently seeking to commision a researcher for the development of one briefing paper on the Social Protection Framework in Tunisia. The researcher will draw a particular attention on the sociopolitical and economic mechanisms of exclusion from the existing social security schemes and social assistance programmes. The developed policy brief will aim at informing and complexifying existing technical gaps analysis on the social protection framework in Tunisia by offering a political and sociological perspective on the existing challenges.
The briefing paper should:
– discuss the production of social protection policies by contextualizing them within their political and social framework;
– highlight the impact of the Tunisian revolutionary process on social justice and social protection demands;
– analyze the shortcomings of the social protection framework by integrating a critical view on the Tunisian regional social and economic realities and inequalities in accessing the social protection system;
– discuss the impact of structural adjustments and international financial institutions on policies production in the field of social protection;
– include a critical perspective on available statistical data used to tailor social protection and social assistance policies;
– discuss and analyze social protection and social assistance policies related to the COVID-19 crisis,
– produce targeted recommendations for the state, the international community, the donors, and the civil society in the field of social protection policies.
The selected candidate will work under close supervision of the Centre for Social Sciences Research & Action experts, and is expected to incorporate their feedback in their fieldwork, and analysis.
Background of the programme
The multilayered crises societies in our region are currently facing, namely the public health crisis with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as deeply rooted social and economic inequalities, have contributed to highlight stark inequalities, often due to systematic privatisation, austerity measures, clientelistic practices to cite only a few.
This assignment is part of a wider action research programme on social justice The Centre for Social Sciences Research & Action is currently implementing.
The format of the briefing paper will be as follows:
1. Summary of key findings
2. Introduction and context
3. Main findings
4. Recommendations
Length of the briefing paper should be of approximately 6,000-7,000 words (single spaced, Times New Roman 12).
The briefing paper will go through a double (internal and external) peer review process.
The final policy brief should be submitted in the span of two months.
Remuneration range
4000 to 5000 (USD)
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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 27 juillet 2022
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