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Survey Firm, Household Survey on Economic – The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) Retour vers les opportunités


15 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis


The Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) is one of the four core institutes of the National  Endowment for Democracy. CIPE has over 30 years of experience working with chambers of  commerce, business associations, think tanks, and other civil society organizations (CSOs) to  strengthen democracy around the globe through private enterprise and market-oriented reform. As  part of its Knowledge Hubs for Democratic Transitions project, CIPE plans to conduct a national  household survey in Tunisia that will shed light on Tunisian perceptions of economic reform, including  its political aspects. 


Purpose. The purpose of this survey is to gather information on Tunisians’ perceptions of economic  and social problems facing the country, and potential pathways for generating sustainable growth.  The survey seeks to reveal attitudes about reform priorities, uncover the extent and nature of  misconceptions that may impede reform, as well as measure popular understanding of tradeoffs  implied by policy choices. CIPE will share the survey results publicly and organize a roundtable to  discuss them with a group of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Tunisia. CIPE will use the results to  inspire ideas for small projects led by the participating CSOs to address and unstick economic reform  in Tunisia. 

Scope of work. CIPE seeks a qualified firm to work closely with CIPE staff in Washington, DC and in  Tunisia to undertake the following tasks: 

  • Develop a sampling plan: 

o The firm will draft a detailed sampling plan, including a description of the survey coverage,  sample allocation, description of the sampling frame, and any stratification criteria to be  used, the stages of selection and the selection methods to be used at each stage. Pretest and adapt survey protocol and program CAPI/CATI devices: 

o The firm will conduct approximately 20 pre-test interviews prior to the commencement  of fieldwork and provide CIPE with a written report of the results. 

  • Train supervisors and interviewers: 

o The firm will ensure that interviewers are thoroughly familiar with household and  respondent selection procedures and the structure of the questionnaire, including routing  and filtering. Interviewer training shall include practice sessions in administering the  questionnaire. 

  • Arrange and supervise all aspects of fieldwork or phone interviews 
  • Enter and process the survey data, including data cleaning and encoding survey responses Determine the representativeness of the sample and weighting the data, if necessary
  • Analyze data and developing clear and organized report on results 
  • Maintain integrity of the process and adhere to strong ethical and professional standards 

Anticipated deliverables. The firm will submit for approval to CIPE the following deliverables  according to a schedule that will be agreed upon in advance of work: 

  • Sampling plan (revised after CIPE feedback) 
  • Pretest report and revisions of survey protocol with CIPE feedback 
  • A complete data set and data dictionary 
  • Draft technical report describing the sampling, methods used and the weights Draft analytical report providing a stub and banner analysis of the results 
  • Draft PowerPoint presentation 
  • Revisions of technical, analytical reports and PowerPoint presentation after feedback  

Timeframe and contract type. The contract timeframe is estimated to be for 2 months, to be  extended if agreed between CIPE and the firm. The contract will be fixed cost. 

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Be based in Tunisia and able to work fluently in French and Arabic, and be conversant in English
  • Have strong experience with different survey methodologies
  • Have proven experience developing and implementing nationwide surveys
  • Expertise in the areas of development, economic growth and/or private sector issues strongly desired

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