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Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement for WWF’s priority sites in Tunisia and Algeria عودة إلى الفرص

WWF Afrique du Nord

يطلق   Appel à candidatures

انتهاء الصلاحية

05 أفريل 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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  • Background

WWF is the world’s leading independent conservation organization. Our mission is to create a world where people and wildlife can live together in harmony. To achieve our mission, we’re finding ways to help transform the future for the world’s wildlife, rivers, forests and seas; pushing for a reduction in carbon emissions that will avoid catastrophic climate change; and pressing for measures to help people live sustainably, within the means of our one planet. 

To further strengthen our deep commitment to working in collaboration with indigenous peoples, local communities and respecting human rights, WWF International has established an Environmental & Social (E&S) Safeguards Framework (ESSF). The ESSF is an overarching policy framework on environmental and social risk management, providing for:   

-identification and subsequent management and monitoring of E&S impacts, risks, and opportunities within the landscapes and seascapes that host WWF projects and programs,

-effective stakeholder engagement through consultation with local communities on matters that directly affect them.

To ensure that the project is implemented in a participatory and inclusive manner, the organization requires the services of a consultant to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and develop an effective stakeholder engagement plan for its projects in Tunisia and Algeria.

  1. Objective 

The objective of this mission is to conduct a comprehensive stakeholder analysis and develop an effective stakeholder engagement plan to ensure that stakeholders are appropriately identified, engaged, and consulted throughout the project implementation.

This consultation is conducted in the framework of the “Restoration of North Africa Wetlands as a Nature Based Solution to improve water and food security” project.

  • Scope of Work

The consultancy will cover the following sites: 

-Medjerda river basin including the Tunisian and Algerian parts.

-complexe numidien de zones humides.

For the sites in Algeria, the consultant will work closely and is supported by WWF NA’s Algeria coordinator. 

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

-Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify and map all relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to local communities, government agencies, civil society organizations, and private sector actors, with their respective roles, interests, and potential impact on the project;

-Develop a stakeholder engagement plan based on the stakeholder analysis, which will outline a clear and comprehensive strategy for engaging with stakeholders and ensure their participation throughout the project implementation;

-Provide recommendations on how to effectively engage and communicate with stakeholders, including identification of appropriate channels and tools for engagement and communication;

-Facilitate consultation meetings and focus group discussions with stakeholders to gather feedback, input, and concerns related to the project implementation;

-Support the development of a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the stakeholder engagement plan and to measure stakeholder satisfaction and participation.

  1. Deliverables

-A stakeholder analysis report, including a list of stakeholders, their roles, interests, and potential impact on the project;

-A stakeholder engagement plan, including a clear and comprehensive strategy for engaging with stakeholders throughout the project implementation;

-Recommendations on effective communication and engagement with stakeholders;

-Documentation of consultation meetings and focus group discussions with stakeholders;

-A monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the stakeholder engagement plan and measure stakeholder satisfaction and participation.


Tasks  Description of the deliverable Deadline Number of days
Preliminary diagnosis, definition of the methodological approach and implementation schedule -Methodological note and implementation schedule, containing assessment results 10 days after signing the contract 3
Conduct a stakeholder analysis – A stakeholder analysis report, including a list of stakeholders, their roles, interests, and potential impact on the project 25 days after signing the contract 4
Develop a stakeholder engagement plan based on the stakeholder analysis and provide recommendations on how to effectively engage and communicate with stakeholders -A stakeholder engagement plan, including a clear and comprehensive strategy for engaging with stakeholders throughout the project implementation

– A monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the effectiveness of the stakeholder engagement plan and measure stakeholder satisfaction and participation.

35 days after signing the contract 3
Summary meeting and presentation of the results and the overall report of the mission -Final report 40 days after signing the contract 2
Total of working days 12


  • Timeline

The consultant will be expected to complete the stakeholder analysis and engagement plan within 40 days from the signing of the contract. A detailed timeline for the deliverables will be developed in consultation with the consultant and agreed upon prior to the start of the mission.

  • Qualifications

The ideal candidate should have the following qualifications:

-Proven experience in stakeholder analysis and engagement in Tunisia and Algeria;

-Strong analytical and report writing skills;

-Experience in facilitating consultation meetings and focus group discussions;

-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;

-Proficiency in Arabic and French.

  1. Documents to be submitted by the consultant

-Technical offer

– The CV(s) signed by the persons involved detailing the experiences similar to this application and the references and supporting documents for the work carried out;

– A methodological note detailing the approach to be followed for carrying out the assigned tasks and achieving the expected results of this mission;

-Financial offer

-Financial offer specifying the remuneration detailing the number of days per deliverable requested.

-The total amount of the service must include all taxes.

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