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Spark recrute un(e) LEAD Logistics Officer Retour vers les opportunités


20 Décembre 2018 Il y a 6 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social et 1 autre(s) domaines

SPARK is looking for LEAD Logistics Officer to support SPARK’s LEAD operations and projects in Tunis, Libya and Somalia/Land. Under the supervision and guidance of the LEAD Regional Admin & Finance Manager, the Logistics Officer will provide assistance to SPARK’s office and ensure that SPARK’s office is well maintained and supplied. LEAD Logistics Officer will be responsible for:

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

The responsibilities and tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Monitor the use of equipment and supplies within the office and maintain availability of stationary for the
  • office in coordination with the Regional Admin & Finance Manager
  • Assisting in office related paper work such as annual office license and subscriptions, with the municipality, social security, internet service provider and other departments/entities;
  • Manage the operations and logistics of training events, workshops, including liaising with participants, booking flights, accommodation, in line with SPARK and donor regulations
  • Actively identify new vendors and suppliers for events including receiving quotes, and conducting analysis on best price and service.
  • Assist other staff members in wide range of office duties.

SPARK Offers

  • A challenging and exciting position in an international environment;
  • Working in a small but growing office and the opportunity to take initiative and realise your ideas and plans;
  • Remuneration based on experience and full time contract (40h/per week)
  • Dynamic team to work with.


SPARK develops higher education and entrepreneurship, so that young ambitious people are empowered to lead their conflict affected society into prosperity. SPARK is a dynamic and growing not-for-profit development organization with 80 staff members which supports young entrepreneurs to start or grow their own businesses. SPARK provides displaced youth with access to higher education in fragile areas. Moreover, SPARK assists post-secondary education institutions to reform their curricula to better meet the needs of the labour markets. Based in Amsterdam, SPARK has offices in among others Abidjan, Amman, Beirut, Belgrade, Bujumbura, Gaziantep, Erbil, Hargeisa, , Kigali, Mitrovica, Monrovia, Ramallah, and Tunis.

SPARK and its partners have implemented the LEAD programme since January 2016. The overarching objective is to contribute to the reduction of irregular economic migration and radicalization by improving the socio-economic position of young people in Libya, Somalia and Tunisia. As such the programme strives to create sustainable youth employment in growth sectors with special attention to young women, by assisting existing – (70%) and new entrepreneurs (30%) with coaching & training and facilitating SMEs access to finance and markets. An integral part for achieving these goals is the promotion of entrepreneurship among young people by integrating entrepreneurship education in secondary and higher education; and additionally by providing a platform for successful young entrepreneurs.

Programme activities are aimed at young people in Tunisia, Libya and Somalia/Land between 15 and 35 years old, with an emphasis on people between 15 and 24 years old (60%) and women (40%).

Critères d'éligibilité

  • 3-5 years of experience in the relevant field
  • Fluency in Arabic, French and English
  • Good team worker while able to work independently
  • Good communication and social skills and ability to work in multicultural settings
  • Clear interest in development aid, youth and employment
  • Eligible to work in Tunisia

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 6 December 2018

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