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(Offre en anglais) SFCG recrute un(e) Coordinateur(trice) de projet à Tunis Retour vers les opportunités

Search for Common Ground

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30 Octobre 2014 Il y a 10 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance et 3 autre(s) domaines

MENA Project Coordinator – Tunis

The MENA Project Coordinator will be based in Tunis, Tunisia for a full-time, 12-month position – with a possibility of renewal for another 12 months – to start in December 2014.

The Organization

Search for Common Ground (SFCG) is an international non-profit organization that promotes peaceful resolution of conflict. With headquarters in Washington, DC and Brussels, Belgium, SFCG’s mission is to transform how individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict – away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions. SFCG seeks to help conflicting parties understand their differences and act on their commonalities. With a total of approximately 500 staff worldwide, SFCG implements projects in 35 countries, including in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. The organization is an exciting and rewarding place to work, with a dedicated and enthusiastic staff who love their work. You will be joining a highly motivated staff with a good team spirit and there will be opportunities to grow in the role.

Summary of Position

Search for Common Ground seeks a professional, motivated, and creative project coordinator to join in support of SFCG MENA team based in Tunis, Tunisia. The project coordinator will report to SFCG’s  MENA Director, and will cooperate with partners to launch a regional project designed to promote dialogue facilitation at the regional, national and local levels, with initial focus on Egypt and Tunisia.
Duties of this position include developing partnerships and maintaining relationships with universities, civil society, media and government stakeholders as well as administering and implementing academic fellowship and subgrants to civil society to promote dialogue facilitation in the region.

Key Responsibilities

  • Establish and maintain strong relationships with international and local partner organizations, NGOs, CSOs, government officials, universities, media, and others working in the field of dialogue and peacebuilding in the MENA region.
  •  Coordinate with civil society organizations to identify and interview potential CSO and academia partners.
  • Provide substantive feedback on training workshop materials and assist in facilitating training as needed.
  • Perform general grant administration functions such as planning and managing project related expenses in coordination with the Regional team and country offices.
  • Lead overall project management, including designing and implementing the project workplan, tracking the budget, and ensuring the project sticks to its schedule.
  • Work closely with the MENA regional Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist for regular monitoring of project activities and assessment of the overall goals of the project.
  • Lead communication efforts to promote the project through social and traditional media.
  • Document project successes and write project narrative reports as required.

As job descriptions cannot be exhaustive, the position-holder may be required to undertake other duties that are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • At least five years of experience in program management and conflict resolution related work.
  • BA or MA (completed or in progress) in international relations, conflict resolution, Middle East studies, international development, or a related field.
  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills, as well as the ability to conduct professional working relationships.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite and other software, as well as social media platforms.
  • Interest in peacebuilding and conflict transformation (preferred: experience in dialogue design and facilitation)
  • Familiarity with the MENA region and ability and willingness to live in Tunis, Tunisia.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 24 October 2014

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