The Senior HR/Admin Officer is responsible for preparing and following up with all matters related to administration and human resources concerning the staff working in the Tunis Capital base; including but not limited to contracts’ management, attendance, vacation, premises, in line with ACTED guidelines and provide support, overlook and coordinate with the HR departments in the field offices, and ensure centralizing the HR documents archiving at Tunis level… The Senior HR/Admin Officer is managed by the Country Finance and HR Manager. H/She shall be in charge of managing his staff and ensuring that the department meet its objectives.
Hierarchical Link
- Under the direct supervision of the Country Finance and HR Manager
- Under the overall supervision of the Country Directo
Functional Link
- Provides support to the HR Departments in Field offices.
Administration Management
The Senior HR/Admin Officer is responsible for the following tasks.
- Draft, circulate and follow up on the following documents:
- All administrative letters
- Internal notes, regulations, memos etc;
- Official letters/documents concerning issues with governmental offices, NGOs and other stakeholders.
- Follow up on all legal issues for Tunis Capital office.
- Ensure the compliance of ACTED’s procedures with the legal requirements of the country and ACTED management, notably regarding local procedures and regulations;
- Maintain and check the Administrative filling system ; which include the filling of all administrative documents (including but not limited to the premises folder, memo folder, legal folder…).
- Update the authorized signatory table for the Capital office on a monthly basis, and accumulating the authorized signatory table of the field bases.
Human Resources Management
- Inform the staff (national/international) of the public holidays in a timely manner.
- Control, check and communicate the attendance of the staff (Tunis). This shall include collecting and reviewing the attendance sheets, following up on leave requests.
- Inform Country Director and Country Finance and HR Manager of any observed breach of ACTED regulations that could lead to disciplinary actions as per ACTED HR Manual;
- Follow up on the appraisal system: guiding line managers throughout this process, following up on the timely submission of appraisals, reviewing of the recommendation, following on the final recommendations and forms. staff appraisal forms with relevant department managers;
- Follow up on staff leaves – supervise his/her team to provide necessary forms for staff, if needed and closely follow up the leave balance of each staff
- Follow up on all issues related to social security, insurance and Income tax.
- Prepare standard as well as project specific organigrams.
- Ensure all staff (national) have comprehensive terms of references;
- Management of award and or disciplinary action to staff as per ACTED HR Manual and after the approval of Country Director;
- Ensure the use of ACTED HR standard templates, in line with ACTED HR Manual/internal regulations.
- Preparing the HR TITANIC for Tunis capital office national staff, and collecting and checking the HR TITANIC of the field offices before submitting the HR TITANICs to the Country Finance and HR Manager for final validation.
- Checking all the HR and Admin documentation received from the bases, prior to submitting then for final signatories.
- Ensure that ToRs are prepared by line-manager and approved prior to the release of the vacancy announcement;
- Ensure that all recruitment have been pre-approved, notably in terms of budget.
- Prepare advertisements of vacancies for national staff (ACTED Tunis) and follow up on the recruitment processes as per recruitment plan;
- Ensure to collect all required documents of applicants as indicated in the ACTED HR Manual;
- Conduct the review of the CVs and long listing of the applications, based on the requirements of the job description.
- Follow up on the short listing of the candidates by the recruitment committee and organise the interview/test.
- Ensure contacting the candidate’s references (“Reference Check”) prior to offering the position;
- Collect all information required for personal folder (ID card, photos, “recruitment package” etc.),
- Supervise the contract preparation in line with ACTED’s templates and follow up on any renewal, amendment, resignation or termination.
- Ensure that the new staff receive proper induction and are made aware of their rights and obligations.
- The Senior HR/Admin Officer shall be in charge of ensuring that there is an accurate and efficient filling system done by the HR assistant, in line with ACTED’s requirements; in hard and soft copy. H/She shall also be in charge of ensuring that the documentation flow between base and Capital office is properly conducted.
- In this regard, H/She shall put in place accurate folders (recruitment, CVs, memos…) notably personal folders as follows:
- Ensure creating personal folders for national & international staff at the day of their arrival for both capital and field offices;
- Ensure confidentiality of personal folders;
- Ensure a follow-up/update of the personal folders from bases and capital on 1st week of N+ month.
- The Senior HR/Admin officer shall be in charge of reviewing and following up on any audit finding, recommendation and of providing all the necessary information to the compliance team.
- Commit to the humanitarian principles of strict neutrality, religious and political impartiality and non-discrimination;
- Report and clarify any work-related issues and challenges to supervisor in timely manner;
- Respect time including to work, meetings, deadlines and other reasonable requests;
- Maintain a good team spirit and stimulating working environment amongst staff and colleagues;
- Commit to honest, high quality work in all aspects of responsibilities;
- Be solution-driven;
- Consider safety and security in the field, and immediately report all incidents to the security focal point;
- Undertake any other tasks as reasonably assigned by the CFM.