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Assessment Officer – ACTED Retour vers les opportunités


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30 Juin 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Department: REACH, ACTED Base: Tunis  Duration : 6 months, renewable pending funding.


The REACH Research/Assessment Officer will focus on improving data collection methods, analysis, and reporting of  active humanitarian sectors in Libya. The Assessment Officer will regularly engage with both internal and external  assessment teams, technical agencies, and key analysis forums to identify information gaps and provide technical  support as needed. Additionally, the Assessment Officer will engage with sectors to identify opportunities for rapid  needs assessments and complete these assessments. Under the supervision of the Assessment Manager, the  Assessment Officer will be responsible for every phase of the research cycle, including designing the assessments,  writing the terms of reference, creating the tools, data cleaning and analysis, and creating factsheets and reports.  He/she will also manage related logistics, partner coordination, reporting and finance requirements and will be  required to provide input to the strategic development of REACH in Libya. The role is primarily research focused, with  additional operational and coordination requirements.

  1. REACH Assessment Management and Coordination

Objective 1.1: Management of assessments process 

The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for the design of the methodology and tools associated with each  assessment, according to REACH requirements and principles. He/she will manage the planning, implementation, and  follow-up of all REACH and projects specific assessment activities conducted in country. 

The REACH Assessment Officer shall manage logistics, financial, administration and HR processes directly related to  REACH and liaise accordingly with the relevant ACTED counterpart. He/she is directly responsible for the  implementation of proper ACTED finance, logistics, administrative, and security procedures in REACH interventions.  

Objective 1.2: Implementation

The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for the implementation of assessment projects, including the  development of assessment, database and GIS tools with the REACH team. This will specifically include, with the  GIS/Data base team, designing of data collection tools (household surveys, focus groups, and more); and the  development or review of databases. The REACH Assessment Officer will prepare training materials, provision of  training and overseeing training implementation to high quality, liaison with field teams throughout data collection,  data quality checking, and preparation of any needed documentation for compliance purposes. 

  1. REACH Reporting

Objective 2.1: Assessment Reporting 

The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for consolidating all analyses and conclusions from each assessment into  REACH products such as factsheets, reports and briefs using standard formats. He/she will liaise with Geneva and  Regional GIS/Data base Specialists in order to represent data in interactive web map or static map format, as relevant. The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for supporting the designated timeline of reports to be submitted to  project partners and donors. He/she must ensure the writing of timely and accurate assessment reports and factsheets,  ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical information provided as well as the confidentiality and protection of  collected information. He/she will ensure that assessment reports contribute to aid coordination and planning and add  to the general base of field knowledge in the country for all organisations working in the areas.  

Objective 2.2: Programmatic Reporting 

Under the supervision of the Assessment Manger, the Assessment Officer may be asked to assist in completing new  project proposals, financial reports, budget updates, or donor reports.  

  1. REACH HR Management

Objective 3.1: Staff Management  

The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for assisting in the day-to-day management of project and field staff both  directly and remotely. The REACH Assessment Officer will help ensure that all field teams are comprehensively briefed  on the objective, expected outputs and that the overall implementation strategy of any given activity is clearly  understood. He/she will support in ensuring that project/field staff are given training and complete all the necessary  documentation in line with program requirements set by REACH. 

At this time, the Assessment Officer will not be responsible for any line managing any staff members, although this may  change with future funding and staffing structures. 

  1. Representation

Objective 4.1: External Coordination 

The REACH Assessment Officer is responsible for the representation of ACTED/REACH in sector and multi-sector  meetings/ technical working groups. This specifically will include liaising with external partners to identify potential for  data sets to be integrated into existing databases and mapped to support the coordination of the broader humanitarian  community. Given the focus of this position on completing sector specific and rapid needs assessments, external  engagement will be a key part of the Assessment Officer’s role.  

The REACH Assessment Officer will further represent REACH vis-a-vis current and potential donors and communicate  relevant information to the REACH Assessment Manager and Country Coordinator, ACTED Project Development  Manager and Country Director. He/she will participate in inter-NGO meetings and those of UN agencies and any other  relevant inter-governmental institutions at the national or provincial level.  

More generally, the REACH Assessment Officer is expected to contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall  credibility of the organisation, notably through the application of REACH and ACTED’s mandate, ethics, values and  stand-point with regard to other actors.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Academic Excellent academic qualifications, preferably including a Master degree in relevant discipline;
  • Research skills Proficiency and proven experience with research methods.
  • Excellent analytical skills – research question design, familiarity with research methods (and their appropriate usage), report writing, data visualisation
  • Software skills Proven knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite, to include Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
  • Advanced skills in R, SPSS and/or STATA or other statistical analysis software are an asset;
  • Experience with InDesign an asset.
  • Years of work experience At least 1 years of relevant working experience. Relevant experience must include coordinating between organisation.
  • Experience in humanitarian settings, specifically working with humanitarian sectors/clusters, is highly desirable;
  • Experience in presentations, training and public speaking highly desirable;
  • Management skills Team management experience and skills highly desirable;
  • Communication/reporting skills Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting is required;
  • Multi-tasking skills Ability to multitask with tight deadlines, on numerous research cycles;
  • Level of independence Proven ability to work independently;
  • Cross-cultural work environment Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Experience in geographical region Past experience with Libya is desirable;
  • Language skills Fluency, written and spoken in English essential. Arabic is an asset.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 3 juin 2021

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