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(Offre en anglais) SALTO Euromed lance un appel à candidature au Learning programme “Youthful Europe” Retour vers les opportunités


13 Mars 2016 Il y a 9 ans

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The activity provides youth work practitioners with a space to explore and critically reflect different approaches towards Europe through identity, values and active participation, and to promote the notion of Europe as an opportunity.

»Europe is a source of inspiration from the past, it is emancipation in the present, and an aspiration towards a sustainable future. Europe is an identity, an idea, an ideal«.
European Commission: »New narrative for Europe« Declaration »The mind and body of Europe«


The concept of Europe has been for many synonymous with modernity, affluence and civic values, such as democracy, and respect for human rights. These notions have long constituted the common narrative of Europe, despite of much destabilising political and societal turmoil in the past. Therefore the mere idea of Europe has been a crucial catalyst for the sense of shared identity and interdependency in the continent.

However, following the recent economic and socio-political challenges, the sense of belonging in, and commitment to Europe has begun to unravel, evoking political extremism and xenophobia. Consequently, the idea of unified Europe has begun to represent a threat instead of an opportunity for many young people, who are struggling for economic independence and self-actualisation in the midst of accumulating uncertainties.

The learning programme “Youthful Europe” is an initiative of the Austrian, German and Polish National Agencies for the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme and the three regional SALTO Centres (SEE, EECA and Euromed) responding to a need to address the European dimension in youth work and to promote the empowerment of young people taking an active role in envisaging future Europe.

The initiative has a long-term perspective consisting of semi-annual activities (including a residential training course with an e-learning phase) implemented in the regions of Partner Countries within the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme neighbouring the European Union: Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries and Russian Federation and South-Mediterranean countries, as well as the development of an e-learning tool to better enable youth work practitioners to address the topic of Europe with young people. More information on the project is available here .

This call for participants is targeting youth work practitioners interested in taking part in the learning programme focusing on the topic of Europe with specific aspects in relation to the South Mediterranean region. The programme consists of a residential training course in Tunisia in 25th – 30th of April and an e-learning phase in a closed e-learning platform set up for this activity prior (four weekly modules) and after (two weekly modules) the residential activity. The e-learning phase enables the participants to reflect and apply their learning directly in their local environment as well as in the international context. During the residential activity, the participants will also be introduced with an e-learning tool in the form of an application for tablets and mobile phones, which they can further use in their work with young people on the topic.

Aim and objectives

The aim of the learning programme is to provide youth work practitioners with a possibility to explore and critically reflect on different approaches towards Europe through three of its constitutive elements: identity, values and active participation and further inspire young people to see Europe as an opportunity.


  • to provide the participants with an opportunity to express and review their thoughts and feelings of Europe;
  • to discover diverse perceptions on Europe and concrete realities of youth work and young people in European communities;
  • to develop insight on personal identity and values and develop understanding on how they are reflected in the European context;
  • to deepen the understanding of what means to be an active citizen in Europe and stimulate creative approaches of practising it;
  • to discover different approaches of non-formal education towards opening perspectives and supporting young people in using Europe as an opportunity;
  • to motivate participants to use the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme.


This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. Being selected for this activity, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project – except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your Erasmus+: Youth in Action NA or SALTO EuroMed (euromed@salto-youth.net) to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

This Training Course is for 24 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries , Southern Mediterranean countries and recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Project managers.




  • Interkulturelles Zentrum -Austria (National Agency)
  • Jugend für Europa -Germany (National Agency)
  • SALTO SEE Resource Centre (SALTO)

The programme of activities

Critères d'éligibilité

  • working directly with young people;
  • interested in the reflection and further learning on the topic of Europe and the empowerment of young people to understand and experience Europe as an opportunity;
  • motivated to apply the acquired competences in the local youth work practice;
  • able to commit to participate in the entire programme, including the e-learning phase prior and after the training course (see the programme of activities for further information);
  • able to work effectively in English;
  • over 18 years old;

L'opportunité a expiré

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Federica Demicheli


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