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Resource Mobilization Expert-Skills to succeed (StS) عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

16 ماي 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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تفاصيل الفرصة

الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tataouine
المجالات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة: Formations

Resource Mobilization Expert


In order to secure the long-term sustainability or the organization, Skills to succeed (StS) is seeking the services of a qualified consultant or consultants to develop a comprehensive resource mobilization strategy that will take into account the current global donor landscape, identify new actors, explore new funding modalities, and outline a strategic approach to leveraging existing and new partnerships, as well as make recommendations on how to diversify our resource base.


The objective of the consultancy is to develop a resource mobilization strategy and establish a clear overview of current and potential funding opportunities for the StS to increase the long-term sustainability of the organization.

Specific tasks

• Review the StS’s current strategic plan; work plan; project proposals, knowledge management products and funding model to better understand the needs and help position the organization for resource mobilization.

• Consult with the StS team to understand the vision, mission and focus areas of the organization.

• Map the STS products and services to identify funding gaps.

• Conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential donors worldwide based on geographic interest and thematic funding and assesses the feasibility of securing multiyear and thematic funding.

• Map donors’ strategic areas of interest and explore opportunities for partnerships from emerging donors

Countries and private sector foundations.

• Develop a plan to engage new donors (traditional and non-traditional).

• Develop objectives for fundraising, methods, and strategies and focus (bilateral, private sector, public funding, and foundations).

• Recommend strategies to develop and maintain strategic partnerships and engagement with key donors.

• Draft master fundraising proposals based on past proposals and aligned with the new strategic plan.

• Develop a series of fundraising materials (print and digital) to secure funding/raise the profile of the StS, including website content.

• Develop fundraising guidelines.


• A comprehensive resource mobilization strategy that includes an overview of the situation, a critical analysis of past fundraising experience, explores future opportunities and strategies, and outlines a time- bound action plan to systematically research and raise funds.

• An annex that maps donor interests worldwide – particularly in Tunisia – priorities, funding windows, typical funding amounts, focal points, samples of successful project applications, and points to clear actions that should be taken to mobilize resources and develop and maintain relationships with donors.

• A series of fundraising materials, both print and digital.

• Master proposals to potential donors (number to be determined).

• Institutional fundraising guidelines.

Required, experience and competencies

• At least ten years global experience in the development sector and proven experience and success in developing business models and mobilizing funds for civil society and international non-governmental organizations.

• Excellent knowledge of key donors.

• Strong analytical, strategic thinking and planning skills and ability to work under tight deadlines.

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