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Request For Proposals-Chemonics Retour vers les opportunités

Chemonics International

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25 Mai 2023 Il y a 1 year

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Société: Chemonics Tunisia SARL/ Projet: USAID Tunisia JOBS

Objet: Request For Proposals (RFP): Tunisia JOBS-RFP-2023-001-JOB Fair.


Chemonics, the Buyer, acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Jobs, Opportunities, and Business Success (JOBS) Project, is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to submit proposals to participate with Tunisia JOBS to carry out the organization of a hybrid or fully online job fair.


The purpose of the USAID-funded Jobs, Opportunities & Business Success (JOBS) project is to help Tunisian private companies increase their sales and exports sustainably to increase economic growth opportunities, leading to job creation. As part of this effort, JOBS’ Workforce Development (WFD) component aims to close the skills and employment gaps for Tunisian youth. 

Thus, and as a part of the year 5 strategy, JOBS aims to host an innovative job fair that combines physical and virtual elements or a fully online job fair. The event will serve as a platform for job seekers to connect with potential employers, explore career opportunities, and gain valuable insights into the job market.


The objective of this RFP is to seek proposals from qualified companies to organize a hybrid or fully online job fair that will enable young job seekers to connect with potential employers and gain insights into various industries and career paths. The job fair should focus on enhancing youth employability and leveraging digital technologies to create an inclusive and accessible platform.


Scope of work:


The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the following:


  1. Planning and Coordination: 
  2. Employer Engagement: 
  3. Job Seeker Engagement
  4. Technical Support: 
  5. Data Analytics and Reporting
  6. Budgeting and Financial Management

The successful offeror shall deliver to Chemonics Tunisia JOBS the following deliverables, in accordance with the schedule set forth in II.3 below

Deliverable No. 1: Job Fair Planning, Marketing and engagements strategy and activities

Deliverable No. 2: Job Fair execution

Deliverable No. 3: Data Collection and Reporting

(More details and requested data on the below attached file).

“Interested offerors must email us on: Subcontracts@TunisiaJOBS.org

No later than Friday 26th of May,2023 at 5 PM local time of Tunis.”

Instead of “Deadline for offers: May 25, 2023, 5 PM local time of Tunis

Offers must be emailed to: Subcontracts@TunisiaJOBS.org


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