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Request for Consultant Services Proposal (RFP)  -FHI360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

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26 Février 2024 Il y a 1 an

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Request for Consultant Services Proposal (RFP)  

Solicitation Title: Clinical Study Coordinator Consultant 

Solicitation Number: RQTUN240118  

Submit Questions to: Tunisprocurement@fhi360.org 

Date of Issue of RFP: February 2nd, 2024  

Date Proposal Due: February 21th, 2024  

Number of Consultants 2  

Approximate Timeframe Consultant  Agreement Issued to Successful  Candidate(s):  


Method of Submittal:  

February 2024  

Respond via e-mail with attached document in MS Word / pdf format. Pricing should be  provided in Excel format unless otherwise specified. Required documentation should  be submitted to: Tunisprocurement@fhi360.org,  

Quote Validity:

The Consultant agrees to hold the prices in its offer firm for 90 days from the date  specified for the receipt of offers unless another time is specified in the addendum of the  RFP. 



About FHI 360  

FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in  lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in  health, education, nutrition, environment, economic development, civil society, gender,  youth, research, technology, communication, and social marketing- creating a unique mix of  capabilities to address today’s interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves more  than 70 countries and all U.S. states and territories.  

CURES Project Background:  

The Tunisian Health Center for University Research Excellence & Sustainability project  (CURES) focuses on a key driver of Tunisia’s NCD crisis: the lack of a central, internationally  linked hub for NCD teaching, research, simulation, innovation, and technology  commercialization.  

Family Health International (FHI 360) will help address these gaps via the CURES activities,  with the ultimate objectives of improved NCD prevention and management in Tunisia;  improved lives and longevity for Tunisians; an enhanced position for Tunisia as an  international center for teaching, research, and medical technology commercialization; a  return to its position as the premier medical tourism destinations for African countries;  and support to private sector led growth.  

FHI360 will provide simulation-based training to ensure a more rigorous curriculum that  will improve surgical interventions to treat NCDs and establish commercially viable  partnerships between the SMS and the private sector to foster locally developed health sector technologies and establish commercially viable partnerships between the SMS and  the private sector to foster locally developed health-sector technologies.  

Family Health International (FHI 360) will work with the SMS, the MHESR, the MoH, and  other relevant stakeholders to create a modern center of excellence for NCD research and  simulation-based teaching through establishment of the SMS Research and Simulation  Center. FHI360 will renovate and equip the SMS research and simulation center, create  linkages and partnerships with renowned U.S. research centers and universities, and  support the commercialization of the center’s research.  

Scope of Work 

  1. The primary objective of the COPD registry at Hedi Chaker Hospital is to evaluate  mortality outcomes in a cohort of patients followed for three years.  
  2. Secondary objectives the consultant will provide support on a day-to-day basis to the  study team on the Hedi Chaker hospital for the implementation of the DCOPD. 

These tasks will be delivered both in-person and remotely to CURES Technical Monitor and the  consultant will agree beforehand which specific tasks will be completed in-person. 

Deliverables/Milestones & Due Dates: The consultant and the FHI 360 technical monitor  will coordinate closely on the tasks, deliverables and due dates outlined below, and any changes  to the Scope of Work, Deliverables, LOE allocated to Deliverables and Period of performance  will require prior authorization from the Technical Monitor.

Assignment Tasks/Outputs (submitted on a  

rolling basis) Deliverables Due Date  

Performs research  development with  

Makes detailed evaluations,  observations, analyzes data and  

D1 : D1:  

senior research staff to  develop, implement,  manage, and conduct  research studies. 

interprets results using  qualitative/quantitative  methods and statistics as per  the study timeline 

monthly report of  activities 

End of every  month for  the duration  of the  consultancy 

Prepares datasets and  associated  

Study files maintenance and  data recording and any  

D2: D2:  

documentation for data  sharing with study  team; may verify results  from descriptive  analyses conducted by  others.  

documentation assigned by  technical monitor monthly report of  activities 

End of every  month for  the duration  of the  consultancy 


communications with  

include planning and  managing team meetings,  

D3: D3:  

the study team and  

Meeting minutes  

documenting key decisions and  

End of every  

field-based data  

collection team(s).  Tracks study progress  and timelines; identifies  and communicates  potential problems to  field team, under  

appropriate supervision. 

tracking action items. 

identifying key action  items and monthly  progress report of key  action items 

month for  the duration  of the  


review and track  invoices and payments 

Keep track of invoices and  payment records 

D4 :  D4 

Monthly report of  invoices and payments 

End of every  month for  the duration  of the  



Total  86 days 


Period of Performance: The consultancy agreement is for a period of 4 months starting  from the full signature of Contract/Bon de command.  

Location of Work: SFAX Hedi Chaker Hospital.  

Timetable and Address for Submission: Applications are due no later than  February 21, 2024.Required documentation listed below must be e-mailed to  tunisprocurement@fhi360.org with the Subject Line: Clinical study coordinator Consultant.  

Qualifications, desired skills, and experiences:  

 Project management experience, preferably related to academic research projects,  including but not limited to the following experience:  

 Ordering supplies and equipment  

 Coordinating a team of patients and care providers  

 Support budget preparation  

 Writing official reports and documents for academic and clinical committees 

 Assist with IRB/local ethics committee compliance, regulations, and good clinical  practice requirements.  

 Experience in the air quality or environmental field (preferred but not essential –  (we will provide training on study procedures and devices)  

 Intermediate computer proficiency (Microsoft Office, Shared drives, using apps to  operate the exposure devices)  

 Basic data management (download/upload data, file management, data entry on  web-based data collection application)  

 Problem-solving skills (resourceful, ability to think quickly when issues arise in the  field)  

 Attention to detail (e.g., care when handling filters, ensuring correct filter IDs and  device IDs have been recorded in the data collection forms, ensuring correct settings  for sampling)  

Eligibility for application:  

Evaluation Criteria: CVs will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria:  

 Expertise in relevant fields 50 points  

 Experience in relevant fields 50 points  

Required Documentation: Proposals must include the following components:  

 Cover Letter  

 Up to date CV  

 Daily rate  

 Tax ID/ Patente  

FHI 360 Disclaimers  

 FHI 360 may perform a background check on any selected Consultant candidates.

 FHI 360 may cancel the solicitation and not award. 

 FHI 360 may reject any or all responses received.  

 Issuance of the solicitation does not constitute an award commitment by FHI 360 

 FHI 360 reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on failure of the offeror to  follow solicitation instructions.  

 FHI 360 will not compensate any offeror for responding to solicitation. 

 FHI 360 reserves the right to issue agreement based on initial evaluation of offers  without further discussion.  

 FHI 360 may choose to award only part of the activities in the solicitation, or issue  multiple agreements based on the solicitation activities. 

 FHI 360 reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected  prior to award determination to promote competition.  

 FHI 360’s supplier terms and conditions can be found Here while our consultant terms  and conditions can be found here also an Arabic version is available here

Clinical Study Coordinator Consultant SOW

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