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Consultant- Regional market and needs analysis in communities proximate with the Libyan border – EFE Tunisie Retour vers les opportunités

Education for Employment

Lance   Appel à consultants


03 Mars 2020 Il y a 5 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Médenine
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Emploi et formation

About the Project

Education For Employment EFE-Tunisie, have partnered with the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia to launch the supplemental phase of the project “ Supporting Job Creation for Young Tunisians from Marginalized Communities” to increase employment (including self-employment) among young Tunisians in communities proximate with the Libyan border.

EFE-Tunisie has become the country’s leading civil society organization addressing youth unemployment. This was made by providing more than 16 000 young women and men with skills and tools to find their first job or start a business, including more than 2132 youth directly placed into demand sectors, while also influencing institutional level systems change by working to improve feedback loops between the public and private sector.

With this second round of supplemental funding, EFE aims to build upon its success by providing additional opportunities for young Tunisians to improve their economic outcomes by conducting youth outreach as well as employability and job training activities. In order to continue expanding the project’s focus nationally and enhance its reach to youth (aged 18-35) from diverse and underserved regions of Tunisia, beneficiaries of this project will now include Tunisian youth living in communities proximate with the Libyan border. (Governorate of Medenine) Activities under this new objective will be achieved by emphasizing the importance of local contextualization and community involvement. In order to do so, EFE will establish a field office in the target region, conduct a robust regional ecosystem assessment to better understand employment motivations and realities for youth, and guarantee the involvement of local actors and stakeholders in project activities. Project interventions will focus on encouraging youth to seek formal employment opportunities through the delivery of employability and targeted technical and soft skills trainings and awareness events.

Regional market and needs analysis in in communities proximate with the Libyan border

EFE-Tunisie will conduct a regional market and needs analysis on communities close to the Libyan border to further strengthen the project’s impact. This analysis will provide nuanced information on the regional market, key technical and softs skills in demand from employers, and specific challenges that are faced by key stakeholders, including employers, educational partners, institutional partners, government agencies, and the youth themselves. The analysis will build upon learnings from the initial ecosystem assessment carried out in the governorate of Medenine and will hone in on youth motivations for working in the informal market and the status of youth employment in these communities

The assessment will also seek to identify synergies with the government of Tunisia’s commitment to lower citizen engagement with the informal economy. This assessment will inform the approach taken in the following activities for the new objective. Results of the assessment will determine if any adjustments will need to be made to initial project activities and targets given the challenging eco-system and need for further data and identification of opportunities and potential partners.


  • Under this ToR the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks and will:
  • Establish a directory of companies and licensed professionals that operate in high-demand sectors in the target region (Governorate of Medenine)
  • Identify SMEs, big companies and licensed professionals with hiring needs in each of the targeted governorate, by sectors
  • Survey the identified SMEs, big companies and licensed professionals in the targeted governorate. He
    / She will establish a list/forecast of their hiring needs in 2020 and 2021, in terms of the number of:

    • Vacant positions and the estimated hiring period
    • Profiles and competencies needed: educational level, the age range and the gender
    • Soft and Technical Skills needed of their future new recruits.
  • Benchmark of studies and analysis reports about youth employability and transition from informal to formal sector for Tunisian youth living in communities proximate with the Libyan border (Governorate of Medenine).
  • Identify similar Workforce programs funded by other donors in the targeted region
  • Identify synergies with the government of Tunisia’s commitment to lower citizen engagement with the informal economy
  • List specific challenges (through one to one meeting or focus group) that are faced by key stakeholders to improve employment and self-employment including:
    • Employers: difficulties to find suitable candidates, lack of candidates skills….
    • Educational partners
    • Government agencies: Main policies/programs offered to unemployed youth in the region, their needs to improve their services, main challenges faced to reduce the unemployment
    • Youth themselves: Motivation for transitioning from informal to formal sector, lack of knowledge about job opportunities, about government support to find a job…

Approach and methodology:

The consultant will engage with all employment stakeholders and the private sector in target regions, i.e Chambers of Commerce, Regional UTICA, as well as national and local business associations and federations that operate in the targeted governorates.

The consultant will achieve the expected outputs of the Regional market and needs analysis through:

  • Desk review of the main studies which focuses on employment in the target regions (studies held not before 2017)
  • One‐on‐one interviews/meetings with:
    • the private sector presenting high-demand in the target regions
    • employment stakeholders
    • Youth bases in the target regions (a sample will be jointly fixed)
  • Utilization of consultant’s knowledge, resources and networks.


It is anticipated this exercise should take no more than 1 month to complete, once the consultant has been appointed. The consultant will begin the Regional market and needs analysis in February 2020. The study, all deliverables included, must be completed by end of February 2020.

Deliverables and Final Work outputs

  • A directory of companies and licensed professionals in the targeted governorates, per governorate and per sector that presents high hiring demand (5 days)
  • A detailed report of the hiring needs of the companies and licensed professionals previously identified and surveyed by the consultant. This report must include: the hiring needs over 2020 and 2021, the number of vacant positions per company per sector, the profiles and competencies needed per company per sector, the educational level required for these job, the age range of
  • the required personnel, as well as the skills needed to enhance the employability of the future new recruits of each company. The report must be; per company, per sector, per governorate
    (20 days)
  • A detailed report of the survey held with the different target groups regarding the survey addressing the main challenges faced to improve formal employment in the region including recommendations to address them, minutes of the different meetings… (10 days)
  • The assessment analysis tool that will be addressed by the consultant to: (5 days)
    • Private sector
    • Employment Stakeholders
    • Youth
  • A benchmark of civil society organizations/institutions that deliver workforce development programs in the targeted governorates as well as the donors supporting these organisations/institutions. The benchmark should also include a detailed summary of the training programs delivered by each organization/institution. (5 days)
  • A benchmark of studies about youth employability and transition from informal to formal sector for Tunisian youth living in communities proximate with the Libyan border – Governorate of Medenine (5 days) The total number of fays for this mission should not exceed 50 Days.

Proposal include:

Technical proposal

Pour le Bureau :

  • Proof of successful accomplishment of the contract with the similar nature of the mission of these ToR, minimum of three reference
  • Methodology This section contains what approaches and methodology will be applied to accomplish the study, details of the activities to achieve deliverables, any innovative ideas, and requirements for completing the study effectively on the performance period
  • Work Plan : This includes key activities of the study and days required to complete them on specified time maintaining linkage with study objectives
  • Updated CVs of the study team proposed/Consulatant
  • Les CVs du personnel clé mentionnant leurs références et leur expérience dans les domaines exigés dûment signés
  • Detailed activity breakdown per CV proposed.

Detailed financial proposal

  • Consultant has to submit the proposed budget with the detailed activity breakdown and other cost required to complete the study as per TOR

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 28 janvier 2020

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