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RAPPORTEUR SERVICES-Tunisian Observatory of Economy Retour vers les opportunités


17 Novembre 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie





The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) in partnership with Tunisian Observatory of economy(OTE) are organizing  a partner end-term review meeting under the Scaling Up Tax Justice (SCUT) project from the 21st to the 23rd November 2022. 

The main objective of the SCUT project is to scale up tax justice by establishing and strengthening national coordination mechanisms for tax justice outreach in Cameroon, Senegal, Tunisia and East Africa. The project exists to strengthen and promote the tax justice movement and campaign against illicit financial flows (IFFs). This project focuses on the following areas: monitoring fair taxes, advocating for effective and efficient administration of tax incentives and Double Tax Agreements (DTA) with members in Senegal, Cameroon, Tunisia and East Africa. 

This meeting shall mark the end of Phase 2 of the SCUT project, which began in 2018 and is ending in 2022. It shall also mark the beginning of Phase 3, which begins in 2023 and seeks to expand to Mali, Congo DR, Togo and Morocco. 

In this regard, OTE is seeking to recruit rapporteurs to work with its team in coordinating and delivering a successful event. Details of the role are below. The rapporteur will work closely with and report to the Project Coordinator.
Amine el kamel : amine.elkamel@economie-tunisie.org
Bezawit Mekonnen : bmekonnen@taxjusticeafrica.net 

  • Roles and Tasks

There will be a number of presentations that shall take place during the course of this event. The objectives of this meeting shall include: 

  1. Track implementation of phase 2 activities 
  2. Track funds absorption rates 
  3. Outcome harvesting sessions 
  4. Highlight SCUT success stories 
  5. Looking ahead to phase 3

  Considering the purpose of this meeting, the rapporteur  shall be expected to undertake the following: 

  1. Take note of the reports provided on the project implementation of the SCUT project by different partners, including any plans to accelerate implmentation of the project.The presentations that are made by the partners during the meeting will be supplemented by their narrative and financial reports. The rapporteur is expected to supplement their notes with information from these reports.  
  2. Take note of the success stories highlighted by partners in their implementation of the project, highlighting the main outcomes of their activities.  
  3. Take note of discussions on the plans for Phase 3 under the SCUT project.  Provide Annexes that should include: Participants list including contact details such as  email addresses, presentations (if there were any during the meeting), reference documents, if any are represented in the meeting.
  4. Take note of any questions/remarks from the participants which are of interest to the subject matter as well as replies from the speakers. 
  5. Write a comprehensive summary report of the training’s proceedings using TJNA Style guide. 



The expected deliverables from this assignment:

    1. Session Reports from the meeting  from   the 21st to the 23rd   November 2022
    2. Compiled report of  the  above
  • Timeframe

The Rapportuer contract will run for a period of  26 days from 21st   November 2022.

  • Fees

The deadline for delivery of final deliverables to TJNA and OTE  is Friday , 16th December 2022 while   the first draft of all the deliverables is expected on the 2nd December 2022.

  • Disclaimer

All contracts for services related to the event shall strictly follow the procurement rules of TOE. Any contract that does not follow those rules will be considered null and void unless there has been exceptional clearance by the Executive Director.

TOE will not be liable for any misplacement of relevant documents. 

How to apply

To apply, please send your application including your CV ,your references and a quoation (serive / day)   to the following address rh@economie-tunisie.org mentioning the reference “SCUT-RH-2022” in the subject of the email, before 17/11 /2022


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