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Quality Assurance, Environmental & Social Safeguards Framework Officer -WWF عودة إلى الفرص

WWF Afrique du Nord

يطلق   Offre d'emploi

انتهاء الصلاحية

11 جانفي 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Position title: Quality Assurance, Environmental & Social Safeguards Framework Officer 


Reports to: Conservation Director /North Africa Director


Location: Tunis


Date: December  2022

  • Mission: 


To further strengthen our deep commitment to working in collaboration with indigenous peoples, local communities and respecting human rights, WWF International has established an Environmental & Social (E&S) Safeguards Framework (ESSF). The ESSF is an overarching policy framework on environmental and social risk management, providing for:    

  • identification and subsequent management and monitoring of E&S impacts, risks, and opportunities within the landscapes and seascapes that host WWF projects and programs, 
  • effective stakeholder engagement through consultation with local communities on matters that directly affect them and disclosure of project-related information via a new public portal.


A number of ESSF functions are being established in regional and country program offices. 


WWF International has also adopted a Risk Management and Quality Assurance (QA) policy, with associated standards and procedures to ensure that all projects developed and implemented by WWF International offices, are assessed for relevance for WWF goals, Risks (including Environmental and Social, programmatic, people, reputational, financial, and operational) with adequate risk mitigation and management plans to ensure that risks are being managed within WWF’s risk appetite. Ensure  that relevant risks – to WWF and others – are being well managed to enable successful achievement of the desired conservation impact. These risks must be considered in relation to the potential reward – or impact – we are seeking, and balanced with them. All projects are to be reviewed and their approval documented at the CO/PO level or, when risks trigger defined ‘escalation’ criteria, are reviewed and endorsed by the relevant Regional Director, Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) or the Conservation Quality Committee (CQC) of WWF International. 


The QA/ESSF/RM Officer in their capacity as a risk manager for WWF North Africa shall ensure that all risks are managed and risk treatment actions are budgeted and implemented. The Officer shall actively monitor emerging risks, ensure that risk registers are updated, that major risks are reviewed on a quarterly basis with the Regional Director report on aggregate risk exposures, and develop their own and Country Office risk management capacity through regular and ongoing training and mentoring.

At the strategic office level, the Officer will oversee implementation of WWF International policies and provide independent advice and opinions to the Country Office Senior Management Team and Regional Manager for Risk and Quality Assurance. 

  • Major Functions: 


  • Support WWF North Africa team to ensure that landscapes/seascapes and projects are screened for E&S risks and E&S risks are mitigated and managed, stakeholders are engaged and grievance systems are in place;
  • Ensure mainstreaming of ESSF and Risk Management at strategic level and within project proposals and guide ESSF and Risk Management in the Quality Assurance process; 
  • Ensure WWF North Africa has a system of Quality Assurance in place to develop project concepts and proposals, with documented risk assessments and approvals; 
  • Train/mentor WWF North Africa staff on ESSF policies and standards; train staff on QA; train and guide staff in Risk Management implementation;
  • Liaise with WWF International ESSF division, and ensure information flow and reporting on ESSF implementation;
  • Work with the Regional Manager for Risk and Quality Assurance to escalate to the North Africa Director, Regional Director or Network governance (QAC or CQC) projects or landscapes where risks are medium/high (based on escalation criteria) and is able to provide the necessary information for Regional Director or QAC/CQC review and endorsement.

  • Detailed Duties and Responsibilities: 

              The QA/ESSF/RM Officer in their capacity as a risk manager for WWF North Africa shall:


  • Coordinate the implementation of the Network risk management framework including policies, standards, risk appetite, and risk management strategy. 
  • Report on the aggregate risk exposure, emerging risks and provide assurance on effective risk management to the CO director.
  • Coordinate the risk management process within the offices, contribute to enhancement of risk culture and develop personal and broader staff capacity in enterprise and project level risk management.
  • Ensure that all internal policies and internal controls are implemented and effective. 
  • The Officer, if agreed, participates in the internal control self-assessment, control testing or investigation.
  • Participate in the Network Risk community and develop his/her professional skills in risk management.


  • Serve as the focal point and coordinator for E&S safeguard implementation and oversight in the NA region. 
  • Support the NA team in the implementation of the ESSF policy by sharing information with and providing mentoring support to Landscape Leads, program managers, project team members and other staff or consultants responsible for implementing E&S safeguards. 
  • Lead the E&S risk screening in NA landscapes and the development of risk mitigation and management plans; provide expert guidance and access to best practice information for the ESSF screening of WWF NA projects, especially for those with medium and high risk ratings.
  • Guide and support the NA program/landscape/project teams to identify risk mitigation and management opportunities/strategies, to engage stakeholders, to ensure project information disclosure and build grievance mechanisms in landscapes.
  • In accordance with WWF International ESSF division, finalize and coordinate approval of the formal E&S risk classification of NA landscapes and NA projects in landscapes.  Take into account all relevant information such as the type, location, sensitivity and scale of the project, the nature and magnitude of the potential impacts, the capacity and commitment of the office and any third parties WWF is funding to manage risks and impacts in a manner consistent with the ESSF.
  • Ensure mainstreaming of ESSF into NA project design, supporting NA leadership in bringing ESSF into dialogue and negotiation with donors; ensure that ESSF aspects are well integrated into the Quality Assurance process and support the escalating of proposals to the NA Director, Regional Director, QAC or CQC when projects entail ESSF risks according to the Escalation Criteria.
  • Liaise with WWF International ESSF division to ensure that NA ESSF standards and procedures are updated, to report on ESSF implementation, to approve landscape ESSF risk screenings and management plans, to address specific challenges; resolve questions related to ESSF interpretation (from staff, partners and external stakeholders); train/mentor NA staff on ESSF policies and standards; train partners and other relevant third parties on the ESSF and its provisions and implications for project preparation and implementation. 
  • Monitor the implementation of ESSF risks and other risk management plans and support adaptation of plans as necessary; ensure that information on ESSF implementation in landscapes and projects, is provided in the CPM database, in the landscape database, and other WWF NA and WWF Network monitoring systems.
  • Gather and disseminate lessons learned and best practices from specific projects and/or landscapes for research, knowledge and learning purposes; identify, collate, generate, and disseminate ESSF knowledge, lessons, trends and outcomes into NA and Europe regional discussion of the conservation and development agenda. 
  • Support the WWF Europe team in the implementation, monitoring, training on ESSF policies and standards in WWF Europe POs/COs.
  • Coordinate the NA team in the implementation of WWF NA internal QA procedure and engagement with QAC on project review and approval when necessary; ensure NA team has a good understanding of QA process and procedures to be followed.
  • Ensure preparation and transmission of all the necessary information to WWF NA Directror,  the Regional Director or QAC/CQC and coordinate with the Regional Manager for Risk and Quality Assurance or the WWF International QA team the project review and endorsement; ensure that pipeline projects requiring review and approval are input into the appropriate  Pipeline Tracker and that there is a calendar agreed with the Regional Manager or QA Team planning timely submission of proposals.
  • Liaise with the WWF International QA team to address specific risks or other issues related to project proposals and develop the necessary mitigation and management responses to be included in the project. 
  • Support WWF NA Director, SMT, program managers and project leaders in dialogue with donors to ensure that risk mitigation and management measures identified in the QA process are integrated in the proposals, budgeted and supported by the donors and that specific safeguards required by the donors are integrated in the project design.
  • Support an internal risk review process and definition by NA SMT and program managers of the Risk Appetite, or level of risk that the organization is ready to manage in order to achieve its conservation objectives.
  • Ensure that NA Risk register is regularly updated with program / project risks; that significant risks are identified and risk mitigation measures are designed and implemented.
  • Ensure reporting to WWF International Risk and QA on QA implementation in WWF NA, input information as required in monitoring databases. 
  • Stay updated on developments in WWF International QA policy, standards and procedures and ensure NA SMT, program leaders and other concerned staff are informed, trained and committed to QA implementation.
  • Ensure that the NA team is trained to identify, assess and mitigate risks; keep NA abreast of developments of risk management policies and standards in the WWF network.

  • Profile:



  • University degree in any of conservation, social sciences and management, law, environmental management, economics and policies, social development, sociology, social anthropology or other relevant fields.
  • Minimum of three years of relevant experience in any of the following areas: social development in conservation, human right based approach, community based conservation and management of natural resources, stakeholder’s engagement and participation, E&S safeguard systems.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of social/local communities context of conservation in the NA region; social safeguards; development of guidance, references and tools related to local communities and social safeguards; design and monitoring of conservation & development  programs, projects and activities; engagement of local communities in conservation; and advocacy and capacity building.
  • Familiarity with the project development process; understanding of project risks and risk management; experience communicating with donors.
  • Understanding organizational management, organizational risk management, accountability and assurance.

  • Working Relationships:


Internal – Reports to the WWF NA Director or Conservation Director with a dotted reporting line to WWF International ESSF Team and Regional Manager for Risk and Quality Assurance; works closely with all NA team; interacts daily with landscape leaders/coordinators and program / project managers; Works closely with NA CEO (final sign off on all proposals); works closely and interacts regularly with SMT, program managers and project leaders responsible for project development; maintains close relations with WWF International QA and Risk Management teams; interacts with the Europe Regional Head.


External – External partners, including regional and international NGOs and other civil society organizations, stakeholders, donors, involved in project development and implementation.


This job description covers the main tasks and conveys the spirit of the sort of tasks that are anticipated proactively from staff. Other tasks may be assigned as necessary according to organizational needs.


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