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PVE/PYD Trainer -El Space Retour vers les opportunités

EL SPACE Social Innovation Hub

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25 Juin 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Arts/Culture

El Space: 

EL SPACE Social Innovation Hub is dedicated to making a leading  sustainable community through entrepreneurship and innovation. In  fact, the hub is composed of active change drivers who share a  common space, common interests, and common values working  towards a better Tunisia. 

Acting as a catalyst for social entrepreneurship and innovation within  the ecosystem, ElSpace is committed to empowering inclusive  entrepreneurs and innovators by hosting, training, and offering  networking opportunities as well as designing integrated and  impactful programs 


Violent extremism has become a serious threat facing societies across  the world. It affects the security, well-being, and dignity of many  individuals living in both developed and developing countries, as well  as their peaceful and sustainable ways of life. It also poses grave  challenges to human rights. To date, the challenges presented by  violent extremism have been evaluated primarily through military and  security lenses. From 2001 to 2017, the United States government alone  will have spent approximately US$1.78 trillion to fight terrorism. The  European Union’s spending is estimated to have increased from €5.7  million in 2002 to €93.5 million in 2009. Governments are increasingly  aware that allocating funds to reinforce security measures is  insufficient to protect everyone from terrorist attacks perpetrated by  violent extremist individuals. Efforts to prevent violent extremism  must be considered within a holistic framework. 

As part of its projects and growth, EL SPACE is looking to hire a  PVE/PYD expert to ensure capacity-building training.  

The training will help the participating COSs and CBOs to understand  the PVE context and include them within their project strategies  through PYD.


By the end of the workshop, it is expected that participants will be  able to: 

  1. Establish a common understanding of key concepts and priority  areas of PVE/CVE. 
  2. Include PVE/CVE concept in their strategies through PYD. 3. Promote policies, curricula, and pedagogical approaches which  help build learner resilience to violent extremism and maintain a  culture of peace. 
  3. Create a network of policy‐makers to facilitate continuous  sharing and mutualization of experiences, lessons, and best  practices in the region. 
  4. Assist EL SPACE in making their own strategy to include  PVE/CVE through PYD. 


-A conceptual methodological note of the training containing the teaching  tools to be used. 

-Training material in the form of a ppt presentation. 

-A detailed report about the workshop. 

-A manual on how to include PVE/CVE in EL Space strategy and activities  through PYD. 


Critères d'éligibilité

  • -Concrete knowledge of PYD concepts, methods, and strategies.
  • -Experience in working with Tunisian CSOs and/or CBOs is considered beneficial.
  • At least 5 years of working in the field of PVE/CVE in Tunisia.
  • -Concrete knowledge of the field of PVE/CVE
  • -Strong French-speaking and writing abilities.
  • -High communications skills, verbal and written, and networking skills.
  • -Ability to deliver the training in Arabic or French.
  • Proven track record in workshop facilitation, team, and partnership building with stakeholders.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 20 juin 2021

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