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Protection coordinator – Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) Retour vers les opportunités

Première Urgence Internationale

Lance   Offre d'emploi


28 Mars 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions


Preliminary Job Information
Country & Base of posting  LIBYA BASED IN TUNIS (TUNISIA)
Creation/Replacement  Replacement
Duration of Mission  6 months renewable
Starting  01/04/2021


General Information on the Mission
Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization.  Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic  collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them  recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads in average 200 projects by year in the following sectors of  intervention: food security, health, nutrition, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures, water, sanitation, hygiene and economic  recovery. PUI is assisting around 7 million people in 22 countries – in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and France. 

Crisis context 

After an armed and civil uprising ended Muammar al Gadhafi’s regime in late 2011, the authorities have had difficulties to address  pressing security issues, reshape the country’s public finances, or create a viable framework for post-conflict justice and reconciliation.  Thus, since 2014, non-state armed groups have disrupted Libya’s political transition. In 2018, continued political instability, ongoing armed conflict in Libya, particularly internal struggles between local militias, and the collapse of economy, have led to deteriorating living  conditions and reduced access to essential services in most of the country. Civilians continue to suffer from unsafe living conditions, with  

little or no access to health care services, essential medicines, safe drinking water, shelter and education.  In 2019, the whole population is still affected by the armed conflict and the lack of a functioning government, and 823 000 people will still  need humanitarian assistance (including 554,000 people in need of health care services) throughout the whole assessed territory in  Libya. The complex humanitarian crisis is primarily driven by the absence of the rule of law, lack of access to basic services,  displacement of population, the collapse of the economic system and the financial crisis. On April 4th 2019, the Libyan National Army  (LNA) under the guide of General Haftar, announced the beginning of a large scale offensive against the Government of National Accord  (GNA) in Tripoli. Soon after, the southern neighbourhoods of the city were engulfed in the conflict. To date, continued clashes, involving  the use of heavy weaponry and airstrikes, affected 500,000 people, and displaced over 100,000 people within the Libyan capital, to the  neighbouring cities, and, more recently to Tunisia. 

Throughout 2018, in Benghazi and its surroundings, the situation remains calm even though heavy fighting took place in other towns of  the country (Darnah, Ajdabiya, Tripoli, and Sabha). After two year of siege, the LNA launched an attack on Darnah in May 2018. Then,  Haftar announced the capture of the city in June; however, clashes were still ongoing in a small part of the town in November 2018. Near  to Ajdabiya, fights erupted in June 2018, when the forces conducted by Ibrahim Jadhran attacked the oil facilities in the oil crescent,  under the LNA forces. These fights conducted to some population movements in eastern Libya. However, the overall number of IDPs did  not change significantly throughout the year – increasing and decreasing at times – while the total number of returnees has progressively  increased. Late in 2018, Benghazi is still the town hosting the highest number of IDPs (25,665 individuals), as well as knowing the  highest number of returnees (188,625 individuals) in Libya. Thus, Benghazi appears to be, with Tripoli, one of the two main cities to host  the more IDPs. The area appears to be particularly vulnerable locations due to the high damage inflicted by three years of heavy clashes. Among the IDPs population, the Tawergha community living in the camps in Benghazi and its surroundings, is entering its 8th y ear of  displacement with few real chances to return their areas of origin soon. Darnah is the fifth town of returns with 23,863 individuals. 

The violation of human rights and humanitarian law, including violations of the right to life, and of children and women’s rights, are  widespread, including of Gender-based Violence. There are alarming levels of gender-based violence and grave violations of child and  women’s rights in the current context.  

Still in the same area, since April 2019 the situation remained relatively stable, allowing the PUI program’s to progress with minimum  interference. However, this fragile equilibrium could be rapidly overturn depending on the evolution of conflict. Premiere Ur gence  Internationale (PUI) is monitoring closely the events and, is evaluating potential scenarios in order to plan for contingency in case the  security situation deteriorates. 

In the Southeast of the country, the tensions between the Tebu and the Zway tribes seriously affects the health system and the access to 


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basic services. Tribe communities, when they are a minority in the area, are suffering from segregation in most of Al Kufrah’s institutions,  including health care facilities. This occurs in a context of underdevelopment and poverty that exacerbates the impact of the conflict on  the population in the region. Indeed, this area has been suffering, even before the conflict, from a poor investment from the central  government. However, few information are available on this area and its humanitarian needs due to a poor, if not almost inexistent,  presence of NGOs.  

Besides, in the Libyan context, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers leaving outside and within the detention centres (DCs) represents  another significant vulnerable group in Libya. Estimated to be around 700,000 to 1 million, they are among the most vulnerable  population in the country and are currently facing acute needs. This includes an estimated number of migrants in 55 DCs of 5,000 to  7,000 people at the end of 2018. These persons, including both asylum seekers and refugees, have been consistently identified as being  the most vulnerable individuals throughout Libya for several reasons. In particular, they are identified as having reduced access to, and  availability of life-saving assistance. Additionally, various report show that refugees and asylum seekers in Libya face significant  protection concerns, with their status making them particularly vulnerable to abuse, marginalisation, and exploitation. Those who move  through the country are exposed to widespread abuses and human’s rights violation along the route. Due to their irregular status, lack of  domestic support networks, impunity for crimes committed against foreign nationals, racism, xenophobia and policies linked to the control  of mixed migrations flows in Europe, they are highly vulnerable and in need of humanitarian assistance.

PUI’s strategy/ current programs 
Since May 2016 and the beginning of the exploratory mission, PUI still identifies the support to the health system and the improvement of  access to health care as some of the major needs for the eastern Libyan population along with its ongoing field intervention. This analysis  has been confirmed by the 2019 HNO, which defines the access to critical services (including public healthcare services and Wash  facilities) as the second key humanitarian priority need, with the health sector being the one with the highest number of people in need  (554,000 individuals).  

PUI Libya mission has started implementing operations in East of Libya (Benghazi area) in 2017 and developed an emergency hea lth  response that provides primary health care services to the most vulnerable population. PUI’s intervention focuses on health care through  the deployment of Mobile Health Teams (MHT) delivering direct services to internal displaced populations, the host communities,  migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. To date, PUI has three mobile health teams operating in the entire eastern Libya, two of which  targeting vulnerable communities in urban setting and one targeting refugees and asylum seekers in detention centres.  

Since 2018, PUI has extended its area of intervention to in the north eastern Mantikas namely Al Wahat (Ajdabiya Baladiya), Al Marj, Al  Jabal Alakhadar, Darnah and Al Butnan (Tubruq Baladiya) to better reach out the most vulnerable. In 2019, PUI Benghazi office is  starting a new project called Evidence Based NCD care, a model for PHC in Libya with the objective to enhance access to Non – Communicable Disease health services in the PHC level in the target area. The project includes 2 health facilities and 2,000 patients will  benefit from the services.  

In the view to extend its operational coverage in 2018, PUI conducted an exploratory mission in the Al Kufrah region (southeast Libya)  in order to identify the specific needs of this isolated area and develop an adapted humanitarian response. Since December 2019, PUI  implemented comprehensive health related activities to ensure a continuous access to essential care to the most affected population.  

In line with its Country strategy and since 2020, PUI Libya mission integrated protection outcomes within its intervention to better identify and respond to related risk and incidents and inform the humanitarian response. . Targeted protection actions (stand alone and  integrated protection) were included within the programmatic response for the two areas of interventions ; in immigration detention  centres located in Eastern Libya and in urban areas in Southeast Libya. 

Configuration of the mission
BUDGET FORECAST 2019 3 800 000 EUR
MAIN PARTNERS  ECHO + EU Delegation + Italian Cooperation
ACTIVITY SECTORS  Health and Psychosocial support, Rehabilitation & Early Recovery,  Protection
EXPATRIATE TEAM ON-SITE  Tunis Expat team based permanently in Tunis: Head of mission, Deputy  Head of Mission Program, Medical coordinator, Basic Need Response  Coordinator, Admin / Fin coordinator; Logistics coordinator, Meal  Coordinator and Grants & Communication Manager.  

Benghazi Expat team based in Benghazi (and temporally in Tunis): Field  Coordinator, Deputy Field Coordinator Program, Deputy Field Coordinator  Support.


Overall objective
The Protection Coordinator is responsible for the strategic development and technical supervision of PUI’s protection programme which  aims at protecting and promoting the safety and rights to the affected population and persons at risk living in Libya. . The Protection Coordinator is expected to provide technical guidance, support and oversight on all aspects the protection programme  including strategy, development, programmatic resources (guidelines, tools, etc.) and capacity building as well as external representation  and advocacy.  

The Protection Coordinator is ultimately responsible for the overall quality and impact of the protection programme.  The Protection Coordinator will also participate and represent PUI in coordination meetings, and other fora as agreed with the Deputy  Head of Mission for Programmes. 

Tasks and Responsibilities
Programmes: Lead on the development of the country Protection Strategy for PUI’s response to the protection issues affecting  IDPs, migrants, refugees and affected host communities in Libya. 

Representation and Coordination: Represents PUI towards external stakeholders, including humanitarian partners, donors,  authorities etc. on ongoing protection needs and trends. Act as PUI focal point for all coordination forums related to protection,  including the Protection Working Group, GBV and CP Working Groups, etc. 

Human Resources: Provide technical support on the recruitment and the management of all protection programme staff,  including managerial and non-managerial positions. To this end, develop terms of reference, staffing plan, participate in  recruitment processes and performance evaluations. 

Specific objectives and linked activities
1. DEVELOP AND LEADS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PUI’S PROTECTION STRATEGY IN LIBYA Leads on the development of PUI’s protection strategy and oversee its successful implementation  

Ensure that the strategy is informed by sound analysis, with consultations with teams and key stakeholders and that the  protection strategy is driven in promotion of PUI’s values, culture, and that the strategy is gender and conflict sensitive. Develop and undertake needs assessments to inform program design and strategic direction. 

Develop and review program monitoring and implementation tools and guidance documents such as SOPs, tools, and forms on  a wide-range of protection related activities including protection monitoring, information dissemination etc. To this end, ensure  compliance with PUI’s global standards and guidelines and ensure coherence and synergy across PUI Libya’s programmes.  

Play an active role in integrating protection strategy with other sector strategies to ensure maximum impact, working  collaboratively with other technical coordinators to ensure that minimum protection standards are included. Utilise protection related information to feed PUI Libya’s advocacy strategy and efforts (including providing data and  information to develop key advocacy messages).


Quality control, carrying out ongoing discussions with the team and regular visits (if possible) to ensure that provided services  are in accordance to standards, making recommendations and working with the programme team to ensure recommendations  are applied 

She/he leads on producing analytical monthly protection assessment/monitoring reports highlighting key protection issues and  analysing trends identified to inform PUI’s programming and humanitarian response. 

In coordination with the project team and the MEAL team, develop information management systems that support the effective  implementation of the protection activities, such as protection monitoring and needs assessment. To this end, define clear  programmatic needs and objectives, and support the development of suitable information management platforms, tools, and  processes.  

Monitor programme objectives, outputs, indicators and activities – ensuring team remain on track as per agreed donor  commitments, and propose mitigation measures to identified risks.  

Ensuring learning from the protection intervention is documented and captures, consolidated and disseminated, contributing to  knowledge building within PUI Libya and globally. 


Provide technical support on the recruitment and the management of all protection programme staff. To this end, develop ToRs, develop staffing plans, participate in recruitment processes and performance evaluations. 

Support the progession development of programmes staff by carrying our learning needs analysis which informs the lear ning  and development plan for the protection programme teams 

Facilitate capacity building for team members (and possibly partners) to develop stronger protection expertise in-country. This  inclides coaching, capacity and mentor building and providing technical line management support to protection colleagues. 


Represent PUI towards external stakeholders including humanitarian partners, donors, authorities, etc. as relevant and  delegated by the DHOP 

Provide information to external stakeholders on ongoing protection needs and trends, and act as PUI Libya’s focal point to all  protection related coordination forums, including the Protection/GBV/CP working groups, the INGO Forum, etc. To this end,  coordinate with the protection manager to ensure coherence and efficiency in the representation at both Tunis/Libya, national


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and local levels and across programmes making sure to promote messaging consistent with PUI’s advocacy strategy (in  coordination with the Humanitarian Affairs Officer). 

Work closely with the Deputy Head of Mission for Programmes to identify funding opportunities  

In coordination with the DHOMP, Protection Managers, and the MEAL department develop project proposals/CNs and project  revisions based on identified gaps and needs, as well as strategic priorities. To this end, define programmes activities,  logframes and budgets based on baseline assessments and internal learning.  

In coordination with the Protection Manager and the MEAL department, produce and consolidate donor reports by providing  technical oversight on strategic considerations and programme activities so as to ensure accurate, coherent and timely  reporting. 


Required Profile
Required knowledge and skills
EDUCATION / TRAINING  Master’s degree in a relevant subject,  such as human rights law, refugee  

law, IHL, migration, international  

relations and/or international  






Previous experience working in  

context of mixed migration and  

internal displacement, with good  

knowledge of the protection issues  

affecting forcibly displaced  

individuals (minimum 3 years) 

Excellent technical knowledge of  

protection standards and principles  

and capacity to develop effective  

responses according to needs and  

relevant frameworks 

Commitment to integrate gender,  

conflict sensitivity and accountability  

into programming

Previous experience working with  detainees, or in context of  


Previous experience working in  the Libyan context  

Previous experience working in  remote management settings 

KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS  Solid experience in project  

development and management 

Strong capacity building, facilitation,  and presentation skills  

Good knowledge of institutional  

donors regulations and policies  

Ability to work flexibly in a diverse  team, with proven leadership skills

Good external representation skills, with  excellent communication and ability to  advocate in line with humanitarian  


Demonstrate ability in thinking creatively  and practically to improve the quality of  programming and achieve greater impact




Other (please specify)

Fluency in written and spoken English Knowledge of Arabic and/or French will be  considered as an asset 

Pack Office 

Other (please specify)

Knowledge of data collection/analysis tools and  software 

Required Personal Characteristics (fitting into the team, suitability for the job and assignment)
Ability to work independently, take the initiative and take responsibility 

Resilience to stress 

Diplomacy and open-mindedness 

Good analytical skills 

Organisation and ability to manage priorities 

Problem solving and solution oriented thinking 

Ability to work and manage professionally and maturely 

Ability to integrate into the local environment, taking account of its political, economic and historical characteristic


Experience of working in emergency context and through remote management mechanism 


EMPLOYED with a Fixed-Term Contract 
Salary package
MONTHLY GROSS INCOME: from 5385 up to 6264 TND depending on the experience + 2% per year seniority with PUI
Costs Covered
INSURANCE including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation PAID LEAVES POLICY:2 paid Leave per month

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