The Migration Capacity Partnerships for the Mediterranean (MCP Med), developed by ICMPD, aims to foster effective migration partnerships between Europe and its southern neighbors. Aligned with the Agenda for the Mediterranean, it prioritizes capacity-building to deliver practical, sustainable, and mutually beneficial solutions. By recognizing the unique contexts and strengths of Southern Partner Countries (SPCs), MCP Med supports these nations in enhancing their capacities and establishing themselves as key stakeholders in Euro-Mediterranean migration dynamics.
Professionalisation is a cornerstone of MCP Med, focusing on equipping stakeholders with industry standards and skills to strengthen their roles. This emphasis is particularly relevant to Tunisia, a strategic hub for migration as both a country of origin and transit. Within this framework, the Project Officer, under the guidance of the Head of Office and in coordination with the Project Managers, will play a crucial role in implementing professionalisation activities under the Tunis Portfolio, in collaboration with the Training Institute for Migration Capacity Partnership. Additionally, the Project Officer will contribute to the Professionalisation Hub, offering standards, expertise, and services to offices across the Mediterranean region.
Functional Overview :
The Project Officer implements and coordinates activities throughout the project(s) full life cycle. All activities undertaken in alignment with the regulatory framework, standard administrative practices and operating procedures of ICMPD and within assigned work plans and budgets. S/he supports new project development, knowledge management, and resource mobilisation activities. S/he contributes to capacity development to support all stakeholders and partners in improving their capabilities.
Key Results :
Project Cycle Implementation:
In support of the Project Manager, project(s) full life cycle implementation effectively handled and coordinated, such as regular review of project(s) plans, coordination and deployment of resources and monitoring of budgets. Status of deliverables and progress on mitigation of risks regularly provided, including reports on financial and resource utilisation. Implementation underpinned by effective outreach, communication and project visibility activities as determined by the Project Manager.
Project Operations and Resource Utilisation:
In line with the project(s) structure, processes and workflows created for the project team(s) to ensure the positive progress of the project(s) including effective utilisation of project funds. Continual mutual development effectively
undertaken with project team members and feedback provided to each other on project work undertaken. Short-term contracts for experts, consultants and/or service providers managed and performance reviewed in accordance with their terms of reference and specifications.
Support to Stakeholder Management:
A range of project-related documents systematically researched and drafted, including status updates, reports, budget overviews and discussion papers to assist the Project Manager with the flow of information to and communication with stakeholders and donors. Project events, meetings, workshops and other activities organised and coordinated in line with the project’s work plan, identifying participants and resource persons. All communication effectively undertaken with relevant stakeholders.
Project Development:
In collaboration with the Project Manager, new project concepts and potential resources effectively identified and developed, based on a review of project results and recording of best practices and lessons learned.
Required Expertise :
– Capability to effectively implement activities of the full project cycle in an international context.
– Ability to draft and monitor work plans and budgets in line with financial regulations and administrative instruments, as well as reporting tasks.
– Ability to integrate new approaches and innovations and ensure the cost-effective use of project funds.
– Capability to establish good working relations with project teams and stakeholders to ensure effective coordination in the assigned area of work.
– Effective communication, outreach and networking.