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Consultant -Advans Tunisia  Retour vers les opportunités


15 Janvier 2023 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Advans Tunisie – DFC (Development Finance Corporation) Terms of reference of the project management consultant 

Advans Tunisia 

Advans Tunisia is a microfinance institution committed to the economic empowerment of Tunisian  micro, small, and medium entrepreneurs, and farmers, often excluded from the traditional financial  system, by offering tailored financial services to support the development of their microbusinesses. 

Advans Tunisia is the 8th subsidiary of the international microfinance Advans Group, created in 2005  with the support of multilateral development finance investors (AFD, IFC, FMO, EIB, KfW, and BII).  Advans Tunisie was created in 2013 as a limited liability company with a share capital of $7.7 million  USD and was registered as a microfinance institution with the Tunisian Ministry of Finance in 2015.  Since then, Advans has significantly grown its capacity to a total of 470 staff and expanded its network  to 19 branches, many in rural and semi-rural zones.  

As of September 30, 2022, Advans Tunisia served more than 22,000 entrepreneurs and farmers  including more than 6,154 women, with a loan portfolio of 125 million of TND ($41 million USD). The  MFI has disbursed a total of 521,294,918 TND ($172,007,298 USD) in its 7 years of operations. 

Advans Tunisia promotes the financial, economic, and social inclusion of vulnerable populations and  small economic players, in a responsible, sustainable, and human manner. 

Project context 

Advans Tunisia’s mission is to contribute economic empowerment through financial inclusion by offering financial and non-financial services to financially underserved MSMEs. Some segments of its  portfolio are more vulnerable than others, such as populations in rural areas or in certain sectors of  activity. These weaknesses, deepened by an unprecedented economic and political crisis, have been  even more exacerbated by the global health crisis of the past two years. 

To further its engagement in financial support and business education, and to strengthen its role as an  essential partner of vulnerable Tunisian entrepreneurs, Advans Tunisia imagined a program to support  them through individual coaching. The program will allow the training of 1,800 entrepreneurs, with a  substantial risk of payment default, to strengthen their business resilience and improve their quality  of life. 

As the design and deployment of this project cannot be done entirely by Advans Tunisia itself, the  institution is looking for the help of an external consultant to manage project. This technical assistance  support will help Advans to better serve fragile entrepreneurs by making non-financial services  tailored to their needs. 

Description of activities, objectives, and eligibility criteria This coaching  program will provide support to the most vulnerable entrepreneurs in Advans Tunisia’s portfolio at high risk of payment defaulting

Milestones and deliverables 

Cohort 1: 

Milestones/Deliverables  Deliverables
Milestone # 1: Project Manager consultant is not involved
Milestone # 2  

Identify Advans MFI clients for the coaching program  

Conduct a survey to assess the needs of entrepreneurs and adapt training  modules  

Conduct 2 workshops with MFI branch managers and credit officers in the  regions to assess the needs of clients and customize the coaching program Develop coaching modules based on the needs of vulnerable clients Customize the digital platform based on the design of the coaching program  to deploy and manage the program appropriately 

Train the trainers on coaching modules and internal staff on the program Prepare communication campaign to promote the program

Preliminary study 

Assessment survey with  coaching needs of  

vulnerable entrepreneurs 

Training plan and  


Go live on the platform Attendance sheets 

External communication  plan

Milestone # 3  

Launch the communication campaign to promote the  program 

Identify the most vulnerable clients throughout Advans  Tunisie’s 19 branches (Advans Tunisie call center will  contact the selected clients to present the program and  to confirm their interest in participation). The consultant  has to make sure that this task is done effectively and  supports the work of the call center.  

Onboarding of the selected clients on the digital  platform (Credit officers facilitate contact between  

coaches and clients and support the use of the digital  platform) The consultant is responsible for adding the  list of the selected entrepreneurs on a daily basis at the  platform.  

Supervising the implementation of the coaching  program of 900 entrepreneurs with the selected NGOs and ensuring a monthly meeting with the project team  to monitor the progress of the program. Prepare 

monthly reporting on the project according to the  

template and KPIs defined by Advans Tunisie and DFC.  Ensure a report regarding the expenses of the project 



List of selected 900  


Monthly program  

reports per cohort 

Budget report

Milestone # 4  

Conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses to evaluate the program Survey client satisfaction (Visit randomly selected clients to get their  feedback and evaluation the impact of the program)  

Conduct an impact survey to assess the impact of the program in a long  term  

Visit randomly selected clients to evaluate the impact of the program with  the monitoring and evaluation team of DFC and USAID  

Prepare communication materials to communicate on the impacts  (short/long term) of this type of program on the vulnerable clients

Evaluation report 

Report analysis on the PAR  0 and PAR 30 of  

beneficiaries of the  

coaching program 

Communication materials

Milestone # 5  

• Finalize the final report which will include videos, press releases and success  stories

Final report


Cohort 2:  

Milestones/Deliverables  Deliverables
Milestone # 1: Project Manager consultant is not involved
Milestone # 2  

Identify Advans MFI clients for the coaching program  

Conduct a survey to assess the needs of entrepreneurs and adapt training  modules  

Conduct 2 workshops with MFI branch managers and credit officers in the  regions to assess the needs of clients and customize the coaching program Develop coaching modules based on the needs of vulnerable clients Customize the digital platform based on the design of the coaching program to  deploy and manage the program appropriately 

Train the trainers on coaching modules and internal staff on the program Prepare communication campaign to promote the program

Preliminary study 

Assessment survey with  coaching needs of  

vulnerable entrepreneurs 

Training plan and  


Go live of the platform Attendance sheets 

External communication  plan

Milestone # 3  

Launch the communication campaign to promote the program Identify the most vulnerable clients throughout Advans Tunisie’s 19 branches  (Advans Tunisie call center will contact the selected clients to present the  program and to confirm their interest in participation). The consultant has to  make sure that this task is done effectively and supports the work of the call  center.  

Onboarding of the selected clients on the digital platform (Credit officers  facilitate contact between coaches and clients and support the use of the digital  platform) The consultant is responsible for adding the list of the selected  entrepreneurs on a daily basis at the platform.  

Supervising the implementation of the coaching program of 900 entrepreneurs  with the selected NGOs and ensuring a monthly meeting with the project team  to monitor the progress of the program.  

Prepare monthly reporting on the project according to the template and KPIs  defined by Advans Tunisie and DFC. 

Communication materials List of selected 900  entrepreneurs 

Monthly program reports  per cohort 

Budget report

Milestone # 4  

Conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses to evaluate the program Survey client satisfaction (Visit randomly selected clients to get their  feedback and evaluate the impact of the program)  

Conduct impact survey to assess the impact of the program in a long term  Visit randomly selected clients to evaluate the impact of the program with  the monitoring and evaluation team of USAID and DFC  

Prepare communication materials to communicate on the impacts  (short/long term) of this type of program on the vulnerable clients

Evaluation report 

Report analysis on the PAR  0 and PAR 30 of  

beneficiaries of the  

coaching program 

Communication materials

Milestone # 5  

Finalize the final report which will include videos, press releases and success  stories

Final report


Schedule of the consultant’s mission 

The number of working days of the project management consultant is estimated at 268 days for the  2.5 years project, and is distributed as follows, for information only, with a timetable which will be  retained based on the methodology and work plan proposed by the project manager. The milestone  numbers refer to those mentioned in the table above (“Milestones and deliverables”). 

Cohort 1 (1 year and 3 months): 134 days 

Milestone  Target dates Number of  



Milestone #2 (duration of 2 months)  01/01/2023 – 


20 days  25 % 
Milestone #3 (duration of 6 months)  01/03/2023 – 


62 days 25 %
Milestone #4 (duration of 4 months)  01/09/2023 – 


42 days 25%
Milestone #5 (duration of 1 month)  01/01/2024 – 


10 days  25%

Cohort 2 (1 year and 3 months): 134 days 

Milestone  Target dates Number of  



Milestone #2 (duration of 2 months)  01/04/2024 – 31/05/2024  20 days  25 % 
Milestone #3 (duration of 6 months)  01/06/2024 – 31/12/2024  62 days 25 %
Milestone #4 (duration of 4 months)  01/01/2025 – 30/04/2025  42 days 25%
Milestone #5 (duration of 1 month)  01/04/2025 – 30/04/2025 10 days  25%

Required skills  

The consultant will have to demonstrate the following specific skills: 

  • Expertise in project management and entrepreneurship, capacity for data analysis and  management of field studies. 
  • Expertise in entrepreneurship in Tunisia 
  • Experience with the microfinance sector or, at least, with financial institutions is preferred. Proven ability to write clear and structured reports and presentations in both English and  French; a very good level in both languages is asked. 
  • Experience working with international donors  
  • Excellent communication and organization skills.  
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and be responsive. 

Application file

The most technically qualified offer with a good financial proposal will be retained. The application file should contain: 

– A separate technical offer for cohorts one and two (Please note that if the work with the  consultant for cohort 1 will be satisfactory we will renew the contract for cohort 2 automatically) 

– Resume of the applicant 

– Training certificates 

– One or two letters of recommendation and examples of similar projects carried out – A financial offer detailing the daily rate and the overall budget 

The submission file must be sent by email to the following address: ilahami@advanstunisie.com  and this no later than 15/12/2022 at 00:00 p.m. (Tunis time)

DFC_ToR_Advans__Consultant VF

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 27 October 2022

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