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le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) en Tunisie, recrute un(e) « Assistant (e) de projet junior » Retour vers les opportunités


25 Octobre 2018 Il y a 6 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social


  • Titre : Assistant (e) de projet junior
  • Catégorie : Individual contract (IC)
  • Projet : Renforcement de l’engagement de la société civile en matière de redevabilité publique en Tunisie – Partenariat avec la                                     Société Civile – TAMKEEN .
  • Lieu : Tunis-Tunisie
  • Superviseur : CTP du projet
  • Durée du contrat : 6 mois
  • Langues : Arabe et Français. L’anglais est un atout.
  • Date de commencement01 novembre 2018


La Tunisie vit un moment marquant de son histoire, caractérisé par l’avancée de sa transition politique, engagée en 2011, et marquée par une nouvelle phase qui souligne les contours d’une consolidation démocratique inclusive et pérenne.

En effet, le recours au dialogue national comme mécanisme de gestion de crise et de construction du consensus, l’adoption d’une nouvelle Constitution suivie, en fin d’année 2014 et début d’année 2018, d’un processus électoral réalisé dans un cadre pacifique et transparent, sont autant d’éléments qui confirment une pratique effective de la démocratie ainsi qu’une adhésion citoyenne à la consacrer.

L’élan citoyen ayant porté ce processus s’était notamment manifesté par le foisonnement des initiatives citoyennes et le rapide développement du tissu associatif tunisien. Une société civile plurielle et dynamique a ainsi pu émerger avec pour ambition de s’imposer comme un acteur à part entière sur une scène socio-politique en recomposition.

Malgré ces avancées incontestables, le pays demeure confronté à des défis considérables pour la pérennisation de ses acquis démocratiques et la stabilisation de sa situation dans un contexte national et régional porteur de tensions et de menaces non négligeables.

Le projet Tamkeen pour la promotion de la citoyenneté, le renforcement de la cohésion sociale et de la société civile s’inscrit dans la stratégie du PNUD de consolidation des acquis démocratiques de la Tunisie.

A travers une intervention ciblant principalement la société civile, le projet apporte un appui à la construction de passerelles entre les institutions et les citoyens et à l’inclusion des jeunes dans une perspective d’enracinement des pratiques concrétisant un contrat social fondé sur les valeurs de l’Etat du droit, du vivre ensemble et de la citoyenneté.

Il s’agit d’un travail qui s’inscrit sur le long terme, visant à renforcer l’autonomie des organisations de la société civile (OSC) et leur professionnalisation, afin qu’elles puissent jouer un rôle significatif dans le renforcement de la cohésion sociale et l’ancrage d’un système démocratique pérenne favorisant la participation et la redevabilité sociale.

Dans ce cadre, le projet Tamkeen recrute un(e) assistant(e) de projet junior pour appuyer la mise en oeuvre de ses activités conformément aux politiques et procédures du PNUD dans une période qui sera marquée par un rythme d’exécution intensifié visant la mise en oeuvre des plans d’actions annuels et dans une perspective de mobilisation de fonds additionnels.


L’assistant(e) de projet junior effectuera de façon spécifique sa mission tout en appliquant les procédures du PNUD en ce qui concerne les normes, les délais et la qualité technique des analyses et rapports de suivi.

Sous la supervision directe du Conseiller Technique Principal (CTP) et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe du projet et en liaison avec le bureau du PNUD, l’assistant (e) de projet junior sera responsable de l’exécution efficace et efficiente des activités du projet pour l’atteinte des résultats escomptés par un soutien de l’équipe dans la planification, l’organisation d’activités exécutées dans le cadre du projet. Il/elle devra :

  • Appuyer l’équipe administrative dans la gestion de tous les aspects logistiques et administratifs ;
  • Élaborer les comptes rendus des réunions ;
  • Appuyer la préparation des missions locales et internationales (achat des billets d’avion, préparation des DSA, revue des TDRs, notes logistiques, security clearances ; autorisations de voyage…)
  • Participer à l’organisation des événements ;
  • Appuyer le projet dans l’élaboration des rapports trimestriels et annuels (volet financier) ;
  • Suivre les dossiers de paiements envoyés aux finances ;
  • Élaborer des plans de décaissements mensuels ;
  • Passer en revue les PO et réquisitions émises par le projet et s’assurer de leurs clôtures ;
  • Suivre les budgets des différents bailleurs de fonds et analyser les différences entre les budgets prévus dans les documents de projet et PTA et les dépenses réelles ;
  • Appuyer le projet dans le suivi des processus d’achat ;
  • Fournir un appui efficace pour la mise en place, le renforcement et le partage des connaissances à travers une bonne gestion des informations ;
  • Exécuter toute autre tâche qui lui sera confiée par le CTP selon les besoins du projet.


Compétences liées au poste :

  • Aptitude à planifier et à organiser :
    • Le/la titulaire définit clairement des buts, hiérarchise les activités et tâches prioritaires et prévoit suffisamment de temps et de ressources pour mener sa tâche à bien. Il/elle tient compte des risques et des imprévus dans la planification et suit de près l’exécution des plans
  • Esprit d’équipe :
    • Le/la titulaire collabore avec ses collègues afin d’atteindre les objectifs du projet. Il/elle sollicite les apports des autres et est prêt(e) à apprendre d’eux. Il/elle fait passer l’intérêt de l’équipe avant son avantage personnel.
  • Aptitude à la Communication :
    • Le/la titulaire du poste s’exprime avec clarté et efficacité, à l’oral comme à l’écrit, en français et en arabe. Il/elle a l’esprit de synthèse et de bonnes capacités de recherche. Il/elle est à l’écoute des autres, s’efforce de bien les comprendre et sait réagir de façon appropriée. Il/elle n’hésite pas à demander des éclaircissements et se montre ouvert au dialogue.

Compétences liées au travail au sein du PNUD :

  • Démontre son intégrité par le respect des valeurs et de l’éthique des Nations Unies ;
  • Promeut la vision, la mission et les buts stratégiques du PNUD et des Nations Unies ;
  • Respecte les différences culturelles, de genre, de religion, de race, d’âge et de nationalité ;
  • Traite ses collègues équitablement et sans favoritisme.


Le processus d’évaluation et de sélection comporte 2 étapes :

  • Évaluation technique selon les compétences requises sur la base du curriculum vitae
  • Un entretien oral pour les candidat(e)s ayant obtenu au moins 40/70 points de 5 la note préliminaire de 70/100;
  • Évaluation financière en se basant sur l’offre financière fournie par le/la candidat(e) : 30% de la note globale. Seules les candidatures ayant été retenues lors de l’évaluation techniques verront leurs offres financières examinées.

A. Evaluation technique

Les candidatures reçues seront évaluées par un panel de sélection suivant la grille d’évaluation défini ci-dessous

VI. Paiement

Le paiement se fera mensuellement sur la base de la remise et la validation par le CTP du projet d’un rapport d’activité mensuel.
Le projet prendra en charge les dépenses relatives aux missions sur le terrain.

VI. Lieu et durée de la mission

La mission durera 6 mois et sera basée à Tunis, avec des déplacements occasionnels dans les autres régions.



1 February 2012

1. LEGAL STATUS: The Individual contractor shall have the legal status of an independent contractor vis-à-vis the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and shall not be regarded, for any purposes, as being either a “staff member” of UNDP, under the UN Staff Regulations and Rules, or an “official” of UNDP, for purposes of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 February 1946. Accordingly, nothing within or relating to the Contract shall establish the relationship of employer and employee, or of principal and agent, between UNDP and the Individual contractor. The officials, representatives, employees or subcontractors of UNDP and of the Individual contractor, if any, shall not be considered in any respect as being the employees or agents of the other, and UNDP and the Individual contractor shall be solely responsible for all claims arising out of or relating to their engagement of such persons or entities.

2. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT: In General: The Individual contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to UNDP in connection with the performance of his or her obligations under the Contract. Should any authority external to UNDP seek to impose any instructions regarding the Individual contractor’s performance under the Contract, the Individual contractor shall promptly notify UNDP and shall provide all reasonable assistance required by UNDP. The Individual contractor shall not take any action in respect of his or her performance of the Contract or otherwise related to his or her obligations under the Contract that may adversely affect the interests of UNDP. The Individual contractor shall perform his or her obligations under the Contract with the fullest regard to the interests of UNDP. The Individual contractor warrants that she or he has not and shall not offer any direct or indirect benefit arising from or related to the performance of the Contract or the award thereof to any representative, official, employee or other agent of UNDP. The Individual contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing upon the performance of his or her obligations under the Contract. In the performance of the Contract the Individual contractor shall comply with the standards of conduct set in the Secretary General’s Bulletin ST/SGB/2002/9 of 18 June 2002, entitled “Regulations Governing the Status, Basic Rights and Duties of Officials other than Secretariat Officials, and Expert on Mission”. The Individual contractor must comply with all security directives issued by UNDP.
Prohibition of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse: In the performance of the Contract, the Individual contractor shall comply with the standards of conduct set forth in the Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2003/13 of 9 October 2003, concerning “Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse”. In particular, the Individual contractor shall not engage in any conduct that would constitute sexual exploitation or sexual abuse, as defined in that bulletin.
The Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that any breach of any of the provisions hereof shall constitute a breach of an essential term of the Contract, and, in addition to any other legal rights or remedies available to any person, shall give rise to grounds for suspension or termination of the Contract. In addition, nothing herein shall limit the right of UNDP to refer any alleged breach of the foregoing standards of conduct or any other terms of the Contract to the relevant national authorities for appropriate legal action.

3. TITLE RIGHTS, COPYRIGHTS, PATENTS AND OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS: Title to any equipment and supplies that may be furnished by UNDP to the Individual contractor for the performance of any obligations under the Contract shall rest with UNDP, and any such equipment and supplies shall be returned to UNDP at the conclusion of the Contract or when no longer needed by the Individual contractor. Such equipment and supplies, when returned to UNDP, shall be in the same condition as when delivered to the Individual contractor, subject to normal wear and tear, and the Individual contractor shall be liable to compensate UNDP for any damage or degradation of the equipment and supplies that is beyond normal wear and tear.
UNDP shall be entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights, including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions, ideas, know-how or documents and other materials which the Individual contractor has developed for UNDP under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to, or are produced or prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the Contract, and the Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute works made for hire for UNDP. However, to the extent that any such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any intellectual property or other proprietary rights of the Individual contractor: (a) that pre-existed the performance by the Individual contractor of his or her obligations under the Contract, or (b) that the Individual contractor may develop or acquire, or may have developed or acquired, independently of the performance of his or her obligations under the Contract, UNDP does not and shall not claim any ownership interest thereto, and the Individual contractor grants to UNDP a perpetual license to use such intellectual property or other proprietary right solely for the purposes of and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. At the request of UNDP, the Individual contractor shall take all necessary steps, execute all necessary documents and generally assist in securing such proprietary rights and transferring or licensing them to UNDP in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law and of the Contract. Subject to the foregoing provisions, all maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans, reports, estimates, recommendations, documents and all other data compiled by or received by the Individual contractor under the Contract shall be the property of UNDP, shall be made available for use or inspection by UNDP at reasonable times and in reasonable places, shall be treated as confidential and shall be delivered only to UNDP authorized officials on completion of services under the Contract

4. CONFIDENTIAL NATURE OF DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION: Information and data that are considered proprietary by either UNDP or the Individual contractor or that are delivered or disclosed by one of them (“Discloser”) to the other (“Recipient”) during the course of performance of the Contract, and that are designated as confidential (“Information”), shall be held in confidence and shall be handled as follows. The Recipient of such Information shall use the same care and discretion to avoid disclosure, publication or dissemination of the Discloser’s Information as it uses with its own similar information that it does not wish to disclose, publish or disseminate, and the Recipient may otherwise use the Discloser’s Information solely for the purpose for which it was disclosed. The Recipient may disclose confidential Information to any other party with the Discloser’s prior written consent, as well as to the Recipient’s officials, representatives, employees, subcontractors and agents who have a need to know such confidential Information solely for purposes of performing obligations under the Contract. Subject to and without any waiver of the privileges and immunities of UNDP, the Individual contractor may disclose Information to the extent required by law, provided that the Individual contractor will give UNDP sufficient prior notice of a request for the disclosure of Information in order to allow UNDP to have a reasonable opportunity to take protective measures or such other action as may be appropriate before any such disclosure is made. UNDP may disclose Information to the extent required pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations, resolutions or regulations of the General Assembly or its other governing bodies, or rules promulgated by the Secretary-General. The Recipient shall not be precluded from disclosing Information that is obtained by the Recipient from a third party without restriction, is disclosed by the Discloser to a third party without any obligation of confidentiality, is previously known by the Recipient, or at any time is developed by the Recipient completely independently of any disclosures hereunder. These obligations and restrictions of confidentiality shall be effective during the term of the Contract, including any extension thereof, and, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, shall remain effective following any termination of the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Individual contractor acknowledges that UNDP may, in its sole discretion, disclose the purpose, type, scope, duration and value of the Contract, the name of the Individual contractor, and any relevant information related to the award of the Contract.

5. TRAVEL, MEDICAL CLEARANCE AND SERVICE INCURRED DEATH, INJURY OR ILLNESS: If the Individual contractor is required by UNDP to travel beyond commuting distance from the Individual contractor’s usual place of residence, and upon prior written agreement, such travel shall be at the expense of UNDP. Such travel shall be at economy fare when by air.
UNDP may require the Individual contractor to submit a “statement of good health” from a recognized physician prior to commencement of services in any offices or premises of UNDP, or before engaging in any travel required by UNDP, or connected with the performance of the Contract. The Individual contractor shall provide such a statement as soon as practicable following such request, and prior to engaging in any such travel, and the Individual contractor warrants the accuracy of any such statement, including, but not limited to, confirmation that the Individual contractor has been fully informed regarding the requirements for inoculations for the country or countries to which travel may be authorized.
In the event of death, injury or illness of the Individual contractor which is attributable to the performance of services on behalf of UNDP under the terms of the Contract while the Individual contractor is traveling at UNDP expense or is
2 February 2012
performing any services under the Contract in any offices or premises of UNDP, the Individual contractor or the Individual contractor’s dependents, as appropriate, shall be entitled to compensation equivalent to that provided under the UNDP insurance policy, available upon request.

6. PROHIBITION ON ASSIGNMENT; MODIFICATIONS: The Individual contractor may not assign, delegate, transfer, pledge or make any other disposition of the Contract, of any part thereof, or of any of the rights, claims or obligations under the Contract except with the prior written authorization of UNDP, and any attempt to do so shall be null and void. The terms or conditions of any supplemental undertakings, licenses or other forms of Contract concerning any goods or services to be provided under the Contract shall not be valid and enforceable against UNDP nor in any way shall constitute a contract by UNDP thereto, unless any such undertakings, licenses or other forms of contract are the subject of a valid written undertaking by UNDP. No modification or change in the Contract shall be valid and enforceable against UNDP unless provided by means of a valid written amendment to the Contract signed by the Individual contractor and an authorized official or appropriate contracting authority of UNDP.

7. SUBCONTRACTORS: In the event that the Individual contractor requires the services of subcontractors to perform any obligations under the Contract, the Individual contractor shall obtain the prior written approval of UNDP for any such subcontractors. UNDP may, in its sole discretion, reject any proposed subcontractor or require such subcontractor’s removal without having to give any justification therefore, and such rejection shall not entitle the Individual contractor to claim any delays in the performance, or to assert any excuses for the non-performance, of any of his or her obligations under the Contract. The Individual contractor shall be solely responsible for all services and obligations performed by his or her subcontractors. The terms of any subcontract shall be subject to, and shall be construed in a manner that is fully in accordance with, all of the terms and conditions of the Contract.

8. USE OF NAME, EMBLEM OR OFFICIAL SEAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS: The Individual contractor shall not advertise or otherwise make public for purposes of commercial advantage or goodwill that it has a contractual relationship with UNDP, nor shall the Individual contractor, in any manner whatsoever, use the name, emblem or official seal of UNDP, or any abbreviation of the name of UNDP, in connection with his or her business or otherwise without the written permission of UNDP.

9. INDEMNIFICATION: The Individual contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold and save harmless UNDP, and its officials, agents and employees, from and against all suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses and liability of any kind or nature, including, but not limited to, all litigation costs and expenses, attorney’s fees, settlement payments and damages, based on, arising from, or relating to: (a) allegations or claims that the use by UNDP of any patented device, any copyrighted material or any other goods or services provided to UNDP for its use under the terms of the Contract, in whole or in part, separately or in combination, constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right of any third party; or (b) any acts or omissions of the Individual contractor, or of any subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them in the performance of the Contract, which give rise to legal liability to anyone not a party to the Contract, including, without limitation, claims and liability in the nature of a claim for workers’ compensation.

10. INSURANCE: The Individual contractor shall pay UNDP promptly for all loss, destruction or damage to the property of UNDP caused by the Individual contractor, or of any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them in the performance of the Contract. The Individual contractor shall be solely responsible for taking out and for maintaining adequate insurance required to meet any of his or her obligations under the Contract, as well as for arranging, at the Individual contractor’s sole expense, such life, health and other forms of insurance as the Individual contractor may consider to be appropriate to cover the period during which the Individual contractor provides services under the Contract. The Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that none of the insurance arrangements the Individual contractor shall, in any way, be construed to limit the Individual contractor’s liability arising under or relating to the Contract.

11. ENCUMBRANCES AND LIENS: The Individual contractor shall not cause or permit any lien, attachment or other encumbrance by any person to be placed on file or to remain on file in any public office or on file with UNDP against any monies due to the Individual contractor or to become due for any work donor or against any goods supplied or materials furnished under the Contract, or by reason of any other claim or demand against the Individual contractor.

12. FORCE MAJEURE; OTHER CHANGES IN CONDITIONS: In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting force majeure, the Individual contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to UNDP of such occurrence or cause if the Individual contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in part, to perform his or her obligations and meet his or her responsibilities under the Contract. The Individual contractor shall also notify UNDP of any other changes in conditions or the occurrence of any event, which interferes or threatens to interfere with the performance of the Contract. Not more than fifteen (15) days following the provision of such notice of force majeure or other changes in conditions or occurrence, the Individual contractor shall also submit a statement to UNDP of estimated expenditures that will likely be incurred for the duration of the change in conditions or the event. On receipt of the notice or notices required hereunder, UNDP shall take such action as it considers, in its sole discretion, to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances, including the granting to the Individual contractor of a reasonable extension of time in which to perform any obligations under the Contract or suspension thereof.
Force majeure as used herein means any unforeseeable and irresistible act of nature, any act of war (whether declared or not), invasion, revolution, insurrection, or any other acts of a similar nature or force, provided that such acts arise from causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Individual contractor. The Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to any obligations under the Contract that the Individual contractor must perform in or for any areas in which UNDP is engaged in, preparing to engage in, or disengaging from any peacekeeping, humanitarian or similar operations, any delay or failure to perform such obligations arising from or relating to harsh conditions within such areas or to any incidents of civil unrest occurring in such areas shall not, in and of itself, constitute force majeure under the Contract

13. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, upon giving written notice to the other party. The period of notice shall be five (5) days in the case of contracts for a total period of less than two (2) months and fourteen (14) days in the case of contracts for a longer period. The initiation of conciliation or arbitral proceedings, as provided below, shall not be deemed to be a “cause” for or otherwise to be in itself a termination of the Contract. UNDP may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to it, terminate the Contract forthwith in the event that: (a) the Individual contractor is adjudged bankrupt, or is liquidated, or becomes insolvent, applies for moratorium or stay on any payment or repayment obligations, or applies to be declared insolvent; (b) the Individual contractor is granted a moratorium or a stay or is declared insolvent; (c) the Individual contractor makes an assignment for the benefit of one or more of his or her creditors; (d) a Receiver is appointed on account of the insolvency of the Individual contractor; (e) the Individual contractor offers a settlement in lieu of bankruptcy or receivership; or (f) UNDP reasonably determines that the Individual contractor has become subject to a materially adverse change in financial condition that threatens to endanger or otherwise substantially affect the ability of the Individual contractor to perform any of the obligations under the Contract.
In the event of any termination of the Contract, upon receipt of notice of termination by UNDP, the Individual contractor shall, except as may be directed by UNDP in the notice of termination or otherwise in writing: (a) take immediate steps to bring the performance of any obligations under the Contract to a close in a prompt and orderly manner, and in doing so, reduce expenses to a minimum; (b) refrain from undertaking any further or additional commitments under the Contract as of and following the date of receipt of such notice; (c) deliver all completed or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property that, if the Contract had been completed, would be required to be furnished to UNDP thereunder; (d) complete performance of the services not terminated; and (e) take any other action that may be necessary, or that UNDP may direct in writing, for the protection and preservation of any property, whether tangible or intangible, related to the Contract that is in the possession of the Individual contractor and in which UNDP has or may be reasonably expected to acquire an interest.
In the event of any termination of the Contract, UNDP shall only be liable to pay the Individual contractor compensation on a pro rata basis for no more than the actual amount of work performed to the satisfaction of UNDP in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. Additional costs incurred by UNDP as a result of termination of the Contract by the Individual contractor may be withheld from any amount otherwise due to the Individual contractor by UNDP.

14. NON-EXCLUSIVITY: UNDP shall have no obligation respecting, and no limitations on, its right to obtain goods of the same kind, quality and quantity, or to obtain any services of the kind described in the Contract, from any other source at any time.

15. TAXATION: Article II, section 7, of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations provides, inter alia, that the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs restrictions, duties and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its official use. In the event any governmental authority refuses to recognize the exemptions of the United Nations from such taxes, restrictions, duties or charges, the Individual contractor shall immediately consult with UNDP to determine a mutually acceptable procedure. UNDP shall have no liability for taxes, duties or other similar charges payable by the Individual contractor in respect of any amounts paid to the Individual contractor under this Contract, and the Individual contractor acknowledges that UNDP will not issue any statements of earnings to the Individual contractor in respect of any such payments.

3February 2012
 16. AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS: Each invoice paid by UNDP shall be subject to a post-payment audit by auditors, whether internal or external, of UNDP or by other authorized and qualified agents of UNDP. The Individual contractor acknowledges and agrees that UNDP may conduct investigations relating to any aspect of the Contract or the award thereof, and the obligations performed thereunder.
The Individual contractor shall provide full and timely cooperation with any post-payment audits or investigations hereunder. Such cooperation shall include, but shall not be limited to, the Individual contractor’s obligation to make available any relevant documentation and information for the purposes of a post-payment audit or an investigation at reasonable times and on reasonable conditions. The Individual contractor shall require his or her employees, subcontractors and agents, if any, including, but not limited to, the Individual contractor’s attorneys, accountants or other advisers, to reasonably cooperate with any post-payment audits or investigations carried out by UNDP hereunder.
If the findings or circumstances of a post-payment audit or investigation so warrant, UNDP may, in its sole discretion, take any measures that may be appropriate or necessary, including, but not limited to, suspension of the Contract, with no liability whatsoever to UNDP.
The Individual contractor shall refund to UNDP any amounts shown by a post-payment audit or investigation to have been paid by UNDP other than in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. Such amount may be deducted by UNDP from any payment due to the Individual contractor under the Contract.
The right of UNDP to conduct a post-payment audit or an investigation and the Individual contractor’s obligation to comply with such shall not lapse upon expiration or prior termination of the Contract.

17. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES:AMICABLE SETTLEMENT: UNDP and the Individual contractor shall use their best efforts to amicably settle any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of the Contract or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof. Where the parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the Conciliation Rules then obtaining of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”), or according to such other procedure as may be agreed between the parties in writing.
ARBITRATION: Any dispute, controversy or claim between the parties arising out of the Contract, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably, as provided above, shall be referred by either of the parties to arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be based on general principles of international commercial law. For all evidentiary questions, the arbitral tribunal shall be guided by the Supplementary Rules Governing the Presentation and Reception of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration of the International Bar Association, 28 May 1983 edition. The arbitral tribunal shall be empowered to order the return or destruction of goods or any property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, order the termination of the Contract, or order that any other protective measures be taken with respect to the goods, services or any other property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided under the Contract, as appropriate, all in accordance with the authority of the arbitral tribunal pursuant to Article 26 (“Interim Measures of Protection”) and Article 32 (“Form and Effect of the Award”) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award punitive damages. In addition, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Contract, the arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award interest in excess of the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) then prevailing, and any such interest shall be simple interest only. The parties shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such dispute, controversy or claim.

18. LIMITATION ON ACTIONS: Except with respect to any indemnification obligations in Article 9, above, or as are otherwise set forth in the Contract, any arbitral proceedings in accordance with Article 17, above, arising out of the Contract must be commenced within three (3) years after the cause of action has accrued.
The Parties further acknowledge and agree that, for these purposes, a cause of action shall accrue when the breach actually occurs, or, in the case of latent defects, when the injured Party knew or should have known all of the essential elements of the cause of action, or in the case of a breach of warranty, when tender of delivery is made, except that, if a warranty extends to future performance of the goods or any process or system and the discovery of the breach consequently must await the time when such goods or other process or system is ready to perform in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, the cause of action accrues when such time of future performance actually begins,

19. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES: Nothing in or relating to the Contract shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Etre titulaire d’un diplôme de licence en sciences de gestion, finances, économie ou tout autre domaine pertinent
  • Avoir au minimum 2 ans d’expérience d’expériences professionnelles pertinentes dans la gestion administrative et financière et/ou appui logistique
  • Au moins une expérience dans le suivi et l’analyse financière
  • Une expérience de collaboration avec des organisations internationales serait un atout
  • La maitrise de l’arabe et du français
  • La connaissance de l’anglais serait un atout.
  • Connaissance de base des outils informatiques pour la gestion de projets
  • La connaissance du système Atlas est un atout

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