21 Octobre 2016 Il y a 8 ans
Med Culture, an EU-funded Regional Programme, is launching another call for participation in two Peer to Peer (P2P) workshops, this time addressing the theme “Cultural Entrepreneurship: Create your own business model!” .
Capacity development is a Med Culture core activity that provides cultural practitioners working in different cultural fields, both from the civil society and public sectors, with the opportunity to discuss common challenges and share experiences with their peers in the involved South Mediterranean countries.
The current P2P format is based on selecting candidates through an open call, which allows broader segments of cultural practitioners to participate. The workshops provide participants with the possibility to get input from the facilitating experts and have fruitful exchanges with their peers.
“Entrepreneurship in arts and culture is an economic as well as sociocultural activity, based on innovation, exploitation of opportunities and risk-taking behaviour. It is a visionary, strategic, innovative and social activity. (…)The beauty and the challenge in this sector is the creative part of the process and the artists-creators who are the core. Dr Lidia Varbanova[1].
Cultural entrepreneurship comprises many approaches and activities, marked by a key feature: uncertainty. To navigate in these turbulent waters, it is essential for entrepreneurs to acquire the capacities that will allow them to face potential obstacles, and seize opportunities that arise during the development of their work.
The two workshops dealing with this theme will explore the specific features of entrepreneurship in the cultural field, and provide participants with resources to rethink or enhance their work methodologies. The workshops will tackle a number of subjects such as designing entrepreneurship models, mobility of entrepreneurs, financial viability, sustainability, and marketing techniques, etc.
The two workshops should also enable the participants to become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses in terms of entrepreneurial dynamics, and encourage them to create their tailor-made business models.
The call is targeting 20 cultural practitioners from South Mediterranean countries, aged between 25 and 45 years at the time of application.
Selected candidates will participate in two capacity development workshops:
The present call is an open invitation to cultural practitioners to share their experiences, enrich their capacities while exchanging and reflecting on the theme of cultural entrepreneurship.
Candidates are selected based on their CV and a motivation letter explaining their interest in joining these workshops. The selection jury is composed of experts including one member of Med Culture team.
Candidates should have some experience in the following:
Travel and accommodation expenses are taken in charge by Med Culture.
Med Culture is a 4-year (2014-2018) regional programme funded by the European Union to accompany partner countries in south of the Mediterranean in the development and improvement of cultural policies and practices related to the culture sector. The approach is consultative/participative and takes place in partnership with civil society actors, ministries, private and public institutions involved in culture as well as other related sectors.
For more information about Med Culture’s Thematic Workshops click here
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 17 octobre 2016
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