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Programme Manager -UN-HABITAT Retour vers les opportunités


17 Octobre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité


The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for  human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and  environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. UN HABITAT helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better  opportunities where everyone can live with dignity.  

The Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS) was established in 2010; the work in the Maghreb sub regional office was activated in January 2019 although it was operating in Libya for more than 18 years,  in Morocco since 2007 and in Tunisia since 2017. UN-Habitat’s presence in Tunisia operates under a  Host Country Agreement. 

In Tunisia, the office is implementing several operational projects focussing on the National Urban  Policy, the response to the Covid-9 crisis, in particular with regards to homelessness, housing and evictions, the integration of migration in local governance, as well as support to measuring and  monitoring the SDGs related to the urban agenda.  

The post is located in Tunis, Tunisia, under the direct responsibility of UN-HABITAT’ Representative for  the Arab States Region (Director of ROAS).  

Duties and Responsibilities 

The Habitat Programme Manager works under the supervision of UN-Habitat’s Representative for the  Arab States and Director of the Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS). In exercising his/her  functions s/he will be assisted by two Project Managers and a Finance Associate, as well as several  consultants based in Tunis, and supported by the ROAS technical, financial and administrative team, and  by technical staff across the Arab States Country Offices. 

S/he coordinates with the UN Resident Coordinator in Tunisia, relevant UN-Habitat’s headquarters’ substantive branches, governmental institutions in addition to non-governmental entities including civil  society and private sector, to ensure alignment of the work programme with UN-Habitat’s Strategic Plan for 2020-2023. 

S/he will be responsible for managing the Tunis Office staff, and the substantive delivery of UN-HABITAT’s mandate, objectives, focus areas and expected results at country level, working closely with a  wide variety of local, national and international partners to implement the New Urban Agenda by: 

UN-HABITAT Representation: 

  • S/he will be a member of the UN Country Team (UNCT) and Security Management Team (SMT) in Tunisia. 
  • S/he will participate actively in UN system activities and other coordinated initiatives and in UN  common strategic planning through his/her active involvement in the common strategic  planning processes. 
  • S/he will contribute to cultivating good relations and cooperation with governmental  institutions, non-governmental entities including civil society and private sector entities, s well  as relevant stakeholders, and supporting them in implementing the 2030 Sustainable  Development Agenda.

Activities will include inter alia: 

  • Formulation and updating of the Habitat Country Programme Document (HCPD)
  •  Support the formulation, updating of UN Assistance Framework documents by  provision of inputs to the Common Country Assessment (CCA), Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), Humanitarian Needs Overview and Humanitarian Action  Plans, UN Development Assistance Framework and related documents to  ensure Habitat Agenda issues and the achievement of Sustainable Development  Goal 11 are adequately reflected; 
  • Support the monitoring of the Agenda 2030 SDG indicators; 
  • Negotiate with focal Ministries to get the Habitat Agenda issues prominently in  their governments’ national development plan. 

Project and Programme Management: 

  • Identify Programmes or Projects related to the urban sector, good urban governance and urban  management, urban recovery in conflict affected areas, shelter, slum upgrading, rural-urban  linkages, local economic development, social inclusion, safety, transportation, wastes  management and any other related fields. Prepare briefing notes, concept notes, full-fledged  project and programme documents. 
  • Liaise with donors to generate project resources with the support of UN-HABITAT ROAS
  • .Identify specific requests (policy, technical and information assistance) from key governments  and Habitat partners and coordinate responding to it with UN-HABITAT ROAS. 
  • Manage new and ongoing UN-HABITAT supported Programmes/Projects and substantive  operational projects including overall management, coordination, reporting, monitoring and  evaluation. 
  • Strengthen liaison and communication with the UN System and in particular with UNDP,  government and other national partners, and the UN-HABITAT ROAS to ensure partnership for  effective delivery. 
  • Coordinate the agenda and support all visiting UN-HABITAT experts and associated missions.  Follow up on actions recommended or agreed during visiting missions and ensure  documentation of missions’ activities in timely reports. 
  • Supervise and coordinate experts’ and staff involvement in Programmes and Projects  implementation and ensure that reports and deliverables are of the required standard and are prepared and submitted in time.
  • Advise ROAS on recruitment and procurement of consultants, experts and services necessary to  ensure effective country projects and programmes delivery. 

Liaison with UN-HABITAT partners: 

  • Strengthen linkages and information flow between UN-HABITAT and local partners and  correspondents through representation, liaison, networking, and attendance at meetings.  Provide adequate and informed feedback to UN-HABITAT Regional Office; 
  • Represent Habitat in international, regional, and national workshops and conferences hosted in  by the country and overseas when delegated by the Director of ROAS. 
  • Provide adequate and relevant information feedback to UN-HABITAT Regional Office and  Headquarters. 
  • Contribute to backstopping the Morocco, Libya and Algeria Country Offices.

Knowledge management and information dissemination: 

  • Disseminate information including Campaign materials, Habitat publications and global  commitments and decisions on human settlements issues conjunction with the Information  Office; 
  • Coordinate and provide information and materials for partners to organize the World Habitat  Day and Urban October events and participate in World Urban Forums. 

Work implies frequent interaction with the following: national counterparts, UNDP country offices and  other UN agencies, Human Settlement Officers, Programme Management Officers, Branch/ Regional  Managers, Programme Support Division and other units at UN-Habitat’s headquarters. 



  • Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to a particular  sector, functional area or specialized field; 
  • Ability to identify issues, analyse and participate in the resolution of issues/problems; Ability to assist with data collection using various methods; 
  • Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given; 
  • Plan own work and manage conflicting priorities; 
  • Shows pride in work and in achievements; 
  • Demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; 
  • Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving  results; 
  • Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; 
  • Shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; 
  • Remains calm in stressful situations; 
  • Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.


  • Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; 
  • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; 
  • Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.


  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; 
  • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; 
  • Is willing to learn from others; 
  • Places team agenda before personal agenda; 
  • Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not  entirely reflect own position; 
  • Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

Client Orientation: 

  • Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from  clients’ point of view; 
  • Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and  respect; identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions; 
  • Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed  and anticipate problems; 
  • Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects; 
  • Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client. 

Required Skills and Experience 


  • Advanced university degree in urban planning, architecture, environmental engineering/studies,  sustainable development, and in other social sciences fields including, but not restricted to,  geography, economics, public or business administration, or any other relevant fields to the  Vacancy Announcement. 
  • Possession of a relevant post graduate qualification or equivalent professional experience; A  first-level university degree in combination with relevant qualifying experience may be  accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.



  • If with a Masters’ degree or above: 10 years of relevant experience in formulation and  implementation of sustainable development policies, programmes and projects, preferably with  the United Nations. 
  • If with a Bachelor’s degree: 12 years of relevant experience in formulation and implementation  of sustainable development policies, programmes and projects, preferably with the United  Nations. 
  • Conceptual analytical and evaluative skills; 
  • Ability to conduct independent research and analysis, including familiarity with and experience  in the use of various research sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and  other databases; 
  • Ability to manage a team; 
  • Ability to deal with high-rank government officials, donors and UN representatives; Substantial experience in fundraising for sustainable development projects and programmes. In-depth knowledge of, and relevant experience in, sustainable development in Tunisia. 


  • Fluency in English and French (both oral and written) and knowledge of Arabic.

Other skills: 

  • Proficiency in Database Management, Word, Excel, Email (Lotus Notes), Internet and preferably  programme management applications. Knowledge of GIS is an advantage. 

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