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Preferred Supplier, Two Freelance Graphic Designers – BBC Media Action Retour vers les opportunités

BBC Media Action

Lance   Offre d'emploi


30 Octobre 2020 Il y a 4 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Arts/Culture


BBC Media Action, the BBC’s international development organisation, uses the power of media and  communication to inform, connect and empower people around the world, helping them to shape  their own lives. Workingwith broadcasters, governments, other organisations and donors, BBC Media  Action provides information and stimulates positive change in the areas of governance, health, and  resilience and humanitarian response. 

Our work in North Africa covers Algeria and Libya, with our office based in Tunisia. Current projects  include capacity building of the Algerian media to create youth sensitive content and provision of  content that improves Libyans’ access to information and encourage debate and participation in  Libya’s transition through the El Kul Facebook page. 

Preferred Supplier Purpose: 

BBC Media Action wishes to commission two talented self-driven Freelance Graphic Designer to  deliver different graphic format, illustration and photoshop support to El Kul’s editorial team to  support the project’s messages and objectives and to attend editorial meeting (when needed) to help  6 producers translate their ideas and stories into attractive high quality visuals. We are looking for a  preferred supplier, who would be on our approved vendor list for the following tasks. 

Social media GFX posts 


Adaptation of graphic items for Facebook & Instagram post and stories 

Daily and hourly rate for research, selection of visual material for El Kul’sstories, other graphic  design support, as needed. 

The contract does not guarantee a particular amount of work per month. The preferred supplier is  entitled to rejectwork on a case by case basis. Timelinesfor deliverables will be determined on a case  by case basis. All work issubject to review and sign off by the El Kul editor and must hit our standards

of quality in order for payment to be released. If successful, the preferred supplier will remain on the  approved vendor list for 12-months. The freelance graphic designer is expected to use their own  equipment. 

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Understanding of BBC editorial values
  • Knowledge and understanding of El Kul visual identity
  • Excellent digital illustrations and photo editing skills, using photo-editing software. ∙ Ability to creatively transform editorial values into attractive illustration/designs. ∙ Experience in remote teamwork
  • Proven training and capacity building experience.
  • Creative visual storytelling skills.
  • Fluency in Arabic.
  • Strong understanding of the Libyan context and a young Libyan audience.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 23 October 2020

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