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20 Juillet 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie et 1 autre(s) régions


Assignment:  “The Divide” Photo Essay.  TBC 

Closing date:  July/ August 2023 

Duration:  6 days per country including edit.  

Location:  Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon



Oxfam MENA plans to launch a briefing paper in the lead up to the IMF Annual meetings in Marrakesh  in October 2023. The paper will highlight the severity of the inequality crisis in the MENA region,  exposing the massive gains of the wealthiest in the region since the pandemic and throughout the  historic cost of living crisis. The briefing paper is part of Oxfam in MENA’s advocacy and influencing to  fight inequality and austerity in the region. 

MENA is the only region where extreme poverty has increased in the past decade, and the region with  the highest level of income inequality in the world. It is also the region where women continue to face  an attack on their rights and economic empowerment. 

In 2020 in the report For a decade of hope not austerity, Oxfam warned that the pandemic could push  an additional 45 million people into poverty across the MENA region, unless governments take  immediate measures to address the economic fallout of the pandemic and the rich pay their fair share. 

This new briefing paper will further investigate how in a region suffering from decades of austerity  and structural inequalities, the cost-of- living crisis comes on top of pre-existing inflation and  macroeconomic imbalances the most vulnerable always end up paying the price of unfair economic  recovery measures.  

It will look at worsening inequality in the MENA Region (with a focus on specific countries) particularly  after the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. It will examine the  lack of adequate and just taxation systems in the region, particularly wealth taxes, which is limiting  the governments’ fiscal space and their spending on public services and resulting in additional  inequalities and gender discrimination.  

The briefing paper/report will include policy recommendations formulated around the importance of  taxing the rich to expand government resources and revenues, increase spending on universal social protection and public services and reduce all types of inequalities. It aims to expose the massive  gains of the wealthy in the region since the pandemic and throughout the historic cost of living crisis and ultimately shows that austerity in the region is not inevitable through exposing the inadequate  tax systems, and especially the lack of different forms of wealth taxation.

The objective of the assignment: 

Collaborating with photographers based in Morocco, Tunisia and Lebanon to capture the faces and  diverse ways of what inequality means in their countries for the photo essay ‘The Divide’.  

Each contributor will be asked to capture the stark contrasts in living conditions, opportunities, and  rights between rich and poor, the privileged and the marginalized, or the included and excluded in  each of their home countries. A selection of images will be edited together to create a coherent  photostory that captures the ways in which inequality manifests across the region.  

The final photo essay will be pitched to international media as part of a suite of media and  communication products to launch the inequality report.  

Each photographers individual photo essay will also be used as part of an online “scrollytelling” online  exhibition product using Oxfam MENA’s Shorthand platform. This visual product will include a final  edit of each country photostory and short narrative from each photographer, plus strong captions,  and data visualisations.  

Scope of the Assignment:  

  • A complete, edited photo essay, of up to ten images, that tell a visual story of what inequality  looks like in their home country, ensuring coherence of overall style. Oxfam will provide a  comprehensive shot list to ensure consistency.  
  • A short, no more than two paragraph, first person narrative of the photo essay. Duration of Assignment:  
  • The assignment should be completed within 6 days including location and character  selection, shooting days and editing days.  
  • The final photo essay must be provided by August 18.  


Interested applicants are requested to submit the following documentsto the following email address:  mshaban2@oxfam.org.uk 

Required documents: 

– CV 

– Portfolio 

– Samples of similar work 

– A short no more than one page pitch outlining the proposed locations, themes, and characters  for the photo essay matching the theme.  

– Photographer based in Tunisia  

Award Criteria 

Applicants will be considered after review of submitted applications as specified above. The contract  will be awarded to the strongest application. Other areas to be considered include: Years of  experience, quality of portfolio, examples of similar work, previous experience working with an  International Non-government organisation. 

Financial Offer  

A detailed financial offer indicating daily rate, all equipment and daily expenses required to create the  entire product. The amount includes any taxes, which may apply. 


A payment plan will be developed upon consultation and agreement with the selected individual prior  to signing the service contract. Payment instalments will be issued upon receipt of deliverables as  agreed between Oxfam and the selected candidate and after submitting an official invoice (VAT or  zero VAT invoice)

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 4 juillet 2023

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