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Photographer/videographer Consultant-Hivos Retour vers les opportunités


20 Août 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Photographer/videographer Consultant,  Tunisia 

Deadline: August 22th, 2023 

Dura5on: 6 months 

Loca5on: Tunisia 

Start date: September 1st, 2023 



Hivos is an interna9onal organiza9on guided by humanist values, that works for a world where people  can realize their full poten9al, unleashing their ingenuity and crea9vity to build fair, just and life sustaining socie9es for themselves and genera9ons to come. We work in partnership with others in the  Middle East, Africa, Asia and La9n America in three impact areas: 1) civic rights in a digital age, 2)  climate jus9ce, and 3) gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Our approach is solu9on driven, and we  build wider movements for change by amplifying and connec9ng voices. To ensure con9nuity and  expansion of our work, we aim to diversify our sources of funding and increase our funding base.  

Green Works and CFJT programmes: 

Green Works aims to empower young men and women to find a decent job in the Green Economy  which Hivos defines as future proof. Such economies are an9cipated to con9nue growing and will  require young people to have a new skill set that is not tackled within the tradi9onal educa9on systems.  In order to ensure that these economies are expanding in North Africa and that there is an adequate  value chain suppor9ng their growth, Hivos also aims to s9mulate the forma9on of innova9on clusters  that are feeding these economies with viable business solu9ons. 

The Challenge Fund for a Just Transi9on programme aims to contribute to climate change mi9ga9on  by suppor9ng green Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in North Africa and providing sustainable  decent jobs for more than 10.000 people in the region’s green transi9on process. 

Purpose and Scope 

Hivos is seeking a consultant (individual or agency) photographer/videographer to support the Green  Works and CFJT Programmes in capturing visual content. The consultant will be responsible for crea9ng  compelling photography materials aligned with Hivos’ branding guidelines. The content will be used for  communica9on materials, social media, reports, and promo9onal purposes. Specifically, the consultant  will support the programmes’ Communica9on Officer and the Programme Manager in:

Capturing high-quality photography/videographer content that effec9vely represents the  programmes’ ac9vi9es and impact. 

Collabora9ng with programme teams to understand their communica9on objec9ves and transla9ng  them into compelling visual concepts. 

Ensuring all visual content aligns with Hivos’ branding guidelines and maintains consistency across  different pla_orms and materials. 

Incorpora9ng feedback and making necessary revisions to content based on input from  stakeholders and team members. 

Staying up-to-date with photography and videography trends, tools, and techniques to improve the  quality and impact of visual communica9on. 

Managing and organizing photography and videographer assets, including raw footage, images,  templates, and project files. 

Implemen9ng other visual content-related requests as needed. 


The assignment will be located in Tunisia. The dura9on of the assignment is 6 months, star9ng on 1st  September 2023 (final details on total working days, exact deliverables and budget to be confirmed  with the consultant during contrac9ng). It is important to note that consultant will have to be available  during the work week during partner working hours for some of the deliverables such as photo and  video sessions. 


The ideal candidate/agency for the videographer/photographer consultancy should possess the  following qualifica9ons: 

A strong por_olio showcasing a range of crea9ve and professional videography and  photography work. 

Proficiency in videography and photography equipment and so`ware. 

Solid understanding of visual storytelling, composi9on, ligh9ng, and edi9ng techniques. Excellent aaen9on to detail, crea9vity, and an ability to deliver high-quality content within 9ght  deadlines. 

Good communica9on skills and the ability to collaborate effec9vely with programmes’ team  and stakeholders. 

Fluency in wriaen and oral English and Arabic is is a must; French is an asset; Experience working with interna9onal agencies/NGOs is an asset. 


  • Well-organized
  • Flexible
  • Strong integrity. reliable and sense of accountability
  • Posi9ve, team player ajtude, and able to work with a diverse team.
  • Great with 9me management and workload management.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 9 août 2023

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