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P/CVE National Expert/consultant – FHI 360 Retour vers les opportunités

FHI 360

Lance   Appel à consultants


27 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

Consultancy: P/CVE National Expert/consultant

Location: Tunis, Tunisia

Application Deadline: July 18th, 2021

Level of Effort: 6 Months / Total of 60 Working Days

Region: Tunis

Ma3an is a five-year (2018-2023) USAID-funded project with the goal to increase youth participation in civic and political life, address youth grievances, and prevent radicalization in Tunisian communities vulnerable to violent extremism.  Ma3an’s objectives include: Youth are equipped with skills and engaged in civic actions with local actors to address their communities’ needs and grievances (Positive Youth Development – PYD), and Tunisian capabilities to prevent and counter violent extremism are enhanced (Preventing Violent Extremism- PCVE). At the community level, Ma3an uses a community-driven PYD/PVE model to inform and support sustainable interventions through ongoing collaboration between community actors that are inclusive, participatory, and solutions-focused. These include working with and through local CSO partners to understand local dynamics in each community; and implement community-driven PYD/PVE programming involving youth, local NGOs, local government, and other community leaders through community-specific grants.


Ma3an aims at supporting the CNLCT (la Commission Nationale de Lutte Contre le Terrorisme) efforts in finalizing the development of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy. Capitalizing on the existing work that has been done on the National Counter Terrorism Strategy, Ma3an will carry on the work and support the CNLCT in the development, improvement and implementation of its strategy throughout consultations with the different stakeholders and providing the technical needed expertise. For that matter, Ma3an is recruiting a National expert to provide the needed technical support, assist and support the CNLCT in facilitating the different workshops and working groups aiming at developing and finalizing the strategy through a participatory inclusive approach.


The mission defined by these terms of reference aims to support the CNLCT in developing its National Counter Terrorism strategy. Specifically, the expert’s missions are divided into two parts:

  1. Work closely with the CNLCT to support the consultations efforts and to guarantee the inclusion of different stakeholders in the drafting phase of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  2. Support the finalization of the Final National Counter Terrorism Strategy

Main tasks and responsibilities:

Under the direct supervision of the presidency of the CNLCT and in close collaboration with the different CNLCT Components, The National P/CVE Expert will:

  • Support, supervise and ensure the transfer of knowledge for the benefit of the CNLCT in all matters relating to the development and finalization of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Work Closely with the CNLCT and carry on the consultations with the different stakeholders for the revision and drafting of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Engage different stakeholders in the consultations and ensure the inclusion of different perspectives in the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Work closely with the CNLCT to adjust the National Counter Terrorism Strategy draft based on feedback captured during the consultations.
  • Support the CNLCT working teams in the finalization of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Develop an operational Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy along with the required timeline
  • Responsible on the development of reports related to the Workshops, Consultations, National Counter Terrorism Strategy, etc.


Regarding the 2 objectives of the recruitment, the Expert will be responsible for producing the following deliverables:

  • The Development and the validation of the methodology to be used in the conduction of the consultation
  • The Conduction of discussion sessions and coordination meeting with the CNLCT and the development of the necessary relative reports
  • The development of a diagnosis document/synthesis of the requirements for the development of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • The Conduction of 3 retreat Workshops with different Stakeholders and the development of the necessary relative reports on the retreats’ outputs and the best ways to integrate them in the national Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • The Conduction of 3 synthesis retreats with different CNLCT Working Groups and the development of the necessary relative reports on the retreats’ outputs and the best ways to integrate them in the national Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Drafting of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy under the supervision of the CNLCT
  • The Conduction of 2 sharing workshops for the sharing and discussion of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy
  • Finalization of the National Counter Terrorism Strategy under the supervision of the CNLCT
  • The Conduction of 2 synthesis workshops for the explanation and dissemination of the final National Counter Terrorism Strategy

The documents will be written in French and Arabic submitted by e-mail in Word format to the presidency of the CNLCT.

Summary table of expected products:

Working methods

The National P/CVE Expert will be working a total of 60 days during 6 months in the CNLCT premises in close collaboration with the CNLCT permanent Secretariat and other units and the Ma3an P/CVE team.

The products of this recruitment will be the exclusive property of the CNLCT. The National P/CVE Expert will not publish or cause to be published, in any form whatsoever, the products of this mission.

The National P/CVE Expert will be solely responsible for the technical quality of his / her work and for the timely completion of the assigned tasks.

Period of Performance

The assignment is to be undertaken within the estimated contract period of 6 months of the contract (total of 60 working days), from July 2021 until January 2022 under the supervision and support of the CNLCT.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Master’s degree or its International Equivalent in Economics, Education, Environment, Health, Human Development, Information Science, International Development, Social Sciences or Related Field.
  • 8 years of professional experience to include one or more of the following areas: conflict prevention, promotion of peace and dialogue, social cohesion, good governance, public policy development, human rights, security issues.
  • Strong knowledge of concepts, practices and procedures with providing technical support for research studies.
  • Provide technical expertise in P/CVE adapted to the specificities of the Tunisian context throughout the implementation and monitoring of project activities.
  • Provide operational advice to the various project partners (CNLCT, local authorities, civil society, private sector) on implementation strategies to achieve the expected effects in terms of P/CVE.
  • Relevant experience in the execution of development projects and the facilitation of strategic partnerships with institutional and non-governmental actors at local and national level.
  • Proven experience, in a national or international development structure, in the prevention of violent extremism is an asset.
  • Experience in establishing and managing multi-stakeholder collaborations and consultations with civil society, citizens, public authorities, security forces and private sector desired.
  • Must be able to read, write, and speak fluent French and Arabic
  • Excellent organizational and analytical skills.
  • Excellent and demonstrated program/project management skills.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and practical experience: 30%
  • 3 professional references: 20%
  • Academic background: 20%
  • Languages (French & Arabic): 10%
  • Financial offer/proposed rate: 20%

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Appel à consultants Publié sur Jamaity le 15 juillet 2021

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