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Outreach Officer – The Maghreb Economic Forum Retour vers les opportunités

Maghreb Economic Forum

Lance   Offre d'emploi


11 Décembre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunis
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Développement économique et social

The Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF), is a Think-and-Do Tank, founded in 2011 on the premise of supporting Maghreb integration and unlocking the potential for economic and social growth in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia as well as nurturing and inspiring a new generation of responsible leaders across the MENA region. 

10 years after the ‘Arab spring’, our region is going through major challenges and daily life has deteriorated with increased unemployment, the ongoing conflict in Libya, and the global health crisis. The regions’ current challenge is hence to fundamentally restructure its social (including educational), economic, political, and cultural systems.  

MEF exists to help the region fulfil its potential in an era of globalization and digitization. 

The Maghreb Economic Forum is looking to expand its team by hiring an outreach officer.

We are searching for a multi-tasker ready to get involved in MEF’s projects and activities.

The Candidate should be able to handle office tasks and provide solution to the daily challenges.

Successful candidates should be professional, attentive and responsive. You have to be prepared to meet different types of challenges.

Being comfortable with computers, general office tasks is a must.

Job Description 

Online communication: 

  • Prepare weekly online posts related to MEF events, webinars, projects and findings. 
  • Prepare press releases when needed. 
  • Grow MEF’s presence online. 
  • Create specific online communication channels between MEF and its partners. 
  • Update the website in coordination with the IT company. 
  • Implement new communication methods that MEF can benefit from. 
  • Prepare periodic reports with metrics. 
  • Work with both Projects Department and Research Department. 
  • Help in the design of MEF’s newsletter. 

 Offline communication: 

  • Get involved in all the projects and suggest ideas to promote the communication part. 
  • Prepare a quarterly budget for the communication department. 
  • Prepare activity reports of the projects. 
  • Maintain and overview contact with partners. 
  • Help in the consultation of service providers and quotations collection.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Bachelor’s degree (No experience needed)
  • Basic graphic design skills.
  • Social computer Skills.
  • Solution oriented attitude .
  • Excellent English – French and Arabic.

L'opportunité a expiré

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Nabil Barkati


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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 7 décembre 2020

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