15 فيفري 2016 Il y a 9 ans
1. Context of the Study
Aware of the global environmental problems threatening the future of earth, the international community has committed itself, since 1992 (Rio Summit), to the implementation of a growing list of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) which aim to protect and restore the global environment and contribute to sustainable development. In the context of the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 three MEAs have seen the light of the day, namely: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (UNCBD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Most of the African Countries, especially those belonging to the OSS zone of action, have ratified the three Rio Conventions (CCC, CBD, and CCD).Their commitment reflects an adhesion to the universal principles of environmental management and offers opportunities for cooperation and resources mobilization.
This commitment was marked by the development of strategic documents and environmental action plans (National Action Programme to Combat Desertification In NAP / DC, National Adaptation Programme of Action-PANA UNFCCC National Plan PNA-UNFCCC adaptation, Strategy and National Action Plans for Biodiversity NBSAPs) defining approaches to the implementation of these agreements by countries. They have taken steps to translate the plans into projects and programs that address their priorities, in line with the national environmental policy and natural resource management strategies. Through adherence to the Conventions of the Parties, countries also undertake to prepare regular reports on the status of their implementation (UNFCCC National Communications System performance review and assessment of the LCD – PRAIS, etc.).
However, despite the countries’ confirmed political will and committed efforts, multiple obstacles are hindering the successful implementation of the environmental action programmes and the achievement of the objectives set by the conventions.
The institutional compartmentalization, the horizontal nature of the Ministries in charge of Environment, insufficiently adapted institutional and legal frameworks, the weak technical and financial resources and lack of monitoring and evaluation tools are, among others, the main causes justify the low level of achievement of objectives.
As a part of its mission, OSS has been striving since its creation to support its member countries in the implementation of the Rio Conventions. Its Strategy 2020 is based on the support of the implementation of the three Rio Conventions as well as the NEPAD and the sectorial integration policies of the different economic sub-regions of its zone of action (AMU, CEDEAO and IGAD) while maintaining the MDGs and the SDGs as main objectives for development.
2. Objectives
In order to better adapt its services for improved implementation of the Rio Conventions at the level of its zone of action, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) is currently assessing the status of implementation of the Rio Conventions in its member countries. For this purpose, OSS will undertake national detailed studies and thereafter develop a regional synthesis document.
The specific focus of these Terms of Reference is the realization of the implementation status report of MEAs in Kenya. Emphasis will be placed on the three Rio Conventions (UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNCBD) and if relevant to other intergovernmental environmental agreements such as CITES, CMS, Ramsar, etc.
The analysis will help to identify main achievements of the countries and to define weaknesses in order to propose adequate solutions to overcome the difficulties the countries face in implementing the Rio Conventions.
The study will take into consideration the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Rio Conventions in charge of the revision of the implementation of the Convention as well as related Intergovernmental Scientific Bodies and undertake an in-depth analysis of the drivers and obstacles for a successful implementation.
More specifically, the study aims to:
3. Duties
The consultant will work in close collaboration with the technical teams of OSS, who will validate the intermediate products and accompany him/her along all the phases of the study. For any other needs related to the study, the consultant will exchange with relevant national partners, especially with the national focal points, and political scientists regarding the three Rio Conventions.
The consultant’s mission will be structured around the following:
This synthesis should take into account the work of the Rio conventions of the subsidiary bodies that are in charge of the review of their implementation as well as those undertaken by organizations and associated scientific panels.
This prospection should be based on the reference documents at the national, level. Projections made by different groups of experts must be taken into considerations for a better contextualization of major themes and an accurate evaluation of their extent. The main objective of this prospection is to define the necessary adaptations of the strategic documents and the approaches and tools for their implementation.
This assessment will establish a consistent and unbiased conclusion on the basis of structured exchanges targeting all stakeholders. It will target the identification of acquired value, are challenges and gaps in the development of visions and recommendations to improve the implementation of MEAs.
Based on the analysis of achievements, the identification of difficulties and the analysis of gaps, the consultant will be required to identify the needs for the revitalization, operationalization, and strengthening of the MEAs in the countries concerned. The focus will be on identifying the role that OSS and its partners could play to bring substantial support in this context.
This last step will focus on the identification of means and prerequisites for the development and implementation of projects and actions in support to the countries’ efforts in the framework of the MEAs and The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
4. Scope of the Study
The study will focus on the implementation of the three Rio conventions (UNFCCC, UNCCD, and UNCBD) and if relevant to other intergovernmental environmental agreements such as CITES, CMS, Ramsar.
5. Expected Deliverables
Before the end of the contract, the consultant is expected to deliver to OSS the following:
6.Remuneration and payment modalities
The total duration of the study is 20 days across 02 months.
The fees are fixed to four thousand Euros (4.000 €).
The payment of the total amount will be ensured by OSS through transfer to the consultant’s bank account upon the validation by OSS of the required work /deliverables.
The payment of fees will be made in one installment following the final validation of deliverables.
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