30 Juin 2018 Il y a 7 ans
‘Cultural Policy and Cultural Mediation in Transforming Societies’
October 18–24, 2018 Beirut, Lebanon
Short facts
Concept and Idea
Cultural policies and cultural activism in Lebanon are often considered as an exception in the MENA region. Lebanon with its diverse society and a vibrant cultural scene is a country where arts and culture can be drivers of transformation. After the civil war, the Ministry of Culture was created in 1993 and a state cultural policy established. Nevertheless, due to financial limitations several cultural activities cannot be supported and get neglected. Faced with this situation artists create own spaces for freedom and expression, implement community outreach projects and work on strengthening the public value of the arts. On the other hand, external actors such as the Goethe-Institut develop and implement culture-specific programs aiming at encouraging and strengthening practices and actors within the cultural sector.
Against this backdrop, the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development at the University of Hildesheim (Germany) and the Lebanese University Beirut (Lebanon) organize a research atelier with participants from Lebanon, Germany and the MENA region in Beirut from October 18–24, 2018. The research atelier takes the opportunity to investigate the role of artists, cultural mediation and cultural policies in Lebanon. Furthermore, challenges and opportunities of international engagement will be analysed.
The research atelier is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Thematic focus
The thematic focus of the research atelier is structured along the following main topics:
The research atelier consists of seminars, workshops and discussions with international and local experts as well as Lebanese artists and cultural activists. Field visits to cultural institutions will complement the program.
Target group
The research atelier offers the opportunity to learn and exchange in an international academic environment with participants from different countries (Germany, Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Iraq). It is addressed to qualified young scientists and students. Candidates should be enrolled as MA or PhD students at a university in the fields of cultural studies, cultural mediation, cultural policies or social sciences.
30 students will be selected based on their qualification and motivation. Special emphasis will be placed on gender balance. A proficient knowledge of English (working language) is mandatory.
Project team
University of Hildesheim, Department of Cultural Policy, UNESCO Chair Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development Prof Wolfgang Schneider schneider@uni-hildesheim.de Meike Lettau, M.A. lettau@uni-hildesheim.de Michèle Brand, M.A. brandmi@uni-hildesheim.de Theresa Bärwolff, M.A. baerwolff@uni-hildesheim.de
Université Libanaise de Beyrouth, Faculté de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines Prof Liliane Sweydane Dr Rana Baroud Dr Samah Daakour
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 25 juin 2018
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